Era of Breakdown

Chapter 64 Angel of the Underworld

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The two fire-colored halos are entangled like a tornado, and their length extends to the sky.

The monstrous flames ignited all over Francis' body. The strange thing is that this flame only threatens the surrounding Honkai Beasts, and Francis, who is wrapped in the flames, just raises his sword high and faces the Honkai Emperor with a holy attitude.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, the civilization of the previous generation used the God's Key made by the core of the Herrscher to take charge of the power of "destruction".

The driving energy uses the crystallization of Houkai energy similar to the core form of the Herrscher, so that the God's Key is extremely erosive and can only be used by the Kaslana family, which is naturally highly resistant to Houkai. .

The great sword raised by Francis is actually the second form of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

There are half pieces of Herrscher's core at the end of the Tianhuo Saint's gun bolt. Once they are spliced ​​together, the complete Fire Herrscher's core will burst out with amazing energy!

The energy that burns all things will cause the user to be severely injured and die in the torment of high temperature burning.

Of course, that is a strong man with certain strength. If ordinary people want to use the Skyfire Great Sword, they will probably be burned to ashes on the spot by that violent energy!

Yaeji calculated in his heart that if Francis was lucky, maybe he could use the killing agent to rescue the other party. if......

Francis, who was at his peak, absolutely didn't need to launch a mortal trick to deal with a Honkai emperor.

As Arthur said, Francis, who has been fighting fires for many days, has already exhausted his energy. If he hadn't been supported by a strong body, Francis would have fallen on the battlefield long ago.

this time......

Yaeji is not going to take care of Francis, and runs towards Karen with all his strength!

At this time, Kallen mixed with a disabled elite team, helping each other. In addition to the armguards and combat boots, Kallen has a knight spear in one hand and a knight dagger in the other hand, and is cooperating with other Valkyries to the limit.

For a while, Kallen, who was younger and immature, really had a hint of an elite Valkyrie.

I don't know if Francis knows that his daughter ran to the battlefield in order to find him... and I don't know if Arthur will jump three feet high if he knows this.


The sharp edge of the short sword wiped the monster's throat, and the blood spurted out, but Karen was very calm. This is due to Aji's training for her.

Compared with the use of short swords, Kallen is a little inferior in the use of knights' spears. The spear shadows are good, but they can rarely penetrate into the weaknesses of monsters.


A monster saw the opportunity, threw an exhausted Valkyrie to the ground, opened its bloody mouth, and the stench was coming, leaving only darkness in front of the Valkyrie.

The defense line of the temporary team was torn apart, instantly increasing the pressure on this team several times! Quite a number of Martial Gods showed determination, instead of using the formation, they burst out their final combat power and died together with the Houkai beast in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, three of the five-member team died.

Just as Kallen came back to her senses, the last Valkyrie also died behind her.

Her big azure eyes were not as negative as those Valkyrie's, and she pursed her small mouth. She originally wanted to drag her father away with her, but she didn't expect to be dragged into the battle circle before calling her father.

Do you regret it? kind of.

Regret that I didn't eat more before I died, and regret that I didn't see Ah Ji for the last time.

Do you regret going to the battlefield? What a joke. Kalian danced with a long spear in her hand, this time the tip of the spear was like a venomous snake, piercing through the head of the monster in front of her with one blow!

It doesn't matter if you die, you can go to Mingyuan to reunite with your mother after death, Karen thought, in her memory, her mother's appearance is already blurred.

With a lot of memories, Karen felt that the speed of swinging the spear was slowing down.

There are not only monsters rushing straight around, but also giant mosquito-shaped Honkai Beasts. According to Otto, that guy is called the 'Breakthrough Class'. I think this guy was the first Honkai beast she smashed when A Ji taught them.

The strong wind swept over, and the cold hair on the skin reacted first, and Karen closed her eyes.

Father, mother, Sakura, Aji, Otto...


The swift and violent wind swept over, compared to the drizzle of the sudden upgrade, it was almost...


Sakura Fubuki cut the assault level into two very neatly, Yae Ji's body had already been grabbed badly except for the armguards and combat boots.

The halo on Sakura Fuki's body drew out a red line, Yaeji in the state of ghoul not only exploded in strength and speed, but also had an abnormally strong defense!

As long as he wasn't trampled into meat paste by a chariot level more than ten meters high, he would still be alive and kicking even if the Honkai Emperor cut him into two pieces!

Luo Ying Zhan is not suitable for use in this kind of scene, Yaeji relies on the speed and strength of the extreme burst, and the sword shadow is all over the sky for a while! Every slash can hit the weakness of the Houkai Beast!

The third battlefield meat grinder is formed!

Kallen stared blankly at the figure in front of her.

"Why are you standing still!" Yazhongji turned around and stomped his head into pieces. The power that ghoulization brought to him was too perverted.

Kallen's nose was sour, her small mouth was tightly clenched, and her big blue eyes seemed to be shrouded in mist.

"What are you doing here!"

The explosive Yachongji controlled the sword shadows all over the sky, and the explosion for nearly ten seconds made his arm wielding Sakura Fukixue a little sore.

just broke a circle

Son, Yaeji stepped back immediately, and with the support of rc cells, the soreness in his arms faded away very quickly.

Quickly took out the syringe and stabbed Karen's neck.

Before Karen could react, she grabbed her collar.

"Wait for me outside the battle circle! If you are running around, you will not be allowed to eat in the future!"

Yazhongji spoke extremely fast, and regardless of whether Kalian could hear it clearly, his eyes suddenly appeared! The veins on the arm popped, and the palm quickly moved from the collar to Kallen's shoulder.

With the help of inertia, after a few laps in the sky, Kallen was thrown out of the ring!

Kallen's arm is definitely dislocated, possibly with a muscle tear or something. But what does this have to do with him, Yachongji?

The strength of Yachongji, who showed his eyes, climbed again, and he continued to go deeper into the battle circle regardless of Karen who was thrown out.


Wielding Sakura Fukixue to overcome thorns and thorns, relying on the super resilience of his body, Yaeji used offense instead of defense, and forcibly tore a route from the middle of the beast horde.

At this time, Aretha looked at the other side where the group of beasts were flying, and couldn't help being taken aback, thinking that some crazy A-level Valkyrie had launched a suicide attack.


A figure rushed towards the sky!

There is a little black lightning in the wings that are gushing blood like flames.

And... rushed towards her? !

The wings shook, and countless black slender crystals shot out from them! The Honkai Beast was like cut down wheat, killing and injuring a lot of people in an instant!

Is angel from the Abyss?

With a sweep of the long sword in Aretha's hand, a circle of monsters were killed, and her gaze was placed on the 'Angel of the Underworld' again.

Wait, that...why does it look so familiar?

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