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The slender palm reached out, the thumb passed through the lower part of the frame, and the thumb accidentally touched the bridge of Mei Ting's nose. .

Put the index finger and middle finger on the upper end of the center beam and the left mirror ring, and slowly remove it.

The hair tucked behind the ears slipped away, without the obstruction of the large frame, making Mei look even more unnatural.

The residual glow rose from the side of his face, and his gaze was also outside the window, leaving only the side face to Yazhongji.

Asking Aiyi to take away the frame, the monitoring source shows zero, Yaeji smiled and said, "Isn't this better?"

With Mei's IQ, she had already realized that her glasses were probably tampered with by those people.

However, this kind of ambiguous action of taking off the glasses still makes the relatively conservative Mei feel uncomfortable.

Mei kept hypnotizing herself, 'Boss Ji in front of me is a girl, and Boss Ji in front of me is a...'

When I saw Yaeji again, my mood really calmed down a lot. .

"Can we talk now?"

Instead, Mei asked first, trying to push the frame with her finger, but it directly touched the delicate skin of her cheek.

"Not used to it yet?" Yazhongji answered irrelevantly.

"It will take at least a week. Without glasses, I always feel that something is missing." Mei didn't dare to look directly at Yae Ji, and losing her glasses made her self-confidence drop drastically.

Yaeji finds it interesting that Dr. Mei, who is about nineteen or twenty years old, is not the scientific madman who almost only has experiments in his eyes after a year or two.

For that era, human life was worthless, and one successful individual among dozens or hundreds of people was considered a successful experiment. .

God knows how much May's mentality will change in the next year or two.

"Tell me about what happened before." Yaeji leaned back on the leather seat, waiting for Dr. Mei's next words.

Mei raised her head and glanced at Yaeji. She didn't know whether it was lack of confidence after losing her glasses, or she was ashamed in her heart, like a primary school student being reprimanded by a teacher, lowering her head and whispering.

"Before the third collapse begins...

That's about it, you can take me as a liar who wants to defraud funds, or as someone who plays with feelings..."

The expression on Mei's face was almost unstoppable, and in the end she didn't say anything.

It could be seen that she was obviously relieved, and the whole person was much more relaxed.

Although he still didn't dare to look at Yaeji, he dared to relax his whole body, and the tense muscles under his body returned to their normal state.

Mei almost told everything from middle school to Flaming Moth, which made Yaeji very curious.

"You and Kevin established a relationship a long time ago?"

"This, this is not true, it's just that he has been pestering me, and..." Mei stopped, and looked at Yaeji.

"Don't look at me with that look, please don't get me wrong, I'm just curious." Yaeji said.

Mei is talented and beautiful, and her figure and temperament are beyond words.

It can be seen that people who have seen all kinds of personalities and advantages, just from the appearance, Yaeji would not be interested in Mei.

Unless Mei can be brought back to the main world to develop technology, Yaeji is not interested in other things.

However... Leaving aside whether "followers" from other worlds can be brought back to the main world, just making Mei a "follower" is a very troublesome thing.

"Followers" need to reach the level of "following life and death" for the executors.

Compared with the illusory favorability, dividing the relationship into several stages is still a reference.

Facts have proved that the relationship of "life and death" does not only refer to lovers, but also includes the family relationship between brothers and sisters, and the relationship between master and servant...

Well, God Dai Lishi was purely accidental.

So... on Mei's side, is there also a pure friendship between a man and a woman?

Yaeji immediately denied this unreliable idea.

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