Era of Breakdown

Chapter 17 Suffering from being uneducated (2/3) Subscription

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"How else can I watch? Of course I sit and watch."

The greasy middle-aged man with a big belly sitting in the studio laughed and teased him.

"Professor Mishima is really humorous." The male host on the other side quickly offered flattery.

In the 'Antique' coffee shop, Dong Xiang, who was looking forward to it, looked away. In her opinion, this is another "beast" who likes to make things up, but has no ability at all.

After tidying up his mood, Dong Xiang served refreshments to the guests.

At this time, the content broadcast on TV also began to enter the topic.

"Cough cough ~ I said a joke before, please don't take it seriously. After all, the topic of ghouls is really serious and serious, and there are a lot of other factors mixed in. It's better to be funny at the beginning, so that everyone can relax properly .”

Host: "Professor Mishima has a heart."

Greasy middle-aged man: "Before talking about ghouls, let's talk about housing prices in Tokyo."

Host: "Huh? This ghoul is still making love..."

"Don't interrupt, I'll just say it myself."

The host held back abruptly, but the higher-ups demanded to take good care of the professor, with the professor at the center, and absolutely not to overstep.

Now that this guy has spoken, he doesn't have to rack his brains to think of flattering words anymore. Thinking about it, the host's previous expression as if he had eaten a fly changed again, and turned into a "good student" who listened carefully.

"Tokyo's status in Yingzhou is self-evident. As one of the most developed cities in the world, the housing prices here have always been high. But since the "Qingxiu Project" led by the United States began a few years ago, all Everything has changed."

"Obviously, in this plan to clean up the ghouls, the official agency of Yingzhou, CCG, has not delivered a satisfactory answer sheet. In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the ghouls have been cleaned up more and more. What is going on here? What? We'll talk about it later."

"Now let's continue talking about housing prices. Since there are more and more ghouls, Tokyo has changed from the most prosperous city to a den where young people have fled. The fundamental reason is because of the ghouls."

"After these years of development, it gradually got better again. But the originally bustling Tokyo metropolitan area has disappeared forever. We used to be known as the most developed city in Asia, but we also surrendered to the magic capital of the big country next door."

"Am I talking bad about ccg? A little bit, but not all. I personally appreciate ccg guarding the people of Yingzhou from ghouls, but I also hate ccg for not being part of the 'clear ghoul plan' a few years ago Do your best."

"From the current housing prices in Tokyo, we can see the distribution of ghouls at this stage. Take the district where the CCG headquarters is located as an example. The housing prices there are the highest, and it is also the safest area for human beings."

"Secondly, it began to radiate to the surrounding area. The law and order of the ghouls in the 20th district was so-so, and the housing prices have been sluggish. In recent years, due to the decrease in the incidents of ghouls attacking humans in the 20th district, the housing prices have risen higher and higher. However, because the ghouls in the 20th district Due to the 'big scorpion', it once affected the price fluctuations in the 20th district and surrounding areas."

"This is the law. If you want to buy a house in Tokyo and the budget is not so sufficient, you have to look at the next step of CCG."

"Actually, I am also a little puzzled. CCG can hit the ghouls head-on with every large-scale operation, and even completely guarantee the safety of an area. But why are there more and more ghouls, and incidents of attacking people are also increasing year by year? "

"Is CCG raising ghouls in captivity?"

After saying this, the store manager and the other two SS-level ghouls all started to turn their eyes to the TV. Even Dong Xiang, who was originally disdainful, gradually became serious on her pretty face.

"Of course not!" The professor's voice came from the TV speaker.

"This issue involves deeper political * reasons. I'm sorry I can't explain too much. If you have doubts, you may wish to think more about the United States, Huaguo, and Maoziguo."

"Why do other countries have the ability to expel ghouls, but Yingzhou can't? Why? That's the end of this topic." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I don't want to go in and drink tea."

The middle-aged man took a sip of tea, and then said: "Ghouls eat people, and their physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people... If one day human beings can study ghouls thoroughly, I believe it will be an era of universal evolution .”

Host: "Professor, what you said just now means that the major powers have been conducting research on ghouls?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "I never said that."

Host: "RC inhibitors and Quinke are all products of research over the years. Will we have a more powerful secret weapon?"

Middle-aged man: "You can ask the director of CCG about this."

Host: "Professor, I just heard you say that letting ghouls eat normal human food is actually a relatively simple matter for the current stage of biological science, so why do ghouls still hunt humans?"

Middle-aged man: "It's very simple for humans, but it's very difficult for ghouls. The tongues of ghouls are different from ours, and the taste buds are even more different. The means of deceiving taste buds are far from the current stage of biological science. It should be easy to do, but the rare thing is how to make those normal foods be absorbed by the ghouls."

Host: "Why is it easy for us humans, but difficult for ghouls?"

Middle-aged man: "Hahaha! What you said is so interesting. At this stage, we humans can be said to be the most top existence in the biological chain on the earth.

. What is this process based on? Of course it depends on the brain and intelligence! "

"Today, all kinds of geniuses and elites are still emerging in society. What about ghouls? They are just wastes abandoned by the times! How many ghouls can rely on disguise to complete human higher education ? Not to mention there are academic circles, that is a height that they cannot touch!"

"When the ghouls appeared in this world has not been concretely verified, but the human society at that time must not have been as developed as it is now. At that time, if there were really smart ghouls among the ghouls, they would have developed long ago, treating human beings as animals kept in the railings. Meat, let them enjoy."

"But what's the result? They have powerful force, but after all, they are just monsters that eat human flesh. Their desire to eat surpasses everything else. I think it's appropriate to compare them with 'pigs'."

Host: "If you say something like this today, aren't you afraid that they will pretend to be humans and enter the academic circle to make some achievements that are beneficial to ghouls?"

Middle-aged man: "How is it possible? Is the rc detection device really an ornament? The best era of ghouls has passed! Now is the era of technology, and humans are supreme! Ghouls are destined to become victims behind the times. Once our human research thoroughly , they will never recover."

Kirishima Touka stared blankly at the TV screen, feeling a chill passing from the tailbone to the skull.


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