Era of Breakdown

Chapter 25 The Counter-Consolation

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The Shadow Blade Squad plus Lamy only has six members. According to Yaeji's guess, La Xieer's sister should also be a member of the Shadow Blade Squad, but she retired early for various reasons.

Usually in the military area, the captain Aretha lives with La Xieer, and the two sisters Miyou and Youmi live together. He... lives with Rami, the team's logistics officer.

In fact, he and the little girl did not live together for a long time, and spent most of the rest of the time on missions.

While thinking about various aspects of the Shadow Blade team, he walked to the door of the temporary dormitory of the two Youmi sisters.

First, I listened in front of the door, but there seemed to be no movement. Just as Yaeji was about to knock on the door, he felt that it was inappropriate to just go in empty-handed.

Turning around and walking towards the logistics, after spending some military merit there and buying some fruits, Yaeji came back to the door of the dormitory.

"Bang bang bang~" knocked on the door.


Ya Chongji heard Mi You's voice, so he replied: "It's me, Ya Chong Ji!"

Footsteps were heard in the house, and about four or five seconds later, the door of the dormitory opened, and Mi You, whose eyes were bloodshot, looked at Yachongji.

"Come in." Miyou turned and walked towards the house, Yazhongji quickly followed.

There was a smell of medicinal materials that Yazhongji was very familiar with in the room, which was similar to the decoction he once made for Rin.

Miyou poured Yachongji a cup of tea, then turned around and went to the small balcony to continue brewing the soup.

"Sit whatever you want, the doctor just came, and I haven't had time to clean up here yet."

Yaeji put the fruit on the table and sat on the bench for a long time.

Focusing on You Mi who was still asleep, Yaeji felt his whole body twist. After taking a sip of tea, he walked towards the small balcony.

"Is this a decoction for strengthening the root and nourishing the essence?" Ya Chongji asked.

Mi You nodded slightly, she seemed not interested in talking, and her spirit was very bad.

"I also made soup for my sister, let me do it, you go and rest for a while." Ya Chongji tried to step forward.

"No!" Miyou seemed very excited, seeing the adjutant in this state, Yazhongji stopped in time.

Miyou, who was squatting on the ground, looked up at Yazhongji, was silent for a while, then lowered her head and said, "Sorry, I was too emotional."

"You should go to rest for a while." Yaeji persuaded, "It's me who should say sorry."

"No, it's none of your business." Miyou shook his head, and Yachongji vaguely saw the figure of the former calm adjutant of the Shadow Blade Squad.

"Our two sisters have been fighting the rebels for so many years, and we have long understood their pissing nature. This mission is also the same. Both Yumi and I know that there will be a certain degree of danger, but still..."

There was a stiff smile on Miyou's face, matching that haggard face, it was terrifying no matter how you looked at it.

"Perhaps this is the best ending. After so many years in the Valkyrie Army, I should have seen through it long ago. Every time I have a little luck, it is the biggest deception to myself."

Miyou looked at the rising green smoke, and then said: "It's good for Youmi to save her life. How many Martial Gods are killed directly, it doesn't matter if they retire or retire."

Mi You muttered twice, "What's wrong with retiring? Don't be near the Houkai Beast, you don't need to deal with the rebels anymore, no..."

Miyou was talking, and Yazhongji was listening.

Just in troubled times, the relationship between Miyou and Youmi is no worse than that between him and Sakura and Rin. He almost lost his mind when he learned that his sister had her hamstring cut...

Something like Miyou is already pretty good.

Miyou and the others set off earlier than him, and after luring the beast horde, this incident happened again. After returning to the military region, I immediately sought medical treatment, and then a series of things happened.

Miyou, who has never had a rest, is still able to talk to him normally, which is quite remarkable.

"You Mi will get better." Mi You said: "There is no toxin in the body, it's just that the blood loss is more, just take it for a while."

"When the captain and the others come back, we will go back to the general military region. At that time, I will find a leisurely job in the logistics department, and our sisters will live in Locke Town."

"When you all retire, Yumi and I plan to find a safe place, buy a house, and live there until we die."

"Sister... sister..."

You Mi's weak voice sounded, and the exhausted Mi You immediately turned into an energetic rabbit, and with a "swish", she ran from the small balcony to You Mi's bedside.

"How is it? I'm not feeling well, should I call the doctor? Or are you hungry? Or..."

"I heard the voice....... Is it Xiao Ji?"

"Yeah." Ya Chongji followed to the bedside, looking at the pale You Mi.

"I'm relieved that you can come back safely." You Mi, who was in a state of facial paralysis most of the time, smiled slightly, but this time the smile did not feel any stiffness.

"I just don't know how the captain and La Xie'er are doing?" You Mi said weakly.

"They'll be fine." Mi You said first from the side: "There are a lot of elite teams ambushing in the Mena military area. Even if they can't eat up the beast horde, they will return safely."

"Hmm. Sister, can I have a private chat with Xiaoji?"

Mi You was slightly taken aback, then said: "Of course you can

. "

Seeing Miyou walking towards the small balcony again, Yazhongji took half a step forward, came to Youmi's bed, pursed his lips, and whispered: "I will make you better."

"I'm better than anyone else." Yumi blinked at Yae Ji: "Don't you think this is a good excuse to retire? After retiring, I have a lot of time to do what I like. I want to thank that spy. If it wasn't for her, maybe I would die on the battlefield in the future."

"Xiaoji." You Mi's smile deepened: "You have helped me a lot! So, go and fight with the captain and the others with peace of mind. Those like me can't fight against Honkai, and leave other things to Let the new generation do it."

Yaeji was silent for a few seconds, and said "hmm" in a nasal voice. You Mi was comforting him, wanting him to let go of the burden in his heart, and not wanting him to be dominated by the so-called "hatred" and "guilt".

Perhaps Yaeji, who has never experienced the dungeon world, will turn into a irascible little lion, but now...

"Xiaoji, listen to me." You Mi said seriously: "We sisters have experienced life and death more than once when we dealt with the rebels in the intelligence department. Actually... I don't know if I Is that right?"

"Your potential, Xiaoji, is obvious to all. Even if you grow up to be a hero against Honkai in the future and become a big shot in the Destiny Sect, I won't be surprised at all."

"But, after death, there is nothing left. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, go home when you are tired, and spend more time with your family. I remember you have two super cute sisters? When making a choice , think more about them."

"In their hearts, maybe you are their only support and the meaning of their life."


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