Era of Breakdown

Chapter 60 Soft-heartedness is a disease

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"elder brother......"

"We'll talk about it later!" Yaeji interrupted his younger sister Sakura, and quickly walked up to the front of the deck, looking into the West District.

The dust from the collapse of the building rushed into the sky, and the famous high tower in the Westy District collapsed suddenly like this.

Next to the dust, there is a faint white animal leg that is so thick that it looks like a giant pillar reaching the sky.

Tank class.

Yaeji recognized it at a glance.

Apart from the tide of beasts lured from afar, how did these Houkai beasts come? On-site beasts evolve directly? How much powerful Honkai energy is needed?


After the loud noise, the air was quiet for about three or four seconds, when the giant white beast took its first step out of the dust and easily trampled the bungalow into ruins.

That sound also became a heavy hammer beating on the drum of the human soul!

"Get out!"

"Let me aboard!"

"Let's get aboard!"

"They're coming! Quick!"

"Why are you still blocking writing here? Everyone will die if you stop!"

"Who can resist that monster's kick?"

Messed up.

In the sea of ​​people, the knight team was like a flat boat. Under the situation of passive defense, a line of defense was instantly torn by others. Amidst the crowds, the channel leading to the merchant ship was full of abuse.

Yazhongji glanced at it casually, not paying attention, his eyes were mainly on those chariot-level Honkai beasts that suddenly appeared.

When human beings were discovered, they did not activate its 'jumping' ability immediately, and they probably hadn't mastered it yet.

Although it is huge in size, its actual combat power may not be at the threshold of B+ rank.

Just these words... Yaeji calculated in his mind that after injecting the killing agent, it would take him a while to kill these Houkai beasts.

But...if this is just the beginning, then he has no idea.

"Palmer! Get ready to sail the ship out of the port!" Yaeji turned around and ordered.

He had learned how to steer a boat, but that didn't mean he was the only pilot.

Eggs can't be put in the same basket. If these sailors have accidents, don't they have to rely on him?


Wearing the protective gear made for her by Aji, Karen's little ears moved, noticing that Yazhongji and the others had left the front section of the deck, she stooped forward and took a few steps forward.

When he was about to run out of the visual blind spot, Shunpo, who had been practicing for half a year, exploded in an instant! The metal boots trampled the stones into powder, and Karen turned into a white light and rushed into the crowd not far away.

The people on the edge were stunned. It is still important to escape now, so how can there be doubts?

The petite Kallen was looking for the pitiful slits in the crowd to shuttle back and forth. Thanks to the practice of moves such as "Lightless Tide" and "Twilight Nocturne", her flexibility is more exaggerated than before.

It can squeeze through the cracks in the crowd every time, like a vigorous white cat, heading in the opposite direction.

‘That kind of Honkai beast is nothing to be afraid of. ’ Karen reminded herself that she had seen A Ji kill a chariot-level Honkai beast, even if she couldn’t kill it now, it was still easy to dodge with the advantage of the terrain.

Yesterday, she sneaked home, searched through all of Arthur's things, and finally learned the route of her father.

Words such as "continuous high-intensity fighting" and "high probability of death in battle" prevented her from getting a good night's sleep last night.

Yes, she was scared.

Karen knows what kind of person her father is, maybe as long as she goes...

Even in his own eyes, his father is the god of war and an invincible existence.

Compared with her own judgment, she is more willing to believe in A Ji and Arthur.

The conversation she overheard that day was circulating in her mind, and Karen's figure among the crowd moved a little faster.


The port is weird.

The number of people rushed to the merchant ships docked on the shore, and almost no one dared to go to Yaeji's ship.

Among the ships preparing for long-distance voyage, looking on the deck, you can vaguely see the busy figures of the sailors.

The pregnant woman who was pushed aside by the crowd looked dazed, covering her belly with one hand, and holding the little girl's hand with the other.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

"Good baby, dad is here!" A thin man finally squeezed out from the crowd, and hugged his wife.

The man gritted his teeth as he looked at the merchant ship, which was full of abuse and people.

The disorderly boarding method will only waste a lot of time. Maybe when those monsters are killed, the merchant ship will not be able to leave the port because of them.

The result can be imagined.

"Let's go there!"

The man took the hands of the two women and set foot on the road towards the suspected powerful ship.

There was a stark contrast at the port. Many were lagging behind, looking at the family of four with the eyes of those who had no hope of squeezing into the merchant ship.

When he got below the boat, the man's breathing gradually became heavier, and the result of his forced calm was that his calves kept shaking.

Is it possible to let the dignitaries who are guarded by the Valkyrie put them on board?

Even if they came here, there was no hope of boarding a merchant ship.

man holding his head up

He turned his head, looked hard at the boat, and then pulled the girl to kneel on the ground.

"My lord! Please take in two more maids! Please! I know you have no shortage of servants, and I don't dare to contaminate your treasure ship... please!"

The idle Valkyrie on the deck looked down, pregnant women, little girls, thin men...

Can't help but frown.

The man's voice gradually became hoarse, and Yae Sakura, who came to the deck, bit her lower lip lightly.

"elder brother......"

"We can't let them up." Yaeji just glanced at it, "It's a precedent. What if people worse than them come again? Our ship is close to full, and there is no place for them."

"But...only accept the pregnant woman and the little girl?"

Yae Ji frowned, Sakura has experienced quite a few things, why is she still so soft-hearted? Maybe let Sakura see what happens next?

"Let the two of them come up." Yazhongji thought for a while, and ordered to the Valkyrie beside him.

"Thank you brother! I knew that brother is the best!" Yae Sakura said pleasantly.

Yaeji's expression remained unchanged, and he pointed towards the crowd, "See what happens over there later."

Sakura nodded half-understood, her eyes fixed on the direction of the crowd.

A little girl's cry, a woman's cry...the sound of "click", followed by the sound of a man sobbing.

Yae Sakura glanced down puzzled, and found that the man hurried towards the direction of the merchant ship.

But at this time the merchant ship was already overcrowded, and even the draft...

Yae Sakura saw a large crowd coming here!

The large number of people made Yae Sakura feel unbelievable.

pregnant? more than one.

child? More.

There are not a few babies who are crying loudly in their arms.

Put these people on board?


There was a scream in the distance, and Yae Sakura turned her head stiffly.

It was the pain transmitted to the nerve center by the human being after the dead man bit the human being, and the scream of fear produced by the violent brain activity and the accelerated secretion of adrenaline and other hormones after feeling the threat!


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