"The results are out, quick."

"Let's go, let's take a look."

"I'm going to see my grades and rankings."

"Quick... Take a look! Forty-sixth, it's me... It's me...... The first time I passed the written exam, it seems that I am one step closer to the junior cultivator! "

"See me! 75 points! Fifteenth place! "

"That's me... 10th place! 78 points! "

Everyone looked at the electronic screen, starting from the eighty-eighth place in turn, and the names and results of the examiners flashed one after another. The first written test only takes up to 100 examiners, of course, less than 100 is calculated according to the passing score of 60 points, and this time the examiners who have reached the passing line are obviously not enough 100.

Although the dozens who stood out among the hundreds of assessors could not reach the level of junior cultivators, they were already much stronger than most trainers in terms of knowledge, after all, cultivators were a special profession.

Looking at these happy or sad assessors around, Jiang Feng didn't care, he was very confident in his results, but he was also very curious about his ranking, according to his estimation, he was a full score, and that first place should not be a problem.

As for how exactly, then it is necessary to continue watching.

Ninth, eighth....

Seventh... Until the sixth place, his name did not appear.

Immediately after, the fifth, still not, then the fourth, no, the third, no, the second, no, the first....

Sure enough, as he expected, he appeared at the top of the display list, a string of bright red numbers: the score of 100 points is eye-catching, I don't know if it is the privilege of the first place, the list

Shan Dingduan even specially released Jiang Feng's avatar and information.

"Wow, it's amazing that someone can get a perfect score on such a difficult exam."

"The people who dare to participate in the cultivator assessment are all a group of perverts."

"How do you scold yourself all in."

"You see that his information is only ten years old, and it is really powerful to pass the first round of assessment at such a young age."

"This first round, what is it, there are other assessments below, who knows if he can get by."


"Those who pass the first assessment, please gather at the second assessment point immediately."

The news was shouted three times, and at the same time the location of the second assessment was informed, Jiang Feng did not pay attention to their conversation and began to go to the second assessment location.

Jiang Feng's departure attracted a lot of attention, and the ten-year-old geniuses, the invigilators who were watching silently in secret, couldn't help but look forward to the next assessment.

The second assessment took place in a large courtyard behind the headquarters.

Order is still the responsibility of the proctors of the first written test.

After everyone arrived, a middle-aged man announced the second assessment topic again: "Qualification identification, you have already understood, and the specific content, please see here." "

The man's words fell, and in the place where the passers could see, a group of green elves walked out in unison.

"This is... Walking grass?! "Someone made a surprised sound when they saw these elves.

"Oh my God, there are probably nearly a hundred walking grasses."

Someone counted the number of walking grass, and it felt a little incredible.

"Are they the subject of our second test?" Seeing this scene, most people raised their own questions

But he guessed almost the same, and the middle-aged man in charge of the entire assessment nodded and said, "That's right, the second related part of your assessment is this group of wild walking grasses." "

Speaking of this, Jiang Feng also slightly side-eyed and observed these walking grasses.

"Identifying the potential of elves? It's just too easy for me. "

"Ask the candidates to leave the courtyard, find their designated location, and then proceed to the second elf qualification assessment.

The test is divided into two parts, the first part is for the candidates to enter the courtyard in turn, and each of you has five minutes to choose a Pokémon that you think is the most talented from the many walking grasses here and register it with the invigilator. The second part is that the invigilator sends different elves to the candidates, and the candidates will identify the elves assigned to them and formulate a targeted training plan. The score of both sessions is 100 points, and the total score of the second assessment is the average of the results of the two parts. "

Each candidate has five minutes to enter the courtyard to identify the elves, and the candidates waiting outside feel that five minutes is quite long, but for the candidates who enter the courtyard to select the elves, five minutes is too short.

Identifying the qualifications of elves is not so easy, breeders identify the talent qualifications of an elf, generally from two aspects, the first point is the most intuitive, that is, look at the physical development of the elves, congenital development health qualifications are good, facial yellow muscles thin, skinny, malnutrition This qualification is poor.

Of course, the development of the body cannot have such a significant difference, after all, this is an assessment, not to observe an elf group in the wild, the assessment provides walking grass, their physical development difference is very subtle, which tests the cultivator's vision and knowledge reserve.

To identify the talent qualification of the elf, the second entry point is to judge whether the elf is spiritual, after all, the smarter the elf learns better, the higher the talent.

Although there are only two points, don't think it's easy, every time the last examiner picks the elf, the staff will make up one to keep the same number, which means that each examiner has to pick out what he thinks is the best qualification from this large group of walking grass, and the average person can't even finish reading, let alone selecting.

"Please come forward and pick first, note that you only have five minutes."

Jiang Feng stepped forward without saying a word, pretending to observe one by one, but silently said in his heart: "System scanning." "

Elf: Walking grass

Potential: Red


Red, yellow, red, orange, orange... Red, light green, yellow, red, orange... Dark green, yellow....

All the way down, until the highest there were two dark green walking grasses, but one of the walking grasses actually mastered a weather skill big sunny day, and a field skill green grass field, if it weren't for Jiang Feng already had a grass system of magic frog seeds, he didn't want to cultivate other grass spirits for the time being, he was afraid that he would also want to subdue this walking grass.

Without the slightest hesitation, he took the walking grass with weather skills and field skills to register with the examiner.

"I choose No. 36 walking grass."

"Tell me why, and what do you think of his qualifications." The examiner asked while taking notes.

"First of all, the examiner said before that these walking grasses are wild, and this walking grass has a very rich fire energy, and the skills that walking grass can master are only two skills, awakening power (fire) and sunny day, even if the awakening power is fire attribute, but before this skill is used, it is ordinary, and it will only be converted into energy of other attributes when used, so the rich fire attribute energy on this walking grass does not come from the skill of awakening power (fire), It comes from the weather skill of the sunny day, and the wild elf can master the weather skill, whether it is a genetic skill or a teaching skill, which can show that this walking grass is a highly qualified genius. And my judgment of its qualification, I judge it to be a top qualification. "


After listening to Jiang Feng's introduction, the examiner couldn't help but applaud, and said: "It's worthy of being a genius, it's really a hero out of a young man, you are very decisive, in the shortest time, the most correct judgment, yes, this walking grass is the top qualification, this assessment is a hundred points full score, go back and wait for the second half, look forward to your performance." "

"Thank you."

After Jiang Feng bowed and thanked him, he simply turned around and left without hesitation.

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