Era of Breakdown

Chapter 44 Mixed fish and dragons


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There are many new faces in Sakura Rin Coffee Shop. .

Among them, there are many beautiful people of the opposite sex. Those who don't know may think that this is a training base for some secret idol.

Some can speak dialects, and some can only speak Eastern Mandarin.

There are also tourists from other countries, and the entire Sakura Dessert Shop is like a condensed version of the global village.

All kinds of surveillance, investigation, means, and conspiracy are all displayed in the warmly decorated shop.

In just one morning, the police from Donggu Country came twice, in the name of arresting suspects.

Except for a few white-collar workers who often come to the store to drink tea and feel irritated and frightened, everyone else is a first-class actor.

Including the streets outside, under the turbulent flow of people, there are dark waves and turbulent waves. .

Ai, who only needs mana replenishment to run normally, will not feel tired, but will complain about the heavy workload.

Sakura was the only one who was really tired. She didn't rest much all morning, but she felt that half of her soul had been taken away.

Ling was tutored first by the tutor who was invited, and paid close to one-third of her salary for Sakura.

However, she would never have imagined that Dongguguo's subsidy for that tutor far exceeded her salary for a month of hard work.

"I'm so tired~ Sakura~" Aiyi leaned halfway on the counter and urged, "This time, the salary must be raised!"

Sakura finds it very strange, because in her cognition, Ying Lin Dessert Shop is a shop jointly opened by Boss Ji and Senior Sister Aiyi!

Is there really a boss who takes the initiative to raise the salary of his employees?

Sakura shook her head, "I've got enough. Living in the store doesn't charge the utility bills, so I can't take more!"

"Hey~" Ai Yi said flickeringly: "This is your fault, doesn't Ling have money for tutoring? Don't you need money for various things? There are also daily expenses, Sakura, you and Ling also have to buy one or two new things every month. clothes?"

Sakura stretched out her index finger and scratched her small face, saying: "This, this is not necessary, the previous clothes are all..."

"No!" Aiyi forcibly interrupted, and said with a serious face: "Daily consumption is still necessary. How can a girl of your age have no hobbies? Are you staying in the store all the time? Going out in the future will derail society !"

"Ah?! No, it's not that serious, right?" Sakura panicked, it wasn't the divorce from society that Ai said, but the subtext in Ai's words. .

‘Is there anything I’m not doing well? Do you want to close the shop? Then I...'

Yingqiang squeezed out a smile, "I also have the habit of checking the news every day, so I won't derail society."

"No! If I say no, I won't!" Aiyi said: "Wealth needs to be circulated, and it is also very important to support the country's economic construction! In this way, after get off work today, I will go to find..."

After listening to Sakura in a daze, she always felt very strange.

Why did senior sister Aiyi have to bring it up to her boss about her salary increase?

Wouldn't it be over if they just discussed it?

"I'll go and pack my things first!" Sakura, who couldn't figure out the cause and effect, slipped away decisively, leaving behind Ai with a depressed face.

"Sister Aiyi, would you like to make a string of fried tofu?" Fei Yuwan, who was hiding under the counter, tremblingly raised a string of fried tofu, with a look of reluctance on his face, "When you are unhappy, eat something It will set you at ease."

Aiyi rubbed Fei Yuwan's big head, "No need, you can eat by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he rested his elbows on the counter, cupped his face with both hands, and entered a daze state.

‘Last month’s salary was spent on games, and the boss didn’t let me earn some pocket money, so when will I be paid this month? '

All kinds of chaotic sounds outside were still there, and Yae Ji, who was making dessert in the back kitchen, could feel the sight of those who wanted to penetrate the back kitchen door.

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