Era of Breakdown

Chapter 72 Rin: I'm so hard

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Yachongji controls "Karen", intentionally or unintentionally showing the miracle of ice and snow in front of everyone.

Almost half of the knight troops from the headquarters of the Destiny gathered here, as well as the elite Valkyries who had great influence in various Valkyrie military regions.

Since you want to pave the way for your future self, you have to take practical actions.

After finishing the matter, Yazhongji rushed to Xidi with this "unlimited physical strength" body. In less than half an hour, all the Houkai beasts and dead soldiers in the city of Xidi were wiped out.

The surviving people walked out of the hiding place with apprehension, looked at Xidi who had turned into a city of ice and snow, and couldn't help cheering regardless of the cold on her body.

Naturally, they also saw the "Son of God" who could control the power of ice and snow.

"Karen" came to the ship, and the Valkyrie held weapons and looked warily at the stranger who suddenly appeared.

After staring at it for a while, they found that this person was very familiar.

Lacey, the Valkyrie in charge of the ship, looked at the stern of the ship. An ice road stretched across the sea from the port to here.

Can this kind of power be mastered by humans?

And...the girl clearly has the aura of the Sensei-sama!

"Who is Laixi?" Yaeji decided to play the whole play.

"I am." The bust-armored Valkyrie, holding the knight's sword in one hand, took half a step forward, her eyes still vigilant.

"Your Detective Envoy is my younger brother, and he is still handling things in the Beast Tide Icefield." Yazhongji took out a token of the Detective Envoy from his bosom, and flicked it towards Lai Xi.

Lacey held it in her hand and looked around, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In her opinion, the other party has control of the power of a god, and its strength is beyond what they can imagine.

This kind of strong man can kill them all with a single gesture. If he didn't know each other, how could he treat them like this?

Besides... the young girl really has the aura of a discerning adult, especially the strange two-color eyes, and the naturally excessive pink hair at the tip.

No matter how you look at looks like a combination of the young lady of the Kaslana family and the envoy.

Well, the combination of growing up.

"Your Excellency..."

"Continue to stay on the boat, don't go ashore until Ah Ji comes back."

"Yes!" Lacey's heart sank, and she asked cautiously, "My lord, are you saying that the West District is not safe yet?"

"Siti is still safe, and other areas are not guaranteed. Can you know the idea of ​​​​Honkai?"

Lacey bowed slightly: "What the adults preached is true."

"elder brother......"

Yazhongji turned his head, and there was a pink hair ball protruding from the crack of the cabin door, watching them. As soon as he turned his head, the pink hair disappeared through the crack of the door with a "shua".

After a while, he poked his head out again and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar big sister.

"Carlen" smiled, and walked towards Yae Sakura.

Opening the hatch, I found that the little guy was pressing the red light on his waist with one hand, and there was an obvious look of vigilance on his little face.

"Look at this, your brother gave it to me~" Yazhongji took out a steaming large rice ball from the 'backpack'.

Yae Sakura sniffed it with her small nose. Judging from the size of the rice ball and the concentration of the aroma, this rice ball is probably a reserve food she squeezed for her brother.

Based on his brother's personality, he would never easily give away the food reserves he got to others, and... where did she get the rice balls from?

Yae Sakura carefully looked at the girl in the purple slim dress in front of her, and confirmed that the onigiri would not have any hiding place, so... she also has the same 'backpack' as her brother!

Coupled with the girl's appearance and temperament, Yae Sakura slowly let go of her vigilance.

"Karen" took the opportunity to step forward and rubbed Yae Sakura's little head with her hand.

Yae Sakura, whose body was tense, found a familiar feeling, and slowly relaxed, even showing a comfortable expression on her small face.

Probably something like (=w=).

"Your brother said to let you and Rin and Otto stay on the boat and wait until he comes back, you understand?"

"Enen!" Yae Sakura nodded her head, looked at "Kalen" with her big eyes wide open, and asked, "Big sister, when will brother come back?"

"Karen" hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Tomorrow morning at the latest."


After "Carlen" left, the two pink hairballs got together.

"Is that brother?"

"It feels like it."

"So, brother has become a sister?!"

"It's not very similar... There is still a trace of Kallen."

"You said... If my brother is married to Kallen, their children..."

Rin closed her mouth, she could tell that her sister was not in a very high mood.

When she was disabled in the past, she was full of illnesses, and she didn't want to trouble her brother. She only thought about the future, and she didn't even dare to live together.

But now...she manages her brother's "business empire", that's what he called it anyway.

She is also growing up a little bit. Sister Kallen has a good personality and a great family background, and she is a good match with her brother.

Rin was troubled, it was more difficult than dealing with business matters. side to take care of

Sister's emotions, while planning for her brother's lifelong event, Rin suddenly felt very difficult...

Otto still sat silently in the corner, and he took out two drawings from the paper beside him, and they were the portraits of Kallen and Yaeji.

Otto superimposed the two portraits, lit candles...

Imagining the girl just now in his little head, Otto drew on the paper with a blushing little face.

He could swear that he wouldn't feel that way in front of anyone else.

The heartbeat accelerated, the adrenal glands rose... Otto, who had read a lot, vaguely understood what it meant.

But the teacher's seems impossible to have an intersection with him.

A sense of vicissitudes appeared on Otto's immature face, and he described in detail what he thought in his heart.


Yazhongji had already guessed how shocking the identity of "Kalen" would be. The appearance of such a strong person in this world would definitely cause a big shock!

Of course, Yaeji never expected that the three little guys would have so many inner dramas, and he was still having a headache about the next thing.

He came to the Intelligence Department where the "Pension Valkyrie Troop" was stationed in the City District.

It's just that those people see it, the effect is limited, and it may become a legend if it is passed on.

If it can be shown at the headquarters of the Holy See of Heaven...

The Honkai energy response displayed on the Honkai radar gradually weakened, and a large area of ​​red dots had disappeared long ago. Instead, there were traces of Honkai beasts raging in the surrounding area.

That level of collapse can be wiped out by an elite team, and "Karen" is completely overkill!

Yaeji stared at the area where the headquarters of the Holy See of Heaven was located.

Unlike those people in the Holy See, Yaeji at this time has the same thoughts as the rebels and the dignitaries of neighboring countries, eagerly hoping for a collapse in the Holy See headquarters...

He'll wait here for an hour at most...

"Huh? Such a coincidence?"

"Kalen" uttered her charming voice from her rosy mouth, and her pretty face was filled with joy.

On the Honkai radar, the area where the headquarters of the Holy See of Heaven is located is occupied by a small red dot.


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