Era of Breakdown

Chapter 27 Capture (3/3) Subscribe

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"It's a pleasure to meet you in real life. If there are no accidents, I may be the leading actor in the movie "The Egg of the Black Goat"." Shendai Lishi said with a smile.

"Believe in yourself, if your temperament can change to a cold state anytime, anywhere, I believe you can control the role of 'mother' in that black goat."

"Like this?" Shendai Lishi narrowed his eyes, exuding an extremely ominous aura.

Gao Yuquan smiled, and when she was about to withdraw her hand, she was slightly taken aback.

Because...the strength of the woman in front of her is completely unlike that of a human being!


The wristband that was originally on Shendai Lishi's wrist appeared on her wrist at some unknown time.

On the ceiling between Sakura Rin, water mist sprayed out suddenly as if a fire alarm had been triggered.


"It's really a pleasure to meet you." Shendai Lishi's smile was extremely bright, and in the blink of an eye, he swelled into the form of a three-meter-tall Bianhuahe!

Gao Yuquan's eyes tightened, and she couldn't smell the ghoul smell from Kamdai Toshi at all! Now......

Gao Yuquan's back was slightly cold, and she could feel the threat that God Dai Lishi in Hezhe form could bring to her.

"How could such a monster suddenly appear?"

Gao Yuquan thought about it, and kicked the salt around him to the outside of the floor in an instant.

This is the second floor. If you fall from here, you still have a chance to survive. If you are in the center of their battle...

"Damn it!"

Just as Gao Yuquan wanted to become Hezhe, he felt a burning pain coming from his wrist! It's like baking the whole ghoul in volcanic magma!


With a soft sound, Gao Yuquan directly pulled off his right arm, and black and red blood spattered on Shendai Lishi's Hezi.



Gao Yuquan's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle eye, and she found it difficult to control the rc cells in her body!

"What's going on?" Gao Yuquan raised his head and looked at the water mist that was still spraying, with a faint premonition in his heart.


A petal of the "Bi'an Flower" came towards her, Gao Yuquan dodged it very quickly, and that "petal" directly collapsed a floor!

Gao Yuquan, who was frantically warning, dodged one after another, and a sniper was sniping her outside! And more than one!

The figure flashed back and forth, and every time he wanted to escape, he was forced back by the "Bi An Hua", and the snipers outside were looking for opportunities all the time.

How could she stretch out Hezi without fearing the human snipers outside, but now...

Gao Yuquan's petite body shuttled back and forth between the "Bi An Hua", and with a quick blow, he broke through the floor and charged towards the third floor!


The heroic god Dai Lishi knocked down the second floor in one fell swoop, and raised himself to the third floor with his own strength, and once again entangled Gao Yuquan who could not be transformed into a hero.

The other personnel had already evacuated, and the two monsters began to fight frantically inside!

"Tell the sniper to find the right opportunity to shoot, and throw c-type smoke type xrc into it!" Ya Chongji, who is far away in the aque building in District 20, commanded remotely: "The fourth team is going to evacuate the crowd, and the fifth team is on alert for other ghouls Kindly, Team Six will stop CCG for me..."

"Helicopters can arrive at the scene at any time. After Gao Yuquan is captured, go directly to the base where the United States Army is stationed!"

"Kamiyo? Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, Master."

"Very good, the main thing is to trap Gao Yuquan, the role of the catalyst is obvious, she can no longer control her own He Bao, unable to get He Zi..."

"Master." Shendai Lishi interrupted Yazhongji's words with a very serious tone: "She has transformed!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!—"

The cameras in all directions couldn't capture the picture, but the building that Sakura Rinza just bought has been completely reduced to ruins.

Yaeji frowned, this time they used the latest type of XRC to deal with Gao Yuquan, and only a part of it was mixed into food and wine, and eating it alone would not have any effect.

Once mixed with the medicament in the spray, it will form xrc which is currently the most powerful rc killer.

After experiments, even the strongest Kagami Rishi in the hands of Yae Ji couldn't resist, this Gao Yuquan... there is something.

Looking at the video screen transmitted from the front line, Yaeji's brows became more and more wrinkled. The picture is still unclear, flames and dust are everywhere, the voice of the team commander keeps roaring, and smoke-type xrc bombs keep being thrown into it...

Continue like this......

Yaeji picked up the phone: "Hello? Bring two full-loaded XRC guidance... Wait! Come here directly."

Yaeji squinted his eyes, and the smoke in the picture gradually dissipated, leaving only the blooming "Bi An Hua" in place. In the interlayer of a certain flower core, Gao Yuquan, who was in a coma, could be vaguely seen.

"Did the No. 1 team hear that? Go forward and inject the target with XRC, put on the lock ring, and then everyone evacuates the scene immediately."

In the shaking screen, Tianming security personnel quickly injected a high concentration of XRC into the unconscious Gao Yuquan, and the black and white lock rings were firmly placed on the neck and the newly recovered limbs. Finally used

Metal coated with a special material locks hands and legs.

Afterwards, "Bi An Hua" transformed into a god on behalf of the world. She held the tattered Gao Yuquan in one hand and jumped directly from the ruins to the helicopter hovering at low altitude.

The scene shifted to the helicopter, and Jindai Lishi opened the nutrition cabin containing the inhibitor, and directly threw Gao Yuquan into it.

He skillfully took out an rc from the other side, and stabbed the needle at his own neck. As the scarlet liquid was slowly poured into it, the pretty and pale Shendai Lishi gradually came to his senses.

"Tut tsk tsk." Pressing his hands on the upturned nutrition cabin, there was a mocking smile on the corner of Shendai Lishi's mouth.

After laughing, he touched the collar on his neck again, and looked at Gao Yuquan in the suppression liquid, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "I hate that she wears the same type of things as me."


In the 20th district, Yazhongji left quickly, if he didn't leave, he might be restricted by Yingzhou officials to leave the country.

In the antique coffee shop, Isao Fangcun, who was making coffee, shook his hands and sprinkled the coffee on the counter.

"Now we're going to break in a piece of news. According to the latest news, there was a sudden explosion between Sakura and Rin in the second district. The specific reason is still under investigation. Please see the picture from the scene..."

The store manager looked at the content broadcast on the TV, feeling faintly uneasy in his heart.


The incident between Sakura in the last two districts was attributed to a gas pipeline explosion. Although this is the case on the surface, Yingzhou officials and CCG are still investigating.

As for the changes between the Qingtong tree and the world of ghouls, Yaeji doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

He will definitely not go to Yingzhou in the near future, just check, anyway, his goal has been achieved.

Just don't push him into a hurry, if he desperately unites with the old consortiums in the United States, it will be enough for Yingzhou to eat a pot.

As for how to unite? He has something in his hands that makes those old guys' hearts flutter.

Yaeji stood in the laboratory, looked at Gao Yuquan in the nutrition cabin, and thought silently.


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