Era of Breakdown

Chapter 16 Fragments of the Relics

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This force poured directly into her body, immediately making Christina unable to lift her strength.

Under Yaeji's fair skin, some muscles were constantly moving, especially the left arm wrapped around Christina, who used the 'inch strength' technique crazily.

"You!" Christina looked at Yae Ji who was entangled by her in horror.

After more than ten seconds, after realizing that the entanglement force disappeared, Yazhongji sat up, pulled his arms away from Christina, and glanced at the slender legs that almost locked him just now, and subconsciously touched them. He touched his red neck.

Standing up, he patted the dust on his pants.

Christina, who was counted to the point of breaking into her body with all her strength, was gradually curling up into a ball from a state of exhaustion and convulsions.

The expression on Qiao's face was tense, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she never dared to open her eyes.

Yaeji's legs and abdominal muscles, which had been locked up just now, began to convulse crazily, and it could be seen from the successive changes in the folds of the clothes that it was as uncomfortable as it was.

Standing on the ring, Yaeji moved his stiff neck. Actually, he didn't want to do it. Wouldn't it be better to just end the battle neatly? His actions must be locked.

During those six years in the dungeon world, Yaeji's control over his body reached a whole new level. Although there is still a long way to go to control the whole body, it is still very easy and comfortable to release the "inch strength" through some muscles.

But then again, if he didn't have the time to accumulate experience in those years, he really might not be able to win from Christina this time.

With bloodshot eyes looking at the silver-haired girl lying convulsively on the broken floor, Yaeji stretched out her hand...

There was an exclamation at the scene!

Yaeji originally wanted to lift Christina's hair. This was a matter of habit. He had mentioned Kamdai Rishi's long purple hair many times, which led him to do this behavior subconsciously.

After thinking about it for a while, it didn't feel right.

This is a colleague of the Valkyrie's Eastern General Military Region, and it's not about treating prisoners. To do so would be too much.

Thinking of this, Yaeji's outstretched palm naturally moved down, picked up Christina's back collar from her loose silver hair, and pulled her up from the ring.

Christina was still curled up into a ball, holding her abdomen with her hands, and the nerve stimulation caused by the back and forth spasm of the muscles there had already given her a sense of confusion.

Yazhongji weighed it up, and secretly sighed that this person is so heavy.

He usually doesn't need to expend so much effort to carry La Xie'er, he can get up with just a simple lift, unlike this...

Fortunately, the uniforms of the elite Valkyries are of excellent quality, and there are no bloody scenes where the lines are broken.

Yaeji lifted Christina to the edge of the ring all the way, calculated the height again, and threw it casually!


A tall Valkyrie caught Christina who was curled up in a ball, and looked at Yaeji with a bad expression.

"It will be fine in about ten minutes. It's just a muscle spasm. It will probably be weak until the afternoon or evening, depending on one's physical fitness." Yazhongji explained.

The tall Valkyrie nodded, and the way she looked at Yae Ji changed slightly.

"Yaeji, you can have a drink with us when you return to the general military area. I believe Christina will be very interested in you. My name is Ona, the captain of the Yuyue team."

"Okay, Captain Ona."

Yaeji nodded, and the tall Valkyrie left with Christina curled up in her arms.

"I think I can announce our champion in advance." The referee who walked into the ring said with a smile, and hugged Yazhongji, "Unfortunately, this is not in accordance with the rules. We will return to other people's competitions in the afternoon, and the awards can only be awarded after the end. Don't worry." Forgot to come~”

Yachongji fell from the ring, the scene was even louder, and the crowd seemed to gather from all directions.

Just as La Xieer was about to come forward for a "koala attack", You Mi casually grabbed her by the back collar, "Xiao Ji is very tired now."

"Oh! Okay!" La Xie'er blinked her big eyes, as if thinking of something in her mind, she hastily swallowed the saliva secreted in her mouth.

You Mi shook her head, how could she not know what La Xieer was thinking.

"Little Ji!"

"Xiao Ji."

"Thanks for your hard work, let's go back and rest soon." With a smile on her face, Aretha grabbed Yaeji's wrist and cleared the way ahead.

"Please give way, Yae is very tired, I have to go back to rest, please..."

Miyou, who was following Aretha, looked at the palm of the captain's hand on Yachongji's wrist, suddenly shook his head, sighed, and said to himself: "It's right that you don't have a lover until now."

The recruit entertainment competition has not yet finished, and there is still a runner-up competition in the afternoon, but the champion of the eastern recruits has obviously been born.

The Valkyries who hadn't dispersed discussed one after another.

Someone said sourly like a lemon: "The strongest recruit in the east is just a blown name. This time, not all the recruits in the east have signed up. At best, it's just a small fight. It's nothing, the moves are all fancy..."

"Don't be sour when you get old. Look at Yae's state. If you have the ability, go up and fight Yaeji? I remember that when you sparred with Luo Laisi last time, you didn't last ten moves under his hands."


It is slander! "The Valkyrie held her neck high, blushed and shouted: "I am giving way to my juniors, and more!" She obviously used twelve tricks! "

"The general military region is strong. It's okay for Christina to sweep away from the preliminary round, but in the end there was Yaeji who swept Christina." The Valkyrie of the Hein military region sighed: "From the perspective of strength, Christina should also be able to deal with Luo Laisi. Easy."

On the other side, the Valkyries who also came from the Eastern General Military Region gathered together.

Someone said: "The last moment when Yazhongji was lying on the ring was like playing a fake match."

"A match-fixing match?" Someone disdainfully said: "Didn't you see what Christina looks like? Lying in the arms of her captain, her eyes turned white, her body kept twitching, and she almost foamed at the mouth!"

"Then did Yaeji use some kind of dirty trick?"

"How is it possible? It should be a special force-generating technique. With Yaeji's strength, he wouldn't do that kind of thing."

"Hey, tell me, which one is more seriously injured, Christina or Luo Laisi? Will we still play in the afternoon game?"


All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, giving a little relaxation to the military region that is constantly fighting and the atmosphere is tense.

Yaeji finally had a good night's sleep comfortably. In this dream, he ate the cherry blossom rice ball made by his younger sister Sakura...

"Bang bang!~" There was a knock on the door, and Laxie'er's voice came from outside: "Xiao Ji, are you awake? The afternoon competition is over, and I'm going to receive the prize!"

"The fragments of the ruins you have been talking about have to go to the logistics department!"


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