Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1094: 5-star Purgatory Warrior

Lin Zhen and Wang Chong stood up 100 meters apart.

A distance of one hundred meters is about the same as the reach of the gods.

Wang Chong took the lead to stand down, because he felt that Lin Zhen had an aura that made him fearful.

He didn't know what this breath represented, but he had always been conservative and cautious, but he dared not leave.

Standing a hundred meters away, the two high-ranking gods faintly blocked the front. Wang Chong felt a little bit more courageous in his heart and shouted at Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, you let you escape last time. You didn't want to find a mouse hole to hide, but you still dare to show up? It seems that you are really tired and crooked."

Lin Zhen sneered: "Wang Chong, don't yell here. I now give you two choices. One is to immediately restore my bank account and security zone status to normal, otherwise this is where you died."

"I think it's you who is bored and crooked. You, a person who is not protected by the safety zone, dare to challenge me here. Everyone here listens. Who kills Lin Zhen, this young master gives him 10 million, on the spot cash!"

Before Wang Chong's words fell, some people watching the excitement around couldn't help it.

Although Lin Zhen also has a bit of a legend, there must be a brave husband under the reward. Someone said loudly, "Master Wang Chong does what he says?"

"There are so many people watching here, there are so many cameras, don't I count, whoever kills Lin Zhen will cash it out immediately!"

A sacred crystal rushed out with a loud cry.

There are still many people moving around, but at a slower speed.

Wang Chong led people back with a triumphant smile on his face: "Lin Zhen, you dare to fight with me. I have money. In Witch Star, you can use money to kill you!"

Lin Zhen shouldered his hands and narrowed his eyes.

Spiritual shock!

The goal is to take the lead in the middle **** of the crystal.

Lin Zhen's current mental power lies between Cuimang Consummation and Ningjing. His mental shock must at least be Cuimang Consummation to withstand, and Cuimang can't resist it in the middle and late stages.

This mid-level **** of the **** crystal, although his realm is not low, he is the late mid-level god, but his mental power is only the early Cuimang stage, and he is vulnerable to Lin Zhen!


His head exploded in the air, and the headless body flew by inertia. Lin Zhenyi raised his hand and entered the dantian with only one hand, removing his middle-level **** crystal and a handful of **** stones.

Taking the **** crystal did not delay Lin Zhen's turning back, a continuous spiritual shock was sent out!

Those who rushed in front seemed to have encountered a group of sniper rifles headshot, one after another, one after another fell down.

Only one body slid towards Lin Zhen, and Lin Zhen took out the crystals and stones one by one!

In the blink of an eye, nearly twenty people fell down!

When a mental power reached the peak of the mid-level **** in the middle of Cuimang and fell under Lin Zhen's feet, no one around dared to charge randomly.

Lin Zhen took out this mid-level **** crystal without any haste, and then glanced around, and those people couldn't help but back away.

Is this Nima still a lower god? The power of this mental shock is comparable to a **** king!

Seeing that no one was moving, Lin Zhen looked at Wang Chong again: "Wang Chong, I really think your money offensive is not very good, so no one is going, are you trying to increase the price?"

Wang Chong's expression changed drastically, and he pointed at the two higher gods beside him: "You two, give it to me!"

The two upper gods are not too afraid of Lin Zhen. As the upper gods, they both have the spiritual power that is close to the peak of the emerald man. The two people walked forward in a staggered way, not giving Lin Zhen a chance to lock in the mental impact, and arrived at Lin Zhen in a blink before.

Seeing the two of them coming, Lin Zhen didn't change his face, and the spear suddenly appeared in his hand. In the blink of an eye, he met the two and fought head-on!

The divine powers of these two men are both around 440,000, which is not outstanding. Lin Zhen didn't even need to open the realm of the gods, and didn't need to merge with clones. In just ten seconds, they played against each other and attacked continuously!

Puff puff~~~~!

The two upper gods fell under Lin Zhen's gun!

Lin Zhen laughed as they dug out the upper **** crystals of the two.

A high-ranking **** crystal is worth thirty million!

Even though the price is so expensive, the goods are still in short supply. After all, the crystals of the upper gods are too rare.

Lin Zhen has been in Witch Star for so many years, and his own gains have not reached 30 million. Now he has earned 30 million in the blink of an eye. How can he be unhappy.

Seeing the tragic death of his two subordinates, Wang Chong felt cold.

That's it!

Lin Zhen is so strong, and the lower **** who broke through himself can easily defeat the **** crystal upper god, how could his progress be so great.

As he stepped back, Wang Chong yelled at the surrounding men to resist, shouting a reward price of 20 million, but no one around dared to go up and deal with Lin Zhen.

No one is a fool, and Lin Zhen's displayed strength requires at least a self-breaking mid-level **** peak, and even a high-level **** can resist.

And not everyone here lacks this ability, some purgatory warriors above five stars stand on the side but watch with cold eyes.

Able to be a five-star purgatory warrior, all are self-breaking to become gods, but such people have the dignity of being a strong They will not be tempted by Wang Chong's 20 million and surrender. Identity.

If such a person wants to take action against Lin Zhen, he must have a sufficient price and identity. Wang Chong's high-ranking **** with crystals, and the price he paid, are simply not enough to impress these masters.

And those **** crystal breakthroughs, do not have the cultivation life gene, cannot open the **** domain, are not Lin Zhen's opponents at all, even if they want to do it, they have no such ability.

Lin Zhen walked slowly with his spear in his hand.

Following Lin Zhen's footsteps, the Eight Sledgehammers who had surrounded Wang Chong backed one after another at this moment. Seeing Lin Zhen walked within 50 meters of Wang Chong, these people disappeared.

If Wang Chong is strong, they would wave the flag and shout, and it would be no problem to beat down the dog, but now, don't stay here as cannon fodder.

"Lin Zhen! Don't push people too much, or it won't benefit you!"

Lin Zhen curled his lips in disdain, "Say these words to hell."

"Lin Zhen, do you really think I can't deal with you? It's just that I don't want to use my hole cards, because my father and I have an agreement. If I use the hole cards, I will be restrained and free to go back to practice. I don't want to lose my freedom, but you Don’t force me. The price of losing my freedom is your tragic death!"

"Really? Then I really want to try."

Wang Chong gritted his teeth fiercely: "Okay! Lin Zhen, you are really stubborn. Do you think that, as the son of the bronze hammer among the eight sledgehammers, my father would not be prepared?"

"Elder Deer~!"

Wang Chong then shouted hoarse.

In a tent in a safe area, a streamer suddenly flew out and went straight to Wang Chong.

A middle-aged black-bearded man with a peaceful face and five gold stars on his chest.

Self-breaking upper god, five-star purgatory warrior!

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