Era of Breakdown

Chapter 80 Blind Girl (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!)

"With one hundred and sixty-seven lacerations throughout her body, twenty-four fractures, and contamination of her internal organs, eyes, and brain, Miss Siasin's survival to this day is already a medical miracle.

At first the doctor thought she wouldn't last long, but later changed it to a vegetative state, and then said that Miss Theasin would wake up in the next few days. Her own healing ability was incredible. Professor Faison hoped to use Miss Theasin as a sample. Create a research group and he asked me to ask for your ideas..."

In the corridor outside the custody room, a man in a suit and tie was holding a simple report sheet and narrating to Kevin.

At this time, Kevin no longer looked that ferocious. He had adopted the new era of physical training. The former "Sass" had long been reborn. While he looked elegant and elegant, his physical fitness had become several times stronger.

‘Can the body specially customized by Fire Chaser Moth for Siasin not be strong? ’

Kevin's expression remained unchanged, "Rejecting Professor Faison's matter, no matter who comes, I don't want to hear you interceding in it."

"Yes! Boss!" The man stood upright immediately, and then bowed to the end. Thinking of the boss's cruel behavior in the past few years, beads of sweat appeared on the man's forehead.


A slight vibration appeared in his trouser pocket.

"Take it." Kevin said.

"Yes!" The man breathed a sigh of relief, took out his cell phone and answered the call, his face turned ugly for a moment.

"Boss, the deputy speaker's daughter broke in. Look..."

"Let her come up." Kevin waved his hand, and the man retreated voluntarily.

Not long after, there was a rhythmic clicking sound in the corridor. Kevin turned his head and saw a petite girl wearing simple casual clothes, a baseball cap and large sunglasses appearing in his sight.


"Miss Emily," Kevin said helplessly, "Do you know that every time you move, you will attract a lot of attention."

"So I packaged myself up!" Emily took off her baseball cap and sunglasses, and what appeared in front of Kevin was a girl who looked very similar to Bianca.

This is the reincarnation of Bianca, a girl named Emily, the only daughter of Federation Vice-President Sorel, whose family is extremely wealthy and powerful.

"I'm here to warn you!" Emily pointed to the intensive care unit, "You went too far this time! Don't think that I can't intervene from such a distance! You really made me anxious, and you don't need to do this job. Done!"

Kevin spread his hands, "I thought we could finish the work ahead of schedule, but I didn't expect that little Thea Xin... wasn't too resentful of the world.

You know, little Siasin has been looked down upon since she was a child, and was slandered when she was in school. After the outbreak of Honkai, she experienced the death of her father and the abandonment of her uncle, but she... her nerves are extremely tough, which is inseparable from the environment in which she grew up. relation. "

Kevin added: "At the beginning, Mei observed that within three years of the implementation of our plan, a periodic collapse would occur where Siasin was. What was the result? More than ten years later, the collapse of the sanity crystal was still emitted. The bomb disrupted the situation.

Mei also predicted that your cheap dad would not live for ten years. How can he live well now? Our predictions for the future are not accurate at all.

If little Thea Xin had experienced the Honkai Impact when she was three years old and had suffered in advance, she might have had a little more resentment towards the world, but now she is used to it! The 'mental illness' she suffered from since she was a child has made her extraordinarily sensible. I wanted to test her mental toughness these few times, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!

Several experiences did not make her resent the world. It was not until she was devoured by the dead soldiers that I saw a clear look of relief on her face! What do you want me to do?

Even this kind of thing can't alienate her, so what kind of grief can be used to infect her in the future? Her mother Garland? Her brother Donkat? Or the most classic experiment? I think that will only make her spirit stronger. ..”

Emily crossed her arms and said, "Anyway, you said there was no rush, and you would not start planning until she completed the second stage of development and was no longer disturbed by mental illness."

"Alas~" Kevin said helplessly: "Don't you understand what I mean? If you want such a tough girl to be so desperate that she transforms into a Herrscher, you have to take heavy medicine! Once I use heavy medicine, you will definitely stop me. I, all of us, are not up to the task.

Emily, you have to understand that our ultimate mission is to cultivate the Herrscher of the Sky, not a Valkyrie with good quality and tough spirit. There are a lot of such people among the Fire Chaser Moth or Destiny! "

"Then what do you want to do?" Emily asked, raising her eyebrows.

"If that doesn't work, just follow Ji's old path, operate on her relatives, and then close the laboratory. In short, let her experience the beauty for a while. I want her to experience hope that cannot be realized."

"Tsk, tsk, it's really a bad idea." Emily looked at the figure in the intensive care unit through the glass, "I will monitor you at all times, don't go too far."

"There's nothing we can do about that." Kevin put his hands in his pockets.

"Hmph!" Emily put on her hat and sunglasses, tossed her hair and turned to leave.

Since she took control of part of the family power, she began to observe every move of Siasin and Kevin. She was deeply moved by Siasin's character and experiences.

She originally thought that she was just here to increase the intensity of her consciousness, take a look at the unlucky guy Ji's differentiated consciousness had become, and at most lend a helping hand when Kevin went too far, but she didn't expect that she was infected by the cute little Siasin.

When Siasin was imprisoned in the bathroom by Gatovin, according to the plan reported by Kevin in advance, he was to rescue Siasin, instead of waiting until Siasin was unconscious and attacked and bitten by a group of dead soldiers!

Every time she thought about this, Emily felt angry. She had full trust in Kevin, but she didn't expect that Kevin would do this without telling her.

Such a thing! If she hadn't seen the photos of Siasin's serious injury and mobilized surveillance, she wouldn't have known about it!

'From today on, I will spend all my free time monitoring you...'

On the other side, Kevin rubbed his temples. In his opinion, the "Thea Xin Insurance" arranged in this plan was just a drag on him!

He actually sent many plan execution letters to Bianca, but they were all rejected by the other party.

One is too evil and does not conform to Valkyrie's values. The other is too soft. If you do it, you have not done it...

After carrying out the mission for more than ten years, Kevin was extremely tired every time he communicated with Emily.


Kevin suddenly saw signs of shaking on the figure lying on the bed in the intensive care unit.

Open the door and walk inside.


The monitoring facility showed that Siasin's pulse rate increased and there were signs of recovery.

Siasin tried hard to open her eyes. Finally, the world was no longer black! Instead, a transparent wall can be vaguely seen in the thick fog, and the periphery of the wall seems to be dark...

A sense of uneasiness surrounded Siasin...until she heard the man's familiar voice:

"Are you awake?"


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