Era of Breakdown

Chapter 24 Instant Fatal

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Swallowing with difficulty, the scent from the Valkyrie's body made him salivate. In the command center, the density of people can make Yaeji's mouth saliva crazily.

Of course, this fragrance is not deodorant. In this era, there are no various chemicals to marinate it, not to mention that standing in front of Yaeji is an A-level Valkyrie who often roams the battlefield.

They smell of blood or a slight smell of sweat, but they definitely don't have the intoxicating scent of the noble lady.

Strictly speaking, Yae Ji at this time is a ghoul, a sub-human race who would feel sick and vomit after eating human food.

For ghouls, meat is the food they most want to enjoy.

In other words, the fragrance that Yaeji smelled was actually...

"Are you okay?" the Valkyrie asked suspiciously.

Yazhongji was startled, and hastily swallowed the saliva secreted from his mouth, pretending to be very tired.

"Nothing, just too tired."

"I'll let the logistics staff take you back to the military region first. I don't know how long it will take to deal with the things here."

Yaeji nodded "weakly".


In the carriage.

Driving the carriage were two support staff, and beside the carriage were two B-rank Valkyrie escorts riding horses.

Now that the battle has started, the A-rank Valkyries are all trying their best to strangle the beast tide. It is considered good to be able to send two B-rank Valkyries to escort him.

Yae Ji, who was sitting alone in the carriage, swallowed frantically. He is not very hungry now, and his willpower is enough to persevere.

Why isn't he injecting the zeroing dose now? Are you kidding? If he is injected now, he will collapse immediately, in case of any accident...

Since the Yumi incident, Yaeji's vigilance has risen to an unprecedented level. Even the elite Valkyrie squad has rebels. In the Namena military area...

But rioting at this time is the most stupid act. Yaeji silently calculated in his heart, and put all the food in the carriage into his backpack. He can't eat it now, but it doesn't mean he can't eat it after the zero dose injection.

Even when driving on a relatively stable wilderness road, the carriage was slightly bumpy, and the warm object on Yaeji's chest touched his skin from time to time.

Reached out.

The drop-shaped pendant feels like metal but looks like jade from a distance.

This is what he got after the Valkyrie prepared to rescue a child named 'Brandy'. Thinking of Brandi, Yaeji thought of Karsu who was killed after becoming a dead soldier.

The warm touch from the water drop pendant in the palm brought back Yazhongji's past memories.


The carriage jumped over a stone, and Yaeji came back to his senses, and began to carefully observe the water drop pendant in his hand.

At that time, Brandy told him that this is a piece of amulet brought from her hometown, which can bless people for a lifetime.

At that time, he just accepted it with a smile, and didn't take Brandy's words seriously. After all, there are many similar legends in his hometown, such as the 'Fox God Mask' and the like.

Now it seems... is he really too stupid?

Focusing on the jade-like pendant, Yaeji began to calculate the scene of the attack in his mind.

He stepped forward to talk to Yumi, Suvali took out a crossbow and shot him from behind. Then it was discovered by You Mi, but at that time You Mi was so exhausted that he couldn't make an accurate judgment, so he could only lunge hard, but was shot in the calf by the arrow.

This seems that the shot was on his back and abdomen. It may be that the other party believed too much in the power of poison, or other factors.

Even if this arrow hits him, he will not die instantly. He also has the ability to take out the killing agent from the backpack and inject it without dying. At this time the pendant does not respond.

The second arrow was when he was helping Mi You to deal with You Mi's wound, another Valkyrie shot him from behind.

Analyzing from the angle, the arrow shot straight at the back of his head! If it hits, it will definitely kill with one blow!

In that case, he wouldn't even have the strength to take out the killing agent from his backpack, and he wouldn't be able to recover from it at all.

Instant fatal!

Yaeji found the key point.

The moment the arrow shot towards him, the originally warm pendant suddenly became abnormally cold, which stimulated his nerves before he could react.

Is it true that the pendant will react only after receiving instant fatal damage?

Yaeji pondered for a long time but did not come to an accurate conclusion. He is not in Tokyo Ghoul to create a copy, and there is no experimental condition at all...

Thinking about it, Yazhongji put it on again, and the drop-shaped pendant slid down from the shoulder blades until it fell to the chest, and the lines tightened.


Mena Military District.

The escort and logistics personnel put Yazhongji down, nodded, and rushed to the logistics department to replenish supplies.

Now there are two big cats and two small cats in the entire Mena Military Region, only the team logistics officer, the intelligence department, or some B-level Valkyries are still there.

The entire military region was filled with the scent of humans, which made Yaeji's stomach overwhelmed.

After swallowing saliva all the way and walking back to the dormitory, Yae Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately piled up the prepared food on the table, and Yae Ji

He took out another syringe and stabbed it at the other side of the neck.

The transparent liquid began to neutralize the tyrannical rc cells in the body, and the hemp on the back that seemed to want to break through disappeared, and Yaeji's whole body froze instantly, and his stomach let out a cry of resistance.

The food on the table that made him nauseous immediately became sweet and delicious, and the pale-faced Yaeji immediately began to sweep.

After eating the food, Yaeji felt that it was not enough, so he went to the cafeteria to eat again. Yaeji didn't stop eating until he made up for the energy consumption in the succumbing state.

In the dormitory, Yaeji who checked his body did not find any accidents, and walked towards the public bathroom with a wooden basin and a change of clothes.

Fortunately, there were few people in the military area at this time, so Yaeji found a corner and cleaned himself up quickly. It was not until he got dressed and walked to the bathroom door that he met two Valkyries who came together.

The two greeted Yaeji with a smile...

In the dormitory, Yachongji walked back and forth.

Many Valkyries saw Youmi's amputation to save her life, so she will retire this time. If her legs get better suddenly, it will definitely shake the entire military region. After......

Yumi had to amputate her limb for him. In Yaeji's heart, he must save Youmi. But the difficulty lies in how to save, how to save?

The matter of injecting killing agent to Youmi is postponed for the time being, at least it cannot be done in the Mena Military Region, and it is definitely not possible under the conditions of the Mena Military Region, the poisonous arrows in Youmi are much more powerful than the members of Rose Squad.

The Mena Military Region can't do anything to Team Rose, let alone Youmi.

At least he had to wait until he returned to the Eastern General Military Region and was examined by the doctors.

Yaeji thought, he opened the door and walked out. He has already returned to the military area, so it would not be appropriate not to visit Youmi.


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