Era of Breakdown

Chapter 59: The Fall of Siti

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Sakura Fubuki's sharp blade cut through the monster's neck, and Yae Ji, who hadn't fought for a long time, didn't feel dry and stagnant, and his fighting style was still as aggressive as ever.

"Where is the next location?!" Yae Ji, who got on his horse, asked the Valkyrie beside him.

"Probably in the direction of Vega Town. According to the intelligence, there may be a source of Houkai, or a B+ Houkai beast. A team of 30 knights was dispatched earlier, and it is estimated that some of them died and some were infected as dead soldiers." .”

Yaeji nodded and grabbed the rein, "Let's go to Vega Town!"

After speaking, he urged the horses to run forward.

After working in the West District for half a year, Yaeji is very familiar with the surrounding environment and areas. He only needs to say the name, and a rough outline can appear in his mind.

This team is a temporary formation, and the members come from the "elderly care team" stationed in the Siti District.

The rest of these people are the few members of those teams who still have combat power... These Valkyries are average in strength, and most of them can only deal with dead soldiers and weak Houkai incidents. If it wasn't for Arthur's continuous hints, Yaeji wouldn't want to take them with her.

Vega town.

The atmosphere of Houkai is everywhere here. With a nearly ten-meter-high tank-level Houkai beast crashing to the ground, the battle between humans and Houkai is coming to an end.

On the other side, the Valkyrie team dealt with a large number of dead soldiers born in the town, and Arthur helped from time to time, and the actions were considered quick.

As Yaeji pulled out his hand, the battle ended quickly with the vigor of the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Outside the small town, the Valkyries who were resting temporarily sat together and whispered together, looking at Yae Ji with awe.

Long before the new inspector took office, they had heard many versions of the rumors.

"You said, Master Inspector, is she really an A-rank Valkyrie who retired from the Valkyrie army?"

The Valkyrie with the ponytail saw that everyone was looking at him strangely, and hurriedly added: "I don't doubt the strength of the envoy, but... the lord retired at such a young age. , isn’t it too…”

The topic of the Valkyries is like a dam to release the flood, and this kind of topic explodes quickly.

The topic in the small circle was still going on, and Yaeji who was staying on the other side with Arthur was slowly eating the rice balls made by his sister sauce.

"Stop wasting your energy." Arthur said in a muffled voice, "I entrusted the young lady to you. If something happens to the young lady, I will not spare you!"

Yaeji rolled his eyes, "Didn't it mean that the regular collapse in the West District will wait until tomorrow? When you meet Francis, try to pull him over. I'm driving the boat to the sea. It's best if you can swim over by then. "

Arthur: "..."

Yaeji: "Continuing high-intensity fighting is simply not enough. Even if he wants to go wild, he has to cultivate his spirits. Please persuade him more and talk about Karen more. I believe he is not that stubborn."

"I'll try my best." Arthur took off the water bag around his waist, unplugged it and took a sip, "If you don't see us tomorrow afternoon at the latest, you..."

"Why are you talking so much?" Yazhongji was puzzled, "I'm on the sea, and besides the flying Honkai beast, who else can pose a threat to me?"

Arthur: "...Listen to me, don't waste your energy. You haven't fought in a few months, and the sudden high-intensity fight makes you feel uncomfortable. That's the worst thing."

Yaeji ignored the nagging Arthur and continued to eat the large rice ball.

"By the way, where do you put your food? The effect is so good? I see that there is still steam on this thing..."


Onigiri has passed through the 'backpack' transition, in which some special changes have taken place. Yaeji discovered this anomaly as early as at the Tianming headquarters.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is a supply of rice balls from Sakura, he can maintain his energy without limit.

Of course, this is only in theory, Yaeji has not yet had the chance to try out the specific effect.

It's a pity that Sakura's rice balls can't be eaten after he has been killed, otherwise...

City District.

Those wealthy and powerful dignitaries who heard the news took their families to the inner area of ​​the Holy See, or simply planned to go to other countries to gain a foothold.

Some people wonder why there are so many rich and powerful men leaving the city today? Could it be that some important person in the nearby area had a banquet?

Until the news came out of a servant who was not taken away by a certain dignitary... the whole city was in chaos.

In the beginning, there were knights and guards to suppress and guide, but later the number increased, and these people did not have any effect at all.

The West District is close to the sea. At present, taking the sea route is the safest way.

The homes of the common people do not have the standard carriages of the rich and powerful, nor do they have rich and powerful relatives in other areas. Even though most people hurriedly packed up their belongings and left with their families following the traces of the rich and powerful, a small number of people still gathered at the port. place.

With the appointment of the new inspector, the trade in the port of Xidi District is prosperous, and there are more than one ship berthing on the shore on weekdays.

The ship left by Yaeji is at the edge of the port, and can leave Siti at any time.

The port is full of people, and the knights stationed here are desperately guiding them.

Fortunately, the collapse has not yet erupted

However, the Honkai Beast has never entered the city, and the Honkai energy has not been strong enough to infect humans and become dead soldiers.

Although everyone was afraid, under the guidance of the knights, they were not too flustered.

By the time Yazhongji returned to the port, there was no more people in it.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Several Valkyries in half-length armor opened the way ahead, and the dotted animal blood splashed on the armor seemed to reveal something.

The bloody smell from Valkyrie's body made the crowd who were about to calm down become agitated again. Fortunately, with the suppression of the knights, the scene quickly returned to calm.

Yaeji, who was protected by the Valkyrie, lowered his eyelids and walked towards the ship step by step.

"Who is that?" Someone asked in a low voice among the crowd.

"I don't know, there is a Valkyrie who opened the way, maybe it is a child of some powerful family?"

"I thought the rich and powerful had already run away?"

"Why do you care about this? When can we get on the boat? If those Houkai beasts come running over, we have to finish the game!"

"I knew it would not be crowded at the port! It's much faster to follow those rich and powerful gentlemen to take the official road!"

The crowd was noisy, but Yazhongji didn't care.

This is normal. In the age of technology, most people can't recognize who the local authority is, let alone the current Holy See of Destiny.

In addition, the residences of the inspectors are all in the aristocratic district. Except for those dignitaries, most people have only heard of it. As for what the person in power looks like, it all depends on imagination.

Yaeji and the Valkyrie boarded the ship smoothly, and before they had time to say hello to their sisters, there was a loud noise in the distance!

It was the sound of houses collapsing.


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