Era of Breakdown

Chapter 893 Station Chief of the Earth Observation and Logistics Support Station

My name is Duan Ling, a 16-year-old young and invincible girl—at least, I always thought so before I met that person.

During the summer vacation of the third year of junior high school, I dug out a pair of black bracelets from the cabinet in my hometown that I hadn’t cleaned up for a long time.

I showed it to my parents. They were very excited. One said it was a gold bracelet left by grandma, and the other said it was a bronze ware... Actually, I don’t know why their opinions are so different, but it doesn’t matter. , The two of them did not act rashly, not daring to easily wash away the traces of time accumulated on them.

Until a TV program on appraising treasures came to our city, my parents finally couldn't bear their temper, and went to the scene to find the so-called expert appraisal with the bracelet.

The result came out—the young expert who just graduated from a famous school made a joke with them, saying that this table belonged to the Zhou Dynasty, and if it was kept for five thousand years, it would be a priceless treasure...

Mom and Dad were overjoyed, but afterwards felt that there was something in that person's words, so they replaced it with a gray-haired old professor.

The old professor studied for a long time, washed it with ultrasonic waves, and said that the bracelet was made last week...

Afterwards, the old professor pulled my dad and refused to let go, insisting that my dad teach him old techniques...

In the end, I only knew that my father had lost his temper, saying that the program team was fraudulent, the experts were unscrupulous, and so on. There were some small frictions at the scene, and my father was even taken in for a few days.

Later...then it was gone. The cleaned bracelet was kept at home. I often took it off and wore it on my wrist, and sneaked out to show off to my classmates and friends.

There's no way, who made the bracelet so exquisite, and the patterns carved on it seem to come alive, wearing it on the wrist, it feels warm.

Until that day... I wore it to play at a classmate's house, and it rained heavily on the way home. I went into a shop to hide from the rain... I met "Ji".

She has always claimed to be Ji, and didn't even say anything about her surname. When I first entered the store, she said that she had enough authority and the target was bound.

Inexplicably, I became the owner of this mysterious shop. According to her, I am the head of the Earth Observation and Logistics Support Station of the Flaming Moth... To be fair, this name is really ugly.

At first I thought it was just a joke, or some kind of weird TV show, maybe in some hidden corner, there was a camera filming all of this, until - the first time I crossed, to be precise, it was me and This shop crosses together.

The "Ji" with the cold beauty character is said to be the weak point of the guarantee station that will travel to the time and space of the earth.

God, I just went to the store to hide from the rain. I don’t care if I become a station master. You sent me to Europe in a blink of an eye. I really didn’t expect...

There, I used the medicine in the store to save a seriously injured man. The man was very silent and only said that he would repay me.

Later, Ji taught me how to take blood potions, how to break through, how to make potions with machines...

I can't help but believe all this. According to the standards of the destiny of the outside world, I am already an A-rank Valkyrie!

With this store, I met more and more people and things, and saw the other side of the world clearly... Unfortunately, it has been a long time since Moth of the Fire Chaser sent anything from a different space, Ji said the organization Resources are gradually decreasing, and almost no items have been transferred to the station in the past 100 years.

And my task is to collect resources as much as possible and pass them on to the flame-chasing moths.

The resources have also been passed on several times, each time like a mud cow falling into the sea, without any waves, and without any response. I guess that Moth Chasing Flame is probably gone, it's just Ji's wishful thinking.

I don't dare to bring this matter up, every time when it comes to Moth Chasing Flame, Ji is always very excited, and even passed out once!

But it doesn't matter, after all, I'm just a high school stationmaster driven by interest. As long as there are resources, almost all the medicines left in the station can be regenerated. Even if I am a medicine seller in this life, I can still earn a lot of money Bowl full.


In the shop, classical lyrical music came from an old music box. Duan Ling took away the books on her face and looked at Ji who was standing motionless by the counter.

There was a daze in Ji's collapsed eyes, and he stared blankly at the door of the store, praying that the next customer would bring her enough resources.

——These are all made up by Duan Ling.

‘Maybe Ji really loves Moth of the Flame. '

Duan Ling stretched her waist, and she was also very helpless. She was once infected by Ji's attitude for a while, and worked hard to find customers and collect resources every day. After collecting a certain amount of resources, she sent them to the fire moth in a different space behind , but...there was no response from the other side.

"Ji~" Duan Ling stood up, "I'm off work, mom is still waiting for me for dinner."

Ji turned around, his gaze was as dull as ever, "Be careful."

"Yeah." Duan Ling walked to the door of the store, and suddenly turned around again, "Ah Ji, do you want to come to my house for dinner? My mother's braised pork is super delicious! There are also sweet and sour pork ribs today!"

Ji didn't know why, the chip in his brain was running, and he smiled, "No, thank you."

"Are you really not going?" Duan Ling turned back and stared at Ji.

"No, thanks."

"Oh~" Duan Ling sighed, "You said we have known each other for so long, at least we are friends, right? We need to be so polite between friends?"

Before Ji could answer, the sound of pushing open the shop door and knocking on the doorbell rang.

Duan Ling turned her head and found that it was an old acquaintance! Ji's evaluation of him was an S-rank blood knight!

"Yo~" Duan Ling said enthusiastically, "Mr. Smith

Sheng, what's the matter in the store? Need to add some medicine? "

"No need." Smith was dressed in black casual clothes, a peaked cap and a black mask, giving off a mysterious look.

"Miss Duan, I'm here to tell you some news."


"Dozens of intelligence organizations are inquiring about Miss Ji and this shop, you must be careful."

Smith put on a photo of Ji, and said in a low voice, "This time it is an order from the destiny, and it is searching for you all over the world."

"No wonder there are so many people coming to the store these days." Duan Ling picked up the photo and frowned.

She knew that this magical shop would be exposed one day, but she didn't expect it to be exposed so soon.

. . .

Destiny, Floating Island.

"The image recording and signal transmission entering the store are all interfered with. The α medicine that Hoshino Sara took out from the store is actually more effective than Vera Pharmaceutical's α single product." Leianna reported to Yae Jihui: "Hoshino Shaluo did find the person in the photo, but...there is a little girl who dominates beside him."

Yaeji took over the impression painting, and recalled that he would look up the information stored in "Ji" in the future, as if there was such a person.

"Arrange, I'll go."


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