Era of Breakdown

Chapter 28 The Foundation (1/3) Subscribe

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Using the blade of the blade to break, the body of Kamitai Rishi who was waiting quietly turned into an afterimage, and kicked the S-rank ghoul flying away.

"This time the wound was five centimeters below the left chest."

Yachongji breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice of Shendai Lishi.

He used the high-concentration rc produced by Yuhe of Gao Yuquan to inject himself into his body, and received a booster, his physical fitness was no longer comparable to what it used to be.

After two rounds of injections, he had an abnormal physical fitness comparable to an S-rank ghoul. Unfortunately, this body is not his original body, and he cannot take it back. He had nothing to do recently, so he had to practice the precision blade and come back.

When facing dead objects, he uses precision blade return, and the distance from the target point is generally not two centimeters away, but when facing living objects, the gap is still very large.

"That's the end of today."

After Yaeji finished speaking, he walked outside the training room. Kamitori Leeshi gave the S-level ghoul a cold look, put away Hezi's ghoul, and ran back to his "prison" immediately, extremely Skillfully lie down in the nutrition cabin containing inhibitors.


Yazhongji closed his eyes to rest his mind, and Shendai Lishi stood behind him, gently pressing Yazhongji's temple with his small hands.

Through efficient learning is the gain buff, he has extended his power-generating skills to other muscle parts, and he can perfectly transmit his own power to the weapon.

If the current him were to fight against that giant albino Honkai beast, it might only take one blade return to make the other party hate on the spot.

Facing creatures with high agility like ghouls, he still can't use precise blade return accurately, but he still has great confidence in facing relatively clumsy Honkai beasts.


Shendai Lishi glanced at the phone screen and said, "Master, the number of Milio's biological laboratory."


"Collect all kinds of ghouls, the more the better, and use them for the final genetic calculation?"

Yaeji frowned. He saw in the laboratory that after injecting a potion, Anjiu Hena transformed into a ghoul at an extremely fast speed, with a henna growing on his back, and his physical fitness jumped again, possessing extremely powerful combat power.

Then another drug was injected to bring the rc in the body back to normal, and Yasuhiro turned back into a human being, without any sequelae of ghouls wanting to eat people, but entered a very short period of weakness, as long as he ate high-energy food Food can be restored.

Isn't this what he always wanted?

If it is a 'killing agent' matched for a single person, it can be made at any time according to the individual. But what Yaeji wanted was a killing agent that anyone could inject, without any restrictions!

Only in that way can all risks be minimized.

Yaeji hadn't been this excited for a long time. If he simply wanted to complete the task, all kinds of vaccines that are beneficial to humans and harmful to ghouls would have already been distributed and injected.

Even the genetic weapon to exterminate the ghouls has already been prepared, and it can destroy the genes of Gao Yuquan's level of ghouls at the highest.

If he wanted to, he would have returned to the original world long ago, what is he waiting for here? Isn't it just waiting for unlimited ghouls and potions that can turn ghouls back into humans?

The operation of the "Evolutionary" was too complicated before, and there is no such condition for returning to the original world. Let him use Rin as an experiment? Totally impossible!

What did he come to this world for? In addition to studying how to kill ghouls, the rest of the time is thinking about Rin.

Biological limbs, mechanical prosthetics, Achilles tendon surgery, new devices, all the way to 'evolvers', culprits...

Biological limbs and mechanical prosthetics are still being upgraded and iterated. He has already learned old Achilles tendon surgery, and even new equipment is stored in a backpack.

But what if it can't be taken out?

Since it was a dungeon related to ghouls, he might as well bet on rc.

"A large number of living ghouls." Yaeji repeated.

Apart from the Yingzhou Tokyo area, where are the ghouls more dense?

But... wanting the Yingzhou government to assist a private group in arresting ghouls is simply a fantasy.

However, Yaeji still has another way.


The United States is a country controlled by consortiums. Some people may sneer at these consortia, because from the obvious data, the wealth controlled by the consortia is not even as good as that of Internet companies that have risen in recent decades.

But is this really the case?

In a sense, Internet companies without physical support are easily replaced by other companies, and the exorbitant stock price is just a castle in the air. History has confirmed this point.

Compared with the consortium giants who control finance, water, electricity, oil, arms, mining, aviation, insurance, etc., these are the unshakable chains of interests within a century.

Especially water and electricity, can ordinary people live without them? Oil is extremely important to modern times, but the top oil companies in the United States are all in the hands of large consortia.

The influence of consortiums on the people of the United States is in all aspects, and they can be seen in almost every industry. Especially in modern times, various consortiums are even more intricate, and they have faintly formed the form of interest in you and me.

Over the past century, these consortiums have cultivated countless political spokespersons. If there is something that makes them excited, it must be

To a certain extent, these consortiums can influence the direction of the United States, thereby exerting influence on the world.

Coincidentally, during the 2008 financial crisis, Yaeji became a shareholder of First Citibank.

The Citibank consortium belongs to the large eastern consortium that has emerged from the battle. Although its history is not as good as the others, it has already ranked in the forefront in terms of total assets. And this emerging giant is centered on First Citibank.

Rockefeller, Morgan, Citigroup, DuPont, Boston, Mellon, Cleveland, Chicago, California, Texas, these ten leaders of consortiums that best represent the United States were attracted by the interests displayed by Yae Ji.

When they have enough power and wealth, people will aspire to live longer.

So many emperors have been obsessed with it throughout the ages, and for those consortium leaders who are about to grow old, this thing is more attractive than Franklin.

The foundation, the name is the foundation.

After they had seen the 'Evolutionary' project and the urgent need for ghouls in the laboratory, several parties tried back and forth for several months, and finally made up their minds.

This group of crazy guys who used to rely on wars have come up with their specialties again.

To eliminate ghouls, an excuse is needed.

Most of the ghouls are in Yingzhou, and they want to give Yingzhou an excuse. So that the United States troops and even legal mercenaries can enter the territory of Yingzhou.

For example, because the country ghouls were dissatisfied with the soldiers of the United States, they joined forces with other ghouls to attack the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier stationed in a certain port of the Seventh Fleet.


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