These questions in the assessment are very partial, but they cannot be underestimated, cultivators, need to have an extremely deep understanding of elves, just have superficial knowledge is not enough.

Maybe this knowledge may not seem so great even if you know it, but this is only the basic skill of a beginner cultivator, and it is so simple to cultivate a good elf, or make a living by this means.

Compared to the knowledge of those top masters, these are simply pediatrics.

Until, 45 minutes after the exam, just halfway through the time, he had already answered all the questions.

After checking again after 5 minutes and making sure that there was no problem, Jiang Feng raised his head and raised his hand at the same time.

Now that he had answered the question and was sure that he could pass, he submitted an application to submit the papers in advance.

In this way, under the surprised and doubtful eyes of others, Jiang Feng walked out of the 205 examination room.

The exam lasted 90 minutes, and only 50 minutes have passed.

The other evaluators were surprised by Jiang Feng's answering speed, and of course, some doubted in their hearts, after all, he looked too young for them to believe.

And Joyland, who was in charge of proctoring, returned to the stage after covering the test paper, carefully flipped through his information again, and then smiled and was a little curious.

After handing in the test papers, you need to wait for the results to be announced, and the results are generally announced at about two o'clock in the afternoon, so Jiang Feng decided to take a stroll in Rainbow City, by the way to supplement the consumption of high-level energy cube materials for Pikachu, materials that are difficult to buy in the gold market are easy to buy here, in a store bought a complete quasi-king-level electric dragon left behind after death, and also bought a Tianwang-level self-detonating magnetic monster left after death, This is the essence treasure left by the death of a complete Heavenly King-level elf, and generally speaking, the materials bought in other cities are a little bit processed, which is comparable to the materials he perfectly processed with the system. The entire Kanto region can only buy these materials in Rainbow City, a sacred place for cultivators, and these two materials are completely enough for Pikachu to use when he is from the elite level to the quasi-king level. So since he came, he also decided to shop around again to see if he could buy the materials needed for the Miao Frog Seed, although the energy cube of the Miao Frog Seed made before has not been used up, but since Pikachu's has been bought, then by the way, the Miao Frog Seed is also bought.

Although Rainbow City is a cultivator holy place, but not always can buy such good materials, now Rainbow City once a year cultivator assessment, the first day for the assessment of the primary cultivator qualification certificate, the second day is the assessment of the intermediate cultivator qualification certificate, and the senior, top cultivator qualification does not need to participate in the assessment at a specific time, as long as the cultivator feels that their level has reached, you can come to the cultivator association at any time and let the examiner help identify.

As for the title of cultivator master, it is not a simple assessment to get, it can also be said that to promote a master-level elf cultivator, you do not need to participate in any assessment at all, you only need to make outstanding contributions in the field of cultivating elves, you can be awarded the honor of master cultivator.

Now is the assessment time for the primary cultivator qualification certificate and the intermediate cultivator qualification certificate, every year at this time, there will be many senior, top and even master cultivators will bring their juniors or apprentices to participate in the assessment, by the way bragging about their juniors or apprentices, have a good comparison. And people who do not have apprentices or juniors will also come here to choose an heir or assistant and the like, after all, the assessment of the Rainbow City Cultivation Headquarters is generally much more difficult than the assessment of other cities, and the young people who are assessed here and can pass can be said to be geniuses, bring back a little cultivation can be used as an apprentice or assistant to assist their own research, and this is also a step by step opportunity for those who participate in the assessment, if they are regarded by master cultivators to cultivate, even if they are assistants, Becoming a senior cultivator in the future is almost a certainty, and the higher level depends on your own ability.

Therefore, in order to cater to those high-level cultivators, they have come up with a lot of good things to sell, and Jiang Feng also heard that there will be an auction tomorrow night, and there will be a championship-level material auction at that time. The original plan to leave after the junior cultivator exam today was also temporarily put down.

He decided to put aside other things first, buy more Heavenly King-level materials, and stay up late in the evening to make some top-level energy cubes to be auctioned tomorrow, so that he can earn more money so that the money he needs for tomorrow's auction will be available, and the top-level energy cubes made with Heavenly King-level materials can help quasi-Heavenly King-level elves directly break through the threshold of Heavenly King. Elves will have a threshold when they break through the Heavenly King level at the Quasi-Heavenly King level, and there will also be a threshold when they break through the Champion level at the Heavenly King level, but if your elf qualification is good enough, after the elf reaches the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly King, you can make the elf break through to the Heavenly King level for a month in a row. The reason why quasi-god elves are so popular is because quasi-god elves are at least quasi-king level existence after the final evolution, and the qualification may reach the heavenly king level as soon as they break through, even if they fail to reach the heavenly king level, they can break through to the heavenly king level within a year and a half, and if enough resources are given, the process will be faster, so getting a quasi-god elf means that you can have a heavenly king level elf in the future, which is also the reason why quasi-gods are rare and precious.

Jiang Feng spent more than 30 million yuan to buy several copies of the Heavenly King-level materials of various departments, and all eighteen attributes were available. For example, the bird's beak that faded after the death of the Heavenly King level Bidiao, the top hat that the crow head of the Heavenly King level faded after death, the poisonous fangs that the Heavenly King level forked bat faded after death, the dragon teeth that the Heavenly King level Fast Dragon faded after death, the horns on the chest left by the Heavenly King level Shanado after his death, the tail left by the Heavenly King level Pikosi after his death, the long horns on the head left by the Heavenly King level Bosco Dora after his death, and so on, as well as a variety of auxiliary materials such as Heavenly King materials and tree fruit medicinal materials with a variety of other attributes.

Among them, the huge petals of the king-level geranium that fell after death were purchased for the seeds of the Miao Frog, and materials such as the poisonous tail left by the king-level spoon snake after death.

After buying the materials, Jiang Feng went back to the hotel to have a meal, fed Miao Frog Seeds and Pikachu, and then returned to the Cultivator's headquarters to wait for the results.

A few hours, fleeting. During the time he returned to the Cultivator Headquarters, Jiang Feng had not gone anywhere, staying in the room to watch those apprentices and top cultivators, masters, etc. discuss the topics of the written exam.

After listening to the cultivation masters explain individual topics, Jiang Feng knew that there were people outside the people, and there was a sky outside the sky, and while listening to the explanations of those masters, he asked the system to screen it and record all the content that was not written in those materials.

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