Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1093: Head encounter

Wang Chong and others have already left the intersection of the safety zone.

They thought that Lin Zhen could stay for five minutes at most, but Wang Chong insisted on waiting for one day.

One day later, without seeing Lin Zhen coming out, Wang Chong asked to wait two more days.

Three days later, there was still no figure, and Wang Chong finally gave up.

It was impossible for this chaotic airflow entrance to hold on for too long. Even if his upper **** entered, it would definitely not last for half an hour, let alone Lin Zhen.

At this point, Wang Chong finally relaxed and left with his men.

Although Lin Zhen hadn't been able to avenge him, and the Domination Arms would not be obtained at all, but Lin Zhen must have no bones in the chaotic air current, which also made Wang rush out of his breath.

For this, his father Wang Xingba even sent him a message and scolded him, but Wang Chong didn't care, as long as Lin Zhen died, he was willing to pay twice the price.

In order to deal with Lin Zhen's spending too much money, Wang Chong simply stayed here, supervised on the spot, and accumulated money.

As Wang Chong stayed here, the number of warriors of the Eight Sledgehammers gradually increased and became a major force in the purgatory in the heart of the earth.

The matter about Lin Zhen was not forgotten immediately. Instead, it was repeatedly mentioned at the campsite. The purpose of Lin Zhen was to praise Wang Chong. After all, it seemed that Wang Chong had won.

In the safe zone, a group of warriors ready to go are taking a temporary rest, sitting together and playing Haikan.

A warrior pointed at the entrance of Chaos Airflow and said: "This intersection is not easy. Ten years ago, Wang Chong of Eight Hammers brought two of his subordinates and forced Lin Zhen, who is known as the strongest **** stone stage, into it. Inside, there is no bones left."

Another martial artist's interface: "I hadn't come to the heart of the earth purgatory when that happened. I haven't seen it, but Lin Zhen is also stupid enough. If you hand over the things obediently, it will be over. , He doesn't need to use his brain, can he fight the eight sledgehammer?"

"Humans, I can't tell how many catties I have. I hate those who are stupid in cultivation. I don't know whether life matters or things matter. I don't have a brain."

"Don't talk about these things, let's go, I will be promoted to the two-star purgatory warrior today."

A middle **** stood up and greeted people to leave.

As soon as these people stood up, they saw spatial fluctuations at the ninth intersection.

The door at each intersection is a light curtain door. If someone enters and exits, the light curtain will fluctuate.

Several people were shocked at the same time, and the middle captain suddenly waved his hand.

"Don't move, everyone, the person here may be a senior master, we wait patiently for a while to show our respect."

"It must be a master from this door?"

"Nonsense! Isn't a master capable of surviving under the aura of chaos? Maybe it's a powerful peak high-ranking god, even a **** king."

When these people heard the words God King, they immediately admired them and didn't dare to move.

A group of people stood straight, as if lining up to welcome the people who came out of the ninth gate.


Lin Zhen stepped out of the light curtain and saw this group of warriors like guards of honor.

I glanced over, and there was no one I knew.

Lin Zhen has an excellent memory and never forgets, but he has never seen these people.

But seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Lin Zhen paused, then walked to a lower god.

"Excuse me, is Wang Chong of Eight Hammers here?"

The lower **** who was questioned by Lin Zhen only felt a powerful breath rushing over his face. This person who seemed to be in the middle stage of the lower **** gave himself a suffocating pressure.

That's because Lin Zhen possesses the original power of the universe, and if he doesn't deliberately control it, it will bring endless pressure to people.

"Yes... now!"

"where is it?"

"The eight sledgehammers practice alone, we...we don't know the specific location, you can go to the safe area and ask."

"Oh, thanks."

Lin Zhen nodded, and passed this group of people.

Until Lin Zhen left, these people all let out a breath.

Just now when Lin Zhen asked, none of them dared to breathe.

Seeing Lin Zhen's back disappear, a lower **** said: "Damn! It's scary, is this the strength of a person who has come out of the chaos? Is this still a lower god? How do I feel that I am facing a super superior Where is God?"

"Me too, I don't dare to breathe at all, it seems that if you move around, you will be strangled to death."

"He must have disguised his realm, it is impossible for the lower **** to have such a strong aura."

At this time, that middle **** suddenly changed his face.

"Don't you think he is familiar?"

When these words came out, almost everyone was taken aback.

Then, the scene was extremely quiet, silent.

Everyone realizes that there seems to be something big going on on the purgatory side of the earth.

People had no intention of going to the intersection to practice, and they turned around and walked back. This time there seemed to be a lot of excitement.

Lin Zhen walked out of the safe area at the intersection and came to the safe area of ​​the camp.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Because behind Lin Zhen, a large number of people followed.

Those people gathered from afar, shooting.

Many people in the safe area of ​​the camp did not know Lin Zhen, but this did not prevent them from feeling that something was and some people who knew Lin Zhen opened their mouths almost immediately.

"Fuck it~~! Do something bad!"

When Lin Zhen walked on the street, the crowd separated automatically. They even knew where Lin Zhen was going, leaving Lin Zhen a wide road leading directly to the camp where Wang Chong was.

Lin Zhen didn't speak, and walked towards the camp where Wang Chong was.

The Eight Sledgehammers are now in the safe zone. Within a few minutes of Lin Zhen's arrival, Wang Chong had received the news.

Hearing that Lin Zhen was not dead, Wang Chong was first shocked, and then he became angry.

"Asshole! What a fate, how did he survive the chaotic air current?"

"Master, now is not the time to care about this issue, Lin Zhen has already rushed here, and he has already been promoted to the middle stage of the lower gods, I am afraid it is even more difficult to deal with."

Wang Chong's expression was gloomy: "What are you afraid of? We have hundreds of brothers here, and don't forget that Lin Zhen is not protected by the safe zone here, that is, anyone can kill him here. If he is in other places, I may still be afraid of three points, but in the safe zone, then he is seeking his own way. Call all the brothers in the safe zone, and we will meet him when we go out!"

"Go! Go with the young master!"

"The **** Lin Zhen is still alive, so let him die again!"

Many martial artists of the Eight Great Hammers called, crowded behind Wang Chong, and walked to the street of the camp.

More than two hundred eight sledgehammers gathered together, and Wang Chong stood in the center, surrounded by two high-ranking gods guards.

Opposite them, Lin Zhen was alone, followed by countless people far away, and was approaching.

People haven't encountered it yet, and the strong depressive breath has begun to condense. Everyone knows that today's things can't be better, and the storm is coming.

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