Era of Breakdown

Chapter 23 Fragrance

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The magnitude of the tremors of the earth increased, and the fine stones and sand danced with it.

In the distance of the flat wilderness, there seemed to be a howling wind sweeping across the world, and the wild sand flying all over the sky was far more exaggerated than the special effects of the movies that Yaeji had seen in the dungeon world.

The color of the dust goes straight to the sky, looking from a distance, it seems that the sky and the earth are all one color!

This cloud of dust rising from the flat ground was kicked up by a tide composed of Honkai beasts. Among them, those "monsters" who have not been fully infected with the Houkai energy are the vanguard, and they all bark their teeth and claws like evil spirits.

Under the crystallization of the hazy purple on the body, it expresses an extremely ominous atmosphere.

"Let's go!" the Valkyrie standing not far away said gloomily.

She didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. The partners who were born and died on weekdays suddenly turned into traitors, and they were the saddest ones.

Yazhongji looked at Su Valli's dead body, nodded slightly, and the atmosphere of tension between the two sides finally eased.

The Valkyries rushed to grab the frightened horses, and after comforting them, they rode one after another, and put Su Valli's dead body on top of them.

The captain of another elite team turned around and shouted at Yaeji: "I suggest you run now, if the distance is too close..."

Ya Chongji nodded, and the man took another deep look at him, pulled the reins, and galloped away on the horse in the direction he came from.

They ran in another direction, while Yaeji, who was carrying four three-point crystals, went in a different direction. There was no need to worry about other Houkai beasts chasing them.

Compared with humans, the crystallization of Houkai is the most attractive thing for Houkai beasts.

Yaeji also breathed a sigh of relief seeing those Valkyries leave.

The members of the elite team may be nothing, but the Valkyrie at the captain level still puts some pressure on him now. Not to mention that there are so many people on the other side, if one of them can't think about it, then he has to run away early.

Thinking of Youmi's amputation to save her, Yaeji's little face was full of gloom.

I don't know if this matter is due to the lax supervision of the Mena Military Region, or the fact that the rebels are too powerful to put everyone in the elite squad!

Anyway, the Mena Military Region is also responsible for this matter!

This time... Yumi will 100% choose to retire. After retiring, she won't even be able to hang up idle jobs in the intelligence department and logistics department.

Although he has a sulphurizing potion that can cure Yumi, Yumi must not appear in the former military area, otherwise...

You Mi has retired, so what about Mi You, who is also an older sister? In that case, there would only be him, Aretha, and Rachel in the entire team. The lineup that had been working together with great difficulty during this period of time fell apart again.

The animal horde in the distance has just shown its edge, and the gray sky covers the world in front of us. The extremely fast whirling wind and sand slapped Yaeji's delicate skin, and he could feel a slight pain from time to time.

From this distance, you can already see the huge monsters more than ten meters high in the gray beast tide, and the large purple crystals on the pale body make the beast tide full of evil.

Such giant beasts, if Yazhongji looked around, he could see dozens of them.

The other Honkai Beasts, whether huge or small, are like crucian carp crossing the river, countless!

Compared with the small wave of beasts in Feilu Town, it is nothing compared to the big one!

The pink hair on Yaeji's forehead was blown away by the stinky wind, and the oncoming wind and sand forced him to squint his eyes.

Fortunately, there is no need to punch through the beast tide this time. Until now, Yaeji finally understands why four Valkyries are used to lure them on the same level...why choose a Valkyrie with excellent psychological quality to participate in the mission.

If any other recruits came up, they would have been scared away long ago! If Yaeji hadn't been an old ghost in the dungeon world for several years, he wouldn't be able to control this situation.

Heart beats faster.

Yaeji let go of his palm, and the sword that was supposed to drop disappeared out of thin air. In its place is a suitcase full of technology.

After quickly checking the password and opening it, Yaeji took out a syringe that had already been sealed.

The scarlet viscous liquid inside the tube seems to be roaring wantonly!

After putting away the suitcase, Yaeji plunged the needle of the syringe into his neck decisively!

With the help of the thumb, the scarlet liquid gradually melted into Yaeji's blood. The rc cells that remained in Yaeji's body went crazy, like a fully fueled engine, the rc cells are boosting this energy-bursting engine all the time.

Back itching, Yaeji didn't care about it.

Yuhe's consumption is too high, he doesn't want his rc cells to be too low and his physical fitness will drop, and then he will be devoured by the Honkai Beast without even the scum left.

As long as he doesn't show Hezi, his stamina can far exceed that of the elite Valkyrie!

Yaeji tied the four black thin cloth bags together and let out a breath.

He whispered: "Come on."

What responded to him were the roars of those "monsters" who were not fully infected, how many monsters roared at the same time, shaking Yachongji's eardrums with a slight pain.

Compared with the turbulent beast tide, Yachongji is like a flat boat in the raging sea, which may be smashed to pieces at any time.

Yaeji turned around and ran away!

The sand and sand collapsed under his feet, and Yaeji was only relying on the power of the ghouls to run fast. After realizing that the gap between himself and the Houkai beasts gradually narrowed, Yaeji deliberately displayed the crystals for a moment, causing the beasts to boil, and then... ...Shunpo explodes!

With a rotten body

Quality plus Shunpo skills are enough to hang the beast tide. This method will not bring too much physical burden to Yae Ji, so it can be said to be easy and freehand.

On the way, several extremely fast Honkai beasts rushed towards them, and they were all beaten back into the beast tide by the sudden wave of swords! Then let those crazy Honkai beasts trample into scum!

As time passed, Yazhongji, who was trying to discern the direction, was deliberately controlling the speed. He didn't even show his eyes, and Yazhongji, who only held four three-point crystals in his hand, was very relaxed.

He didn't even have the weight of a weapon.

Keeping this frequency and running towards the destination, Yaeji's ears are filled with the whistling sound of the wind. The gloomy weather made it impossible for him to judge the time, so he could only rely on the memory in his mind to move forward... A long way away, Yaeji saw the newly built watchtower.

Yaeji's eyes lit up, and it was marked on the map that that was the place where the Mena Military Region set up traps.

With a wave of Yaeji's small hand, a Taidao appeared out of thin air at his waist.


Yazhongji's figure rushed past the watchtower, and he faintly heard someone shouting something to him.

Yazhongji deliberately slowed down, and when the beast horde approached again, he rushed to the ambush site, threw the black thin cloth bag on the ground, and left quickly.

In the cloth bag at this time, there is only one three-point crystal and three stones that Yazhongji picked up at random...

The place where the Mena military region set up traps was located in a place surrounded by mountains on three sides. Yazhongji ran to the temporary command post before resting.

"Yakae, thank you for your hard work." The tall and slender sister Yu patted Yaeji on the shoulder.

Yazhongji picked out his ears and shouted loudly: "What did you say?!"

Nostrils fluttered slightly, and the stomach of Yazhongji, who had been running all the time, was already empty.

He smells the seductive fragrance of humans...

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