Era of Breakdown

Chapter 891 Guiding Bracelet (Fill)

Avedon understands, the minister wants to get some benefits out of it. Originally, this matter is not luscious, and it is easy to involve consortia and "terrorist organizations". Why bother with such a thankless thing?

Now that we have detailed clues, Vera Pharmaceuticals has nothing to do. The minister wants to find out something, and then use the information to make friends with Vera Pharmaceuticals.

"Tell me, what's going on here?" Manolo tapped on the case file of more than thirty years.

Avedon said solemnly: "This file records the dictation of agent 'Macklem'. At that time, he had a dispute with another agent during the operation. Both of them disappeared, resulting in the failure of the mission. A week later, McCollum returned Suddenly appeared in the European continent thousands of miles away from the mission location..."

"Did he transfer to the European continent through that mysterious shop?" Manolo asked.

"The interrogators at the time believed that McCollum had psychological fear of killing his teammates and escaped from the mission scene through illegal channels." Avedon said: "As for the mysterious shop he mentioned, the interrogators regarded it as a mentally abnormal fabrication. story."

"Where is he now?" A bad premonition suddenly rose in Manolo's heart. He also wanted to use the background of the intelligence agency to find the "shopkeeper" first, so as to make a private deal with Vera Pharmaceuticals. Make no mistake...

Avedon said helplessly: "The investigation showed that the friend of the missing agent attributed all the faults to McCallum, and tried to get him into a mental nursing home. The story made up on this record sheet is the best spirit. Disease certificate."

Manolo nodded. At the end of the information, he saw that McCallum's lover had visited a nursing home. Before that, his lover lost vision and lost both legs in a car accident. However, in recent investigations, Macklem's lover got better within half a year after Macklem was hospitalized, no different from normal people, and found a new love...

Undoubtedly, neither Macklem nor his lover has access to medical methods that can regenerate a severed limb and restore light. She visited Macklem once and miraculously "recovered" ", there must be tricks in it.

Manolo also doesn't want to hold the former staff accountable. Thirty years ago, things have changed. This is a problem left over from history. Instead, he would like to thank the careless interrogator more than 30 years ago, otherwise such a good thing would not can fall on his head.

According to the information, Macklem is sixty-seven years old this year, and he is still living in a mental nursing home, but his mental state is not good... It seems that he has really become mentally ill.

"Set it up and I'll have a private talk with McCallum."

. . .

"Macklem, I am the current Minister of National Intelligence."

In the warmly decorated ward, Manolo introduced himself.

Macklem, who was sitting on the hospital bed, looked old, and the cloudy vitreous in his eyes was like a pool of stagnant water.

"I'm sorry for what happened thirty-two years ago," Manolo said straight to the point, "This time, the Intelligence Department needs you. At the same time, your title and resume will all be renewed and you will start a new life."

"Oh oh oh~" Macklem tilted his head and smiled foolishly, as if he didn't understand what Manolo was saying at all.

"I will personally provide you with the best medical environment. With your physical fitness, you can live for another ten years after recuperation. In addition, there is a drug that enhances cell vitality, which can make you live five years longer. Year."

Manolo bent down, leaned his face over, and at the same time stretched out his hand in front of McCallum, gestured and said: "Five years! Those enemies you used to be able to solve, including... betraying your lover... .”

Macklem's cloudy vitreous became cloudier, and there seemed to be pain, regret, and anger in it.

"Secretary Manolo, what do you want to know?"


Manolo took out the photo. In the photo, the delicate-looking pink-haired man stood there quietly, his beautiful Honkai eyes dimmed.

"Ha——" Macklem seemed to see something extraordinary, and laughed and leaned back, but the excessive force made him look like a duck being pinched by a huge force, and he only had time to let out a scream.

"Hahahahaha——" McCollum laughed out of breath, tears flowed out with a smile, mixed with snot and saliva, and he kept laughing there.

Manolo laughed along with him for a while, then he was afraid that the old man would be overly emotional and burp accidentally.

"Hahahahahaha~" McCollum was still laughing, and it took about two or three minutes before he returned to normal, "I said she said it existed! The store is also true! That bastard Gordon said I was traumatized! Yes Mental illness! Hahahaha~ now you know it’s true? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~”

"Mr. McCollum, can you tell me what you encountered in the store?"

Macklem was not laughing, and his expression seemed to be reminiscent, "I was hunted down by Martins at that time, I was shot six times by him, and then I tried my best to hide in a shop...wait for me When I woke up, I had fully recovered, and she, yes, was this kind lady who explained a lot of truths to me.

What 'Humans shouldn't kill each other, we need to unite to face unknown disasters'... I just thought it was ridiculous hahaha~ Later I tried my best to get a potion from her. Based on your information, I must know That medicine was used by that cousin! she! "

Seeing McCallum's uncontrollable anger again, Manolo quickly introduced the topic, "Do you remember how you got into that shop?"

"I don't know," McCollum shook his head, "I broke in unconsciously at the time, and I also asked the little girl

Sister, she gave me a bracelet and said that if I fill it with enough energy, I will be guided. "

Manolo looked at McCallum to make sure the bracelet wasn't on him.

"Mr. McCallum, if you hand over the ring to the intelligence department, the intelligence department will help you settle everything."

"Mr. Minister, please give me the promise first."

Manolo narrowed his eyes, "It's easy to talk about, I'll help you with it first, the title retirement benefits will be restored after signing the contract, tell me the position of the bracelet, and the remaining two items will be included in your retirement benefits in the contract."

Half a day later, Manolo found the ordinary bracelet in the utility room of the nursing home...

Absorbing electric energy, shutting down the entire area, but there is no response from the wrist.

Within the scope of power, Manolo tried all the energy sources he could find, but nothing worked. If it wasn't for the bracelet's ability to absorb electricity, he would have thought that lunatic Macklem was lying to him.

In view of the importance of poor intelligence information, Manolo, who was helpless after a round of experiments, planned to visit Vera Pharmaceuticals directly with the bracelet.


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