Era of Breakdown

Chapter 79 Abandonment and Redemption

Golden wavy hair, beautiful blue eyes, fair baby face, and standard beauty. In the eyes of the soldiers, this is a typical federal western race. If you have to find a shortcoming, it is the pair of eyes that should be smart. Frightened to the point of losing consciousness.

Seeing such a little angel, Ding Bing felt a little excited in his heart. People are visual animals and yearn for beautiful things. There is nothing better than seeing a child alive after a disaster breaks out.

"Hey hey hey~"

The soldier's heart tightened, and he found that the angelic little man was looking at him with absent-minded eyes, grinning his little mouth, and making a low and strange sound in his throat.


"Hey hey hey~"

The soldier raised his gun with a serious face, and Garland hurriedly explained: "My daughter suffered from mental illness when she was a child, and Professor Hope from Central State can prove it!"

The soldiers still did not put down their guns. Before ordinary people mutated into dead soldiers, they would have various strange behaviors, just like the little girl. As for Professor Hope in Central State? Who is that? The mother is carrying an infected child. Trying to sneak into the safe base is not something that happens only once or twice.

"Go through the door!" the soldier shouted: "You can go in as long as the red light doesn't light up!"

Garland was overjoyed, hugged his giggling daughter tightly, walked through the soldiers and headed towards the inspection gate.

Didi didi——

The rapid and piercing siren sounded. In Garland's eyes, the red light above his head was more terrifying than the oozing blood.

"Get out!" The soldiers at the inspection port pointed their guns at the Garland mother and daughter, and many infrared rays were concentrated on Siasin.

"Let's leave now! Let's leave now!" Gatovin, who was trying to squeeze out of the crowd, grabbed the stunned Garland and quickly squeezed into the crowd again and disappeared.

Away from the inspection gate, Gatovin breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that if they took one step too late, the soldiers would shoot.

Siasin giggled in Garland's arms, Garland was lost and confused, and Donkat looked anxiously at his two closest people in the world.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Siasin, who had returned to normal, was puzzled and hurriedly wiped away the tears on Garland's face with her little hands. She remembered that they were clearly at the testing gate just now, why...

Before he could remember to continue thinking, his mind went blank again, Siasin grinned again and giggled.

Gatowen, who was observing the changes in Thea Xin, suddenly cursed: "These inexperienced fools! Little Thea Xin is obviously very resistant to Honkai. What kind of stupid* detection gate, IQ detector is almost the same!"

Garland returned to his senses and asked urgently: "Is there anything you can prove?"

"Yes, there are many, but these soldiers don't understand! Those experts will not go to the front line to check." Gatowen sat on the ground, took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it, "Otherwise, sister, You take Dong Kate in first, and I'll take Siasin to try. There aren't many planes in the safe base, so it's important to get in quickly."

"No!" Garland hugged Siasin tightly, "I want to go with Siasin! You and Dongkat go in first."

"Mom~" Dongkat's eyes flashed with tears, and she hugged Garland's lap tightly, crying: "If mom doesn't leave, I won't leave either, wuwu~"

Gatowen was one and two big, and the rumble of planes taking off was heard in the sky again... Looking up at the sky, I only saw planes taking off from the safety base, and no other planes landed in the safety base.

"We can't wait any longer! When those monsters are born, these troops will be useless!" Gatowen shouted: "Sister! I'm not kidding you, everyone will not be able to leave by then! They will all die here! You hurry up and take them Let’s go with Dong Kate! Siasin and I will switch to another detection door!”

Garland hesitated, but Gatovin snatched Siasin over, lifted up Dongkat's back collar and stuffed it into Garland's arms.

"Quick! Let's hurry! Let's move separately!"

"Siasin!" Garland hugged Dongkat and ran for a few steps, but still did not catch up with Gatowen. "You must bring Siasin in!"

Garland's heart sank slightly, and he continued to squeeze into the crowd, waiting for the next test.

ten minutes later.

Gato Wen relied on his fierce face to force his way through the inspection door at another place.

Didi didi——

Red light flashed on Gatowen's gloomy face. If he hadn't been holding the child in his arms, he would have been shot on the spot by these soldiers.

"*!" Gatowen, who tried three times in succession, had no choice but to look at Siasin, who was still giggling in his arms, and sighed in his heart.

"Don't blame uncle, there's nothing I can do about your uncle. If this continues, both of us will die in this hellish place." Gatovin found the bathroom in the airport and took the sick Siasin in.


The door lock was closed, and Siasin happened to regain consciousness and looked at Gato Wen with a face full of vicissitudes of life in confusion.


"Little Siasin," Gatovin interrupted Siasin and touched her hair, "It's very messy outside now. Don't go out. Uncle will get you medicine. After getting the medicine, we can pass I’ll be tested and I’ll be with my mother when the time comes.”

"I'm with you..."

Before she could say the word "qi", Siasin suddenly remembered that she was having an illness and her mental state was extremely unstable.

"I asked your mother and Dongkat to go in first. Wait for me here, and I will find medicine for you!" Gatowen ordered: "It's very chaotic outside. No matter what noise is made outside, you must not open the door unless it is... I’m calling you, you know?”

Siasin nodded, Gatovin touched his niece's hair again, and told him again: "We must wait for uncle to come back."


Siasin got sick again, which made Gatovin extremely helpless. He pulled away and closed the door of the toilet cubicle tightly. Gatovin quickly walked out of the bathroom.

There is chaos in the hall, and someone has transformed into a dead soldier and is attacking humans.

Gatowen glanced at the bathroom and trotted towards the direction of the test. The drug could only calm Siasin's emotions, but could not weaken the Honkai fluctuations in her body. Instead of wasting time here waiting to die together, it would be better to sacrifice someone.

As for how to explain to sister Garland then...

Gatowen rolled up his sleeves, cut two blood marks on his arm with a dagger, threw away the knife, and quickly headed to the testing area.

. . .


green light.

Gato Wen breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly walked to the safe base, and looked around for his sister Garland.


After passing the test, Garland kept observing those who walked out of the test door and waved to Gatovin from a distance.

"Sister..." Gatowen pretended to be ashamed. His pale lips and sunken eyes made Garland instantly understand what was going on.

"Where is Siasin?!" Garland rushed to Gatowen and said excitedly: "Where is my little Siasin?! Where is she? Didn't you promise to bring her in like I promised? Where is she! Where is she!"

Garland grabbed Gatovin's shoulders and shook her hard. After a while, she found blood flowing from Gatovin's cuffs.

While Garland was distracted, Gato said: "I shouldn't have taken Siasin to find medicine. She...she suddenly transformed into a dead soldier in the airport lobby and almost caught me to death!"

"How could..." Garland raised his head and glared at Gato Wen, "You are lying to me! You are lying to me!"

"I didn't lie to you!" Gato Wen also said excitedly: "At first, I thought she had the rumored physique that is not afraid of collapse. Maybe she has been resisting!"

The excited Gatowen rolled up his sleeves, showing the blood marks on his arms, "Little Siasin's mutation level is very high, and he can easily control weapons! I have been there for so many years, but I still know some things! People like little Siasin It’s not an exception.”

"Anyway...I'm sorry..." Gatovin was crestfallen.

Dongkat on the side was completely dumbfounded. Although he was young, he roughly understood that his sister... turned into that horrible and disgusting monster... and almost killed Uncle Gatovin...

Cassila, who couldn't speak, didn't know what to say. Their community was not far or near the location where the Honkai dirty bomb exploded. Little Siasin had not been wearing any equipment and was completely exposed to the outside air. At this time, there was a sudden change. Turning into a death warrior monster seems to be something that makes sense. After all, when the military tested it just now, little Siasin's body was always glowing red.

"We can't wait any longer, we have to leave quickly!" Gatovin picked up the stunned Donkete, held Garland's wrist, and said to Casilla: "Let's go, let's go, more and more people are coming in." If there are no more planes, we will all be doomed!"

"Oh!" Cassila helped support the lost Garland, and the four of them walked towards the transport plane in the distance.

. . .

Hall bathroom.

Siasin has fully recovered, and the noisy sounds from the outside world have never stopped. The dead men seem to have occupied the hall, and Uncle Gatovin has never returned.

"Maybe... the dead man ate him..." Siasin lowered her head. She was very smart. After regaining her consciousness, she deduced all the known clues, and the results she came to were unwilling to face.

First, uncle Gatowen was attacked by a dead soldier while looking for medicine.

Second, uncle Gatowen simply abandoned her and ran away.

Thirdly, Uncle Gatoven is still on the way, but the possibility... is slim.

It’s nothing more than these three results.

‘Wait, wait, maybe uncle will be here soon. ’

Siasin, who was sitting on the toilet seat, held her face with her hands and stared blankly at the white tiles on the ground.

The dead man wandered to the bathroom and then wandered out, but did not find Siasin hiding in it.

The power supply was still normal for the time being, and the lights in the bathroom stayed on all night.

Siasin didn't know how long he had been waiting. Even the dead soldiers in the outside world didn't make much movement, and he was mentally exhausted.

"It seems that uncle was bitten to death by a dead soldier." Siasin hugged her legs tightly and buried her little face between her legs. "Just mom and brother escape. Siasin and doesn't matter... .

Dad, little Siasin will come to you..."

Talking to himself, hot tears welled up, and Siasin, buried in her legs, sobbed softly.

At some point, the tired Siasin fell asleep, and her body maintained a very low consumption... Suddenly, with a snap, Siasin, whose muscles were relaxed, fell to the ground, and the cold tiles and pain woke her up.

"Thirsty...I'm so thirsty..."

Siasin stood up. She didn't know how long it had been since she had eaten. She opened the bathroom door, walked to the sink, and stuck her head out to drink water.

The sound of rushing water attracted many dead soldiers to gather, and Siasin looked up at himself in the mirror.

The golden waves that had always been carefully taken care of were curled up with burrs, the black marks under the eye sockets could not be wiped away, the eyes were bloodshot, the right side of the face was even more bruised, and the lips had no trace of blood, just like the weird doll in the movie.


Siasin turned to look at the dead soldiers gathered around her. The clothes on her body did not have the style she was familiar with...

"Uncle died outside...Uncle

He died outside..." Siasin picked up the steel mop in the bathroom.


A dead soldier rushed towards Siasin first, and a foul stench emanated from his bloody mouth! The mop was instantly stuffed into the dead man's mouth. Siasin threw the dead man away hard, and a hole was suddenly opened in the crowd of dead men gathered around him.

"I'm going to find my mother...I'm going to find Dong Kate..."

Thea Xin cheered up, rushed out of the encirclement, picked up the dagger that someone had dropped on the ground, and attacked the dead soldiers who rushed towards her like crazy!


The sharp point of the dagger stabbed into the eye socket of the dead soldier accurately, and every time it was pulled out, it would bring out blood and white substance. After killing a dozen dead soldiers, Siasin, who had limited energy, was finally thrown to the ground by one of the dead soldiers. !


This time it wasn't the sound of a dagger stabbing, but the sound of the dead soldier biting into the flesh and tearing through his clothes.

What Siasin didn't expect was that she didn't feel any pain and allowed the dead soldiers to drown her until the last light above her sight covered her...

'Let's go find daddy first...' Thea Xin thought, 'Little Thea Xin is so tired, little Thea Xin wants to take a nap...'


The moment Siasin fell into coma, he vaguely heard the familiar sound of gunshots, the sound of bullets hitting the dead soldiers, black blood flowers bursting out one after another, the light above his head flooded in again, and a blurry man appeared. The figure appeared in her sight...

"It's really bad. I thought I could finish the task ahead of schedule."


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