Era of Breakdown

Chapter 73: The Frost City

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

"My lord bishop, please evacuate quickly! Taking advantage of the opportunity, we can also take a boat to other branches along the sea route."

In the splendid Gothic cathedral, a priest eagerly persuaded the Archbishop of Destiny.

At this time, the Archbishop of the Holy See of Destiny was the patriarch of the Apocalypse family and the father of Otto. He was upright and middle-aged, full of energy, and the gene of killing and decisiveness was flowing in his bones.

"As long as they persevere, they will all have to pay for the sacrificed soldiers!"

The guarding knights beside the hall were very excited when they heard this, but all the priests in the hall didn't think so.

keep on? What are they holding on to?

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have let Sir Francis go out. With him guarding the headquarters, he would definitely be safe." A high priest said anxiously.

"Idiot!" Another arch priest's old face was full of sarcasm, "Idiot who only cares about his own safety, do you know how many areas Mr. Francis saved? If Mr. Francis didn't go around to put out fires, we could still stand here and discuss Transferring the headquarters?!"

The face of the priest who was ridiculed turned green and pale, and he said angrily: "This is impossible, that is impossible! Can we let our people die in vain? How many knights can fight against Honkai?! The women stationed at our headquarters What does the Valkyrie army look like, don't you know in your own mind?!"

"After the knights come into contact with Honkai, there is a high chance that they will be corroded into dead soldiers. There is no need for those Honkai beasts to do anything, and the knights will in turn become spears against us!"

"And Gezal, where are your own three daughters, don't you have numbers in your mind?"

"Hmph!" Gezal snorted coldly, and said, "My three daughters have excellent resistance to Houkai, and they are also B-level Valkyries themselves. It is completely reasonable to become a military commander stationed at the headquarters."

"Then you hurry up and let your military daughters clean up the Honkai! What are you still doing here!"

"Wantner! Think of your silly son!"

When the two normally high and powerful archbishops spat at each other, the archbishop sitting on the main seat of the hall tapped the opposite with his scepter, and the trembling echo immediately quieted down the two archbishops who were about to roll up their sleeves and start working.

Destiny favors martial arts, so if you want to become the Archbishop of the Destiny Vatican without a bit of force, that's obviously not possible.

"Let's discuss the defense now, two, is there anything that can be resolved in private. There is also the matter of the Valkyrie's garrison at the headquarters. It seems that reforms can be made."

The two high priests stood aside, their heads slightly lowered. Even at this moment, they did not want to challenge the authority of the Archbishop.

"My lord, among the knights who are resistant to Houkai, they can temporarily form a decapitation team to assist the guards of the Kaslana family to clean up the dead soldiers and Houkai beasts in the city. I suggest other knights... ..."

Before the high priest could finish speaking, another high priest who favored the Kaslana family opened his mouth and said, "Master Francis has brought the elites of the Kaslana family into the battlefield, and most of the others are also supporting the nearby area. There are only some old people and children in the family, and there are very few young people."

"You want those old people and children to take up spears to fight against Houkai Beast? Are you afraid that Lord Francis will come back and peel off your skin?"

"Someone has to sacrifice!" The man said brazenly, "If it weren't for my poor resistance to Honkai, I would fight Honkai with the Cavaliers!"


Many big priests began to "discuss" again, and the whole hall became more lively.

The archbishop sitting on the main seat lowered his eyelids, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

At this time, there was a knock on the door engraved with reliefs.

Not long after, a knight in full body armor walked in without looking sideways. He walked all the way to the front of the hall, knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said, "My lord, the intelligence department has reported the news."


"A large number of Houkai beasts assembled outside the West District have been wiped out, and the reinforcements are unscathed. Among them, the Houkai that broke out in the West District has also been erased..."

After the knight left, the faces of many great priests showed joyful expressions.

"Who is managing the City District?"

"I heard it's the fiancé of that young lady."

"The kid from Shinano? Heh~ I'm lucky to have Mr. Francis supporting me."

"Master Francis, this is too partial! Other places are dealt with and left, but Siti has been wiped out..."

The discussion is still going on, but everyone has changed from being anxious just now to being relaxed, as if the name of the Destiny God of War can bring them unparalleled peace of mind.

Not long after, a black shadow appeared next to the archbishop, attached to the archbishop and whispered a few words in the ear of the archbishop, and then disappeared.

The archbishop's face remained unchanged, but a storm surged in his heart!

According to the Honkai radar, most of the cavalry troops fighting against the Xidi District lost more than half of them, and the elite Valkyrie squad was even less.

What's more terrible!

Francis Kaslana, God of Destiny, whom they placed high hopes on, has died in battle!

"Master Bishop, has Sir Francis already led the team to the headquarters?" A high priest asked with a smile.

The archbishop thought quickly in his mind, and he was still calculating whether to make this matter public.

"The brave and fearless God of War has... sacrificed."




Half of the most glorious building of the Holy See of Destiny collapsed, and a chariot-level Honkai beast more than ten meters high jumped back, stomping out several holes in the formerly bustling Yisi District, and then surged forward! The huge tank-level Honkai beast is like a nimble fat man, soaring towards the cathedral like a cannonball!

In the Yisi area under its feet, groups of assault-level Honkai beasts and dead soldiers can be seen everywhere. Most of these dead soldiers are wearing armor. From the standard armor, it is not difficult to see which knight unit the opponent belongs to.

The Valkyries stationed at the headquarters of the Destiny are fighting fires everywhere in the form of small teams, but these numbers are less than one-tenth of the stationed troops.

Where are the others?

God knows.

"Mom~ Mom~ woo woo woo~ Where are you? Don't you want Xixi anymore? Xixi will be very good in the future!"


The sound of the little girl crying on the street provoked the dead. In fact, the girl can only be seen on the street now.

As for boys... Maybe they are not loved by the heavens, men's resistance to Houkai has always been poor, maybe they have long been a member of the group of wandering dead soldiers.

Just when the dead man's sharp claws were about to touch the little girl, frost condensed under her feet, and the ice flowers climbed up her body, gradually turning into a terrifying ice sculpture.

The little girl, the Valkyrie, the survivors... including the Archbishop of Destiny who was about to leave in a carriage, all looked into the sky.

The roar of the beast is still roaring, but it has lost the excitement it used to have. Instead, it growls continuously, resembling the scream of fear when encountering a natural enemy.

In the sky.

The Crow Feather Cross spread its wings, and the ominous ghostly energy seemed to surpass the light.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, the headquarters of Destiny gradually turned into a city of frost.


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