Era of Breakdown

Chapter 15: The Lightless Tide

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Before activating the Sixth Night Symphony template, Yaeji could be said to have mastered nine of the ten orifices of Taishu, but he couldn't understand any of them!

His so-called "boxing" is actually a fusion of extreme speed and explosiveness, specifically looking for weak points to attack.

Confront someone? Don't be kidding, Yaeji doesn't want the enemy to hit him.

The "gun fighting technique" of Sixth Night Symphony, as long as the weapon is put down, it can be improved into a body technique at any time.

Last night, the thick-skinned Pavanti almost made him feel despair. The pain caused by bombarding the white carapace of the Honkai Beast with a fist cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

In contrast, when dealing with the "enemy" who is also a human being, Yae Ji's muscles and bones after being tortured overnight will not feel the slightest at all.


After Shunpo erupted, Yae Ji's eyes seemed to be a different person, with the momentum to end the battle with a blow.

Everyone at the scene held their breath and looked towards the ring with wide eyes.

It is a rare opportunity to see members of two elite teams fighting with martial arts at the recruit entertainment competition.

If you can learn a trick from it...

Christina's eyes were fixed on Yaeji's body, and the speed of the other's explosion did not surprise her.

With Yaeji's body size, Luo Laisi can be sent flying with one punch, and the speed explodes is also extremely fast.

Christina has already analyzed this.

Now...she's going to catch the opponent's first punch!


Yaeji's fists hit Christina's raised arms firmly, and she retreated slightly. However, the silver-haired girl's face was filled with joy, and she really guessed it right!

The opponent used exactly the same style of play!


Yaeji showed her a mysterious smile, and before Christina could see clearly, Yaeji's free right fist had already slammed towards the abdomen!

Pupil constriction! The nerves were even more tense from the very beginning!

Christina forcibly bent her body backwards, allowing Yae Ji's punch to pass through her shirt, and the sharp wind of the punch actually cut a hole in the clothes!

Yazhongji always had a smile on his face. After sparring with the model pig all night, he knew very well where the most powerful move of "Twilight Nocturne" was.

The four-strike combo of the gun fighting technique, just like the quick six-stage slash, also has a watershed.

The kinetic energy brought out by the second blow made Yaeji's whole body suspend in the air like a horizontal wheel and rotate continuously, and it was those slender legs that made the attack.

This move has many similarities with the watershed move of Luo Ying Zhan, and it also has extremely high requirements for the flexibility of the waist and the flexibility of the body.

Coincidentally, as early as in Yae Village, Yae Ji had a period of physical flexibility, even better than his own sister.

"Bang bang bang!—"

It sounded like thunder three times!

Yaeji's body circled three times in the air in a short period of time! The strength brought out by the calf is more terrifying than a single blow!

La Xie'er, who was standing below the ring, rubbed her eyes, she seemed to see a dark afterimage just now!

Like La Xieer, Christina who was fighting with Yaeji was even more miserable. She wanted to defend Yaeji's first attack and then launched an offensive.

But she didn't expect the opponent's fist wind to be so continuous, it was like a river flowing endlessly.

Yaeji's three heavy blows to her leg almost made her forearm fall apart!

Time, only two seconds passed.


The figure of Yazhongji fell, and the last heavy blow hit the ground hard, and the carefully paved stone slab cracked like a spider's web.

It's a pity that Christina flashed past.

But it doesn't matter, Yaeji's desire to burst out of his waist tells him that there is one last combo for gun fighting.

Driven by the core strength, she made a neat backflip, and the straightened right toe slid past Christina's nose, causing a trace of cold sweat to ooze from the top of her head.

Taking advantage of Yaeji's turn around and distance, Christina thought that the opportunity had finally come.

The whole person followed Yachongji's movements and charged forward, wanting to strike a wave before Yachongji had finished building up his strength.

This surprised Yaeji, if the opponent was a heavyweight Valkyrie, or La Xieer's natural strange power. This swift counterattack will undoubtedly interrupt his next moves.

But she, who is slender and not so strong in strength, would actually use this method?

Yaeji was puzzled for a moment, and the "Twilight of Darkness" succeeded by "Twilight Nocturne" broke out!

The Lightless Tide is equivalent to the Goddess Miko's flash, and it can hit a high burst similar to "Blade Return" in advance.

More importantly, when using Aphotic Tide, enemies often can't tell which one is really you.

"Chi Chi Chi!—"

Different from the sound that erupted at extreme speed, Yaeji's whole body turned into a ghostly phantom in a swift strike posture, and suddenly erupted!

The two shadowy phantoms crossed each other in a rhombus-shaped attack like a butterfly piercing a flower.

This made Christina, who wanted to fight back, instantly confused!

She couldn't make a favorable judgment, so Christina turned hard and turned to a

The ghostly phantom swoops away.


I don't know if it's fake or if it didn't jump, the phantom has already penetrated her body and came to the rear.

There was a chill in Christina's body, this feeling was very uncomfortable, and her body was cold, as if her bones and blood were about to freeze, could it be...

If someone had excellent eyesight, they would be able to see that part of the fluff on Christina's skin had already been covered with a faint layer of frost.

The sudden chill made Christina's body slightly stiff, but she still relied on her fighting instinct to catch Yaeji who was attacking from behind.


The palm firmly held Yachongji's wrist, and then the whole body instantly floated into the air, and the slender and powerful thighs locked Yachongji's strength, causing the two of them to fall to the ground.


"Oh My God!"

There were constant exclamations at the scene, and it was only four or five seconds since the start of the game.

Christina's move may not be useful against the Houkai Beast, but against the smaller Yaeji, it seems...

Seeing Yachongji who was about to be entangled to death, La Xieer's small mouth opened slightly, her pretty face was full of disbelief.

He could end the battle neatly just now, why did he suddenly change his form?

"Can this also be considered a gymnastics?"

"Forget it." Aretha replied.


The pain in the left arm gradually increased, but compared to last night's sparring with Model Pig, it was still a little worse.

"You're so flexible." Yae Ji who was lying on the ground sighed.

"You're good too." Christina replied.

Yazhongji turned his head and asked, "Aren't you too cold?"

Christina: "Huh?"

Yae Ji mobilized the muscles capable of using force-generating skills, and poured all this force into Christina's body!


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