Era of Breakdown

Chapter 37 Thank you, I like it very much

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Hugging Sakura, I feel that there is not much difference from before.

Yaeji asked doubtfully, "This isn't fat either."

Sakura glanced away, her face turned slightly rosy.

Yazhongji squeezed it, and said, "My little face is still a little thinner, I definitely need to make up more when I'm here these days!"

Sakura and Rin's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Aren't you leaving this time?"

Yaeji put the cloth bag aside and said with a smile, "What? You still want me to go?"

"It's okay to go." Sakura said seriously: "Just make sure to bring us with you next time."

Rin nodded his head fiercely.

When Karen in the room heard the news, the man turned into pale stones and shattered like a thunderbolt.

"No! Take me with you too!"

Karen acted very bravely, she stepped to the side of Sakura in two or three steps, her beautiful eyes narrowed, as if she was looking at Yaeji who had not seen for more than a month.

Yae Ji grinned, lifted the black cloth bag used to cover up people's eyes with one hand, walked around behind Rin, and grabbed the handle of the wheelchair.

"Enter the house, enter the house, what do we look like standing at the door like this?"

inside the room.

Otto stood there bewildered, saw Yaeji come in, bowed slightly, and formally said: "Welcome home."

"Don't make it so serious." Yaeji was very happy to see her sisters, let go of the handle of the wheelchair, and rubbed at Otto's blonde hair.

"Okay, okay." Otto was a little uncomfortable.

Yae Ji pushed Rin to the side of the chair, and sat down on the chair herself. Sakura went to pour tea, and Kallen picked up her unfinished rice balls again. After finishing it with a big mouthful, she asked Yaeji:

"Come this time, won't you leave later?"

The others pricked up their ears and listened, Yaeji's sudden arrival surprised them, but after the surprise, they calmed down and considered the reason.

Generally speaking, for a person like Yae Ji who served in the Valkyrie Army, it would be good if he could return to his hometown to visit his relatives once every half a year. More than not going back at all unless...

‘Could it be that my brother was injured? ’ Thoughtful and delicate, Xi Yae Sakura shook her small hand, and spilled some tea on the table, feeling nervous unconsciously.

"I probably won't go to the Valkyrie Army in the future." Yaeji thought for a while, and replied: "The Holy See transferred me to the headquarters, and I don't know exactly what I will do. The possibility of knights and priests is comparable." Big."

Karen blinked, she didn't quite understand the tricks here.

"By the way, can you tell us about your time in the Valkyrie army?" Kallen's big "Kazlana" eyes were about to shine. It can be seen that the little girl is very interested in the Valkyrie.

"I'll talk about these things later, let's see what gifts I bring you." Yazhongji bent down and rummaged through the black cloth bag.

There are only some clothes in the cloth bag that he often changes and washes, and the presents taken out of it... are actually taken out of the backpack!

Yae Sakura poured the tea and sat quietly on the other side of her brother. She was also looking forward to the gift.

No matter what elder brother gave her, she would treasure it!

Yae Sakura glanced inside from time to time, and then she saw... a pot of blue-purple flowers was taken out of the black cloth bag by her brother!


‘Is that a purple iris? '

Yae Sakura, who knew a little about flowers, changed slightly.

The blue-purple iris is like a dancing butterfly, and its posture is pleasing to the eye.

Yazhongji also heaved a sigh of relief, if he really brought this thing from Locke Town, it would have withered long ago.

Fortunately, the things in the backpack have no concept of time, so the original appearance of the flowers can be maintained.

Just like the one he saw in the flower shop, it was the most beautiful purple kite.

"Karen, this is for you."

"Oh?" Kallen stood up, took the flower pot with both hands, and kept looking at the blue-purple flowers in front of her blue eyes.

"This is...Ziyuan?" Kallen asked, her voice becoming slightly sharper.

"That's right." Yaeji, who was continuing to "rummage" in the black cloth bag, raised his head and asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong?"

"No." Kalian's voice became softer, her pretty face flushed with blush, she hugged the flower pot with her small hands, stared at the blue and purple flowers, and glanced in Yachongji's direction from time to time, her little face became even more blush, and her heart I don't know what to think.

By Yaeji's side.

When Sakura saw her elder brother giving Ziyuan's words to Kalian, her eyes narrowed, it was a blue-purple purple kite flower!

Yae Sakura's expression was not quite right, she glanced at her brother, then at Karen, and bit her lower lip with her white teeth.

This also seems reasonable?

‘Brother doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of flowers? ’ Sakura made an excuse for herself.

Over the past month, she has brought three cherry trees and a lot of flowers by relying on Ned, and has borrowed a lot of books about flowers, and she still understands the meaning of them...

Violet irises, especially the blue-purple iris.

That is to appreciate the other party's nobility and elegance or secretly admire, implying love and...

Yae Sakura lowered her eyelids, and these days she and Karen have also become little sisters.

'If it's Kallen...

..It’s not impossible...’

Yaeji didn't know what was going on in Sakura and Kallen's minds, so he took out the half mask that was covered and gave it to Kallen.

Karen was slightly taken aback, and after taking it with both hands, she said in a daze, "Is this also for me?"

"Try it on."

Karen subconsciously obeyed Yaeji's command, and put half of the mask covering her eyes on her small face.

Some big, but the shape is very good.

The scenery in sight was all covered by lavender, Karen looked at Yae Sakura...

Her best playmate on weekdays seems to be in a low mood at this time.

Kallen blinked, behind the mask, no one could see.

'Could it be that Sakura is jealous? ’ Kallen thought silently, ‘This is not good! '

Kalian hurriedly gave Yazhongji a look, but forgot that her mask was still hanging on her face, Yazhongji could only see that Kallen was staring at him.

Yazhongji touched his face and asked doubtfully, "Is there something on my face?"

"No..." As soon as she looked at Yazhongji, Karen remembered the pot of purple irises from before.

I have been with my good Jiyou for a long time, and she also learned a lot of knowledge about flowers in this month, just to make Sakura happy.


Kallen sat down obediently, the blush on Qiao's face could not be reduced, and she put her little hand on the mask for two or three seconds, but still did not take it off.

Not daring to look at Sakura anymore, Karen could only focus on the pot of purple irises with special meanings.

"Otto, this is yours."


Otto stood up directly, and he didn't know whether he was surprised or excited, or both.

"Look, top hat, it's not very popular now, it's very rare."

Yaeji took out the hat full of vibrant colors.

He laughed and said, "Don't keep quiet all day long and hide in an airtight room to invent. Boys, even if they are not in good health, they should breathe more fresh air and exercise a little, so that girls will like it." .”

"You see, you and Kallen have completely opposite temperaments. Kallen is like a lively little boy, but you are like a quiet little girl."

Otto's face was flushed by Yaeji's words, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Yaeji, "Yes, I'm sorry, I disappointed you."

"The top hats are mostly black, which is too stable. I think the color of this hat is more suitable for you."

"Like your eyes."

Yaeji smiled and put the prairie-colored top hat on Otto's smooth blond hair.

Little Otto raised his head slightly and looked up.

Two small hands touched the brims on both sides of the hat, and his face was full of love.

"Thank you, I love it!"


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