Era of Breakdown

Chapter 892 Mysterious Girl

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know how much Honkai energy this gadget can absorb. The power of the No. 1 furnace is almost at the bottom."

Destiny Floating Island, the cluster of Honkai Furnaces in the three districts.

The researchers concerned with energy conduction and Houkai energy direction stared at the changes in the data, and whispered to the people around them from time to time, and their words were full of wonder at the experimental items.

"What is its specific material? How does it absorb energy? Will it involve the imaginary number space?" One person fanatically said: "The research on it is likely to allow us to study in materials science, energy science, space science and other disciplines. Breakthrough! I can't believe that a small thing that weighs only two hundred grams can absorb the energy of an entire standard Honkai furnace!"

The girl from the Valkyrie army on the side showed distressed expression, and whispered: "This time the energy conduction, how many mission subsidy for the top..."

"You can figure it out yourself," the teammate said with a smile: "The five standard Honkai Furnaces are collectively called the Honkai Furnace Cluster. A floating battleship of the highest standard uses this reduced version of the cluster system. The cost of the reduced version is Three times the price of the standard version, although we have not eliminated warships carrying the Honkai Furnace for sale, but you can refer to the price reference of the previous conventional power battleships."

"How much is that..." The girl looked eagerly at her knowledgeable teammates.

"The decommissioned warships we sold to Alstom last year were about 2 billion credits. When this power system is eliminated, a furnace will probably have 100 to 200 million credits."

"One to two hundred million..." The corner of the girl's mouth twitched, "My subsidy for a B-level mission is only 3200."

"The power conduction of the No. 2 furnace has decreased!" The person monitoring the data shouted: "The energy of the furnace itself is running well, and it is estimated that the energy of the experimental body is close to saturation."

On the second floor, Leanna stood with her secretary, looking at the wrist-shaped experimental subject below with a blank expression.

"Unexpectedly, the intelligence department of the United States seized important clues first." The corner of Leanna's mouth curled up. "It seems that the decision to give up the United States area to anti-entropy development was a wrong act."

"Our intelligence department also searched for that shop, but unfortunately, the shop was moved before the information could be uploaded." Xiao immediately defended his intelligence department.

Leanna waved her hand, and several documents from the big boss of the scientific research department came into her personal mailbox, planning to apply to her for the research of the guidance bracelet.

"I can't do research for you now..." Leanna replied one by one, "Pin, find a smarter agent from the intelligence department and let her enter that store with a bracelet."

. . .

The sassy woman with short black hair at the ear and a height of about 175 loosened the neckline, took a deep breath, and her beautiful figure rose and fell.

There was a silver bracelet-shaped decoration on her right wrist, and the bracelet was trembling slightly at this moment.

Hoshino Sharo looked at the narrow alley ahead, and in her heart, the bracelet guided her to go there.

As an A-rank Valkyrie, this was the first time she had received such a bizarre mission. Wearing a wristband and going to a store according to the guidance of the wristband sounds more like assisting the researchers of the scientific research department to complete a scientific experiment.

Passing through the narrow alley, Hoshino Sharo saw an old street with a normal flow of people. Most of the owners of the shops on the street were listless and did not greet the passing guests.

Soon, she came to a shop. Even though the shop was here, many people turned a blind eye to it and wouldn't take a look inside.

The trembling bracelet quieted down, Hoshino Sharo looked into the shop, always feeling covered by a cloud of fog, making it difficult to see the reality.

Hoshino Sharo marked the specific location for the logistics staff, confirmed that there was no problem with the miniature headset, and went straight to the store.


The sound of a bell hitting the corner of the door sounded, and Hoshino Sara stepped inward.

The decoration in the store is not bad, it is a grocery store that sells everything, um, an exquisite grocery store.

Hoshino Sharo locked on the girl standing at the side of the counter at first sight. She had long pink hair, delicate face, and broken eyes, which were exactly the same as in the photo.

Soon, Hoshino Sharo looked away, and turned to look at the girl on the other side of the lounge chair.

On the tea table next to the girl were half-eaten pastries, and a book of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" was covered on her face.

Hearing the ringtone, the drowsy girl slowly took off the book covering her face, revealing a pair of clear eyes.

Immediately, he turned his gaze and saw the guiding bracelet on Hoshino Sharo's wrist, and immediately stood up from the reclining chair.

"A visitor? What do you need? Our store has everything!" The girl was very enthusiastic, "Would you like something to drink? Lemonade or coffee?"

"Ji!" The shop manager's girl turned to the girl standing quietly, "Make a cup of tea for the customer."

The girl named "Ji" nodded slightly, without making a sound, and turned around to make tea by herself.

"No need." Hoshino Sharo pretended to be a guest, looked at some items on the shelf, picked out a blue potion named "α", curled his lips and said: "You guys are really thorough in imitation, isn't it pure water? "

"How could it be?" The girl shook her head and said, "It's because of predestined relationship that you can come here. You don't know how you came here?"

Hoshino Sharo's heart tightened, and the surface was calm, "Isn't it just a shop? It's so mysterious, and you still operate divination?"

"There is such a service," the girl smiled, "but customers need to spend ten times here before they can provide it~"

Saro Hoshino kept the appearance of the girl in his heart

, Among the tasks she received, there was no information about this person.

"How much is the α drug?"

"Money? No, no, no, we don't charge money."

"Your store is really weird. How can you not make money by opening the door for business?"

"Hey~ We accept barter, materials, energy, and weird stuff."

Hoshino Sharo pulled out a dagger from his waist, and immediately made the girl retreat tactically.

"Look at this dagger." Hoshino Sharo handed the handle of the knife to the girl.

"Yo~ Made of imitation soul steel." The girl waved it twice, "I remember it was a memory metal that was just researched a few years ago. What is it called Fei?"

"Emerald shell."

"Oh, that's right, that's it."

Hoshino Sharo became more and more sure that it was not easy for a girl to be a girl. She even knew about imitation soul steel. Even she herself only found out after joining the secret team of the intelligence department.

"It's enough to change an α potion." The girl handed the dagger back again, "Do you want to change it?"

"Change!" Hoshino Sharo picked up an α and asked, "Are you sure it was produced by Vera Pharmaceuticals? Can you provide proof?"

"Harmful~" the girl said mysteriously: "It's not like you don't know about this kind of gray industry. Where can you get the proof, but I can guarantee that its medicinal effect is better than Vera's."


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