Era of Breakdown

Chapter 38: Otto and Rin

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Otto was born in the most powerful family in the Holy See of Destiny - the Apocalypse family.

Except when he was born, other people gave him many gifts, but those memories hardly existed for him.

Later...he was born with extremely poor health. Even if he is a direct descendant of the Apocalypse family, his status in the family is still limited.

A doctor once said that he would not live to be ten years old, and such a poor body would be even more unpopular in the Holy See of Heaven, which advocates force.

It's not that he doesn't have the dream of becoming a knight, but this body with extremely poor foundation can't support it.

In fact, he hasn't experienced too much. He only vaguely remembers that his family was very disappointed with him, and then he was thrown into a small manor and raised as a family waste.

In Otto's limited memory, he has almost always lived with his brother Ned. What he dislikes the most is the family gathering at the end of each year.

No one cares about him, and sometimes even bullies him.

The elder brother just called elder brother, at least Otto doesn't feel the warmth of a family member like Ned.

Later, he secretly flipped through the books collected by Ned, and looked at the things in those pictures, and he had the idea of ​​"I want to make one too".

In fact, it also hopes to gain the family's approval by relying on these things.

But... when he excitedly showed his invention at the family gathering, the adults might comfort him, and the children of his age would naturally not let go of the opportunity to ridicule him.

Otto lives in his own world.

Until that day...the Yae Ji and Karen he met.

The two of them were the first to recognize him! Especially Yae...can say a lot of powerful and interesting things, and Yae's insight opened his eyes.

If possible, Otto even wanted Yae to be his teacher, and Yae was a beacon in his confused life.

Karen? In Otto's eyes, a very cute girl, and as Yae said, their personalities seem to be reversed. Although the frighteningly strong white hair ball would break things he invented from time to time, he was still very happy.

After all, that is a friend who can play with him.

There are also Yae Sakura and Yae Rin... These two months have been the happiest days for him! Since meeting them, even his elder brother Ned's attitude towards him has improved a lot, allowing him to invent some gadgets without restriction.

Little Otto's eyes were full of love, wearing a bright top hat. Except when he was born, this was the first gift he received.

After touching the brims of both hats, the corners of Otto's mouth naturally curled up.

"Sakura, this is yours!"

Yaeji took out the delicate dress from the black cloth bag and gave it to his sister.

Yae Sakura couldn't wait to take it, and gestured on her body.

"Caroline, are you looking good?"

"Huh? Looks good! Sakura looks good in everything she wears." Kallen, who was sitting in a daze, hurriedly replied.

At this time, Jae Rin looked expectantly, and Yaeji took out a dress that was the same style as Sakura, but it was a size smaller.

Rin hugged the dress, smiling with big eyes crescent-shaped.

As long as it is a gift from her brother, she likes it no matter what!

"I have something to give Rin later." Yaeji turned sideways and whispered into Rin's ear.

The smile on Rin's little face was even wider, and his heart was full of anticipation.

When they recovered from the excitement of the gift, Yaeji said that there would be a dinner party tonight, coaxed and lied, and finally sent Karen and Otto back.

The smile on Yaeji's face slowly faded after seeing the absent-minded Kallen and the cheerful Otto leaving with gifts.

go back to the house!

Close the doors and windows!

Sakura and Rin looked at the extremely fast brother with puzzled faces.

Yae Ji, who had done everything, calmed down and walked in front of Rin after confirming that there was no one else around.

He squatted down and asked, "Are you hungry now?"

"Ah?" Rin was stunned for a moment, then shook his little head: "I just ate, not very hungry."

"Not very supportive?"

"Hmm." Rin was full of doubts, but because she was an older brother, she would completely relax.

"Sakura, Rin, what did she have for lunch today?" Yae Ji, who was worried, asked again.

After a while, Yaeji, who had discussed with her sisters, pushed Rin into the bedroom, and Yae Sakura went to prepare rice balls.

In the bedroom.

Yae Ji let Rin lie on the bed, and he took out the matching sulphurizing agent.

After handling the syringe very neatly, Yaeji came to Rin's side.

He was a little excited, and his heart beat faster in his chest. A few days ago when he helped Youmi inject the killing agent, he was only nervous that Youmi would violently hurt others, but now...he didn't know why he was nervous.

Obviously, the effect of the ghoul agent is already known, and there will be no failure at all... Yaeji took two deep breaths, and he stayed in the Tokyo ghoul dungeon for six full years! The reason is the birth of supporting oxidizers.

"Rin, don't move no matter what scent you smell for a while, if you feel nauseous, try to bear it, and some parts of your body may feel itchy, you can bear it...


Yaeji told her sister everything she had observed from Yumi. When Rin saw such a serious brother, she also tightened her face, remembering what her brother said before.

"It's started."


The cold light pierced into the blood vessels, and the viscous scarlet liquid began to roar wantonly in Rin's body!

Yae Rin only felt a chill on his neck, and the pain afterwards was dispensable.

"Don't move! Tell me if you feel any discomfort." Yae Ji threw the syringe into the suitcase with precision, and carefully took off Rin's snow-white stockings.

The focus is on the broken hamstring.

The hideous scars are like centipedes entrenched on the heels, which are incompatible with the surrounding white and tender skin.

Yaeji quickly drew out the reset dose, holding the syringe a little further away from Rin.

"Rin, how are you doing?"

"Itchy back."

"Back?" Yazhongji raised his eyebrows, thinking that it couldn't be such a coincidence.

"Where is the shoulder blade?"


Yaeji frowned and pondered, is this really a coincidence? Or is there something wrong with the medicine he took? After he injected the killing agent, he got Yuhe, which was expected, because the data had already given him the answer.

Yuya... also understands.

If it's Ke Rin, why is it still Yu He?

"Brother... I feel sick to my stomach." Rin whispered while lying on the bed.

"Try to bear it!" Yazhongji said, and after half a minute, he asked again: "How are you doing now?"

"It's warm all over, like soaking in a hot spring. And... I feel my body is full of strength."

Yaeji licked his lips, Yumi had been through the battlefield for a long time, and his willpower would never be weak. If my sister Rin...

Even if she loses her mind, Yaeji still has the confidence to suppress her.

"Brother...I smell a fragrance."

The muscles of Yae Ji's whole body tensed.

While the Yae three brothers and sisters were busy, Ned also walked out of the church with a happy face.

The destination was the small manor.


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