Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1095: Victory!

Self breakthrough and Shenjing breakthrough are two completely different concepts.

Generally speaking, the lower **** of self-breakthrough has the strength to stabilize the middle **** of the crystal.

Everyone has the same magical powers, self-breaking through the realm of Gods, and life genes, of course, will be stronger.

And the self-breaking mid-level god, the strength is above the **** crystal high-level god.

Like the elder Deer who appeared right now, the upper **** who broke through himself, that was definitely the group of people standing on the tip of the gods.

The five gold stars are a symbol of his strength and a medal of honor.

After Elder Deer appeared, the atmosphere on the scene stagnated.

I really didn't expect that Wang Xingba was so protective of the calf, and he even equipped Wang Chong with such a powerful bodyguard. It seems that this battle will be reversed again.

Elder Lu appeared, did not look at Lin Zhen at all, but said to Wang Chong, "Master, it seems that you are going home."

"Okay, Elder Deer, since you are called out, it means I accept the fact of going home, but before I go home, I want to see this person die!"

Elder Lu smiled slightly: "A self-breaking lower god, even if he is good, it is nothing more than being able to compete with the middle god, as you wish, now I will...ah, shameless!"

The old deer didn't finish speaking, Lin Zhen suddenly appeared behind him, piercing his throat with the spear!

The realm of God is open!

Lin Zhen broke through to the next god, and his realm of gods has also been promoted. Breaking through with Lin Zhen's full star power, the realm of gods has also reached the highest level of improvement, 10%!

The eighth level of the realm of gods can increase Lin Zhen's divine power by 80%!

Now that Lin Zhen has opened up the realm of gods, his divine power is as high as 990,000!

Elder Lu, as a self-breaking upper god, had 900,000 divine powers, and was actually suppressed by Lin Zhen.

What's more, Lin really attacked suddenly. He lost his first opportunity and immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Lin Zhenke doesn't care about the opponent's background, since it is a strong enemy, it's best to attack first.

If you are willing to pretend to be here, then you can pretend to be coercive. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you.

The deadly blow of the gun fell, making Elder Deer unable to dodge!

The only thing he can do is to pull away as much as possible.

The bodies of the two people turned into streamers back and forth, running like lightning.

Elder Deer's body hit the camp tent, directly colliding a camp tent, hitting the wall, and breaking the wall.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already reached the edge of the camping area.

This is a valley, surrounded by mountain walls that are as strong as cold iron. Elder Deer has retreated to the mountain wall, still not avoiding Lin Zhen's lightning shot!

That is, within 0.1 second, Elder Deer's body slammed into the mountain wall.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth, and when the elder deer was in his prime, he adjusted in time, and also opened up the realm of gods!

He is also the realm of the eighth-level gods, but the degree of improvement is only 65 percent.

The star power of 900,000, increased by 65 percent, making his divine power instantly close to 1.5 million!

"Drive me!"

The wounded elder deer was like an angry lion, brandishing a long sword of the highest quality in his hand, severely slashing two snakes with Lin Zhen's spear.

Lin Zhen's spear was smashed, and this trick was cracked.

Elder Lu's face was pale, he never thought that he was actually injured by a lower god.

As a self-breaking high-ranking god, he has his own dignity. He can be injured, but he must not be injured in the hands of ants like Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen! You, a guy who doesn't have the mentality of being a strong man and makes a sneak attack, you successfully angered me, angered people you shouldn't anger, and you won't be able to repay it if you die!"


Elder Deer roared and slashed down with a long knife in his hand!

Up to 1.5 million supernatural powers, this is a number that Lin Zhen can't match!

There is a huge natural gap between the lower gods and upper gods who break through themselves.

Elder Deer is also confident enough, although he lost for a while, he can still win easily.

Facing the wild attack from Elder Deer, Lin Zhen withdrew.

The two reversed instantly from attack to retreat, becoming Lin Zhen fleeing, and Elder Deer chased them.

Elder Deer's blade almost pressed Lin Zhen's neck forward. His figure was like electricity. Lin Zhen angered him. This was his strongest stab, and he would definitely be able to kill Lin Zhen with a single stab.

As a high-ranking god, he has incomparably rich combat experience, has a good mental defense, prevents Lin Zhen from sneaking, and locks his Qi machine to prevent Lin Zhenfei from escaping.

Master duel, one move determines the outcome!

In the eyes of other people, Elder Deer's move was like passing the sky and the rainbow, and the blade had reached its limit. After the two people opened the realm of the gods at the same time, the difference in divine power was also huge, and Lin Zhen was destined to never escape!

As for Lin Zhen of the person involved, it seemed that he had no other choice but to flee in a panic.

In an instant, the two rushed directly to the other mountain wall from this mountain wall.

Seeing that the two were about to hit the mountain, Wang Chong shouted hoarsely: "Kill him!"

Lin Zhen, who had been passive all the time, seemed to be awakened by this sound.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the clones merged!

Lin Zhen's clone possessed 160,000 divine powers, plus 550,000 of his body, and the divine power reached 710,000 after fusion.

When the realm of God opened again, the star power instantly soared to nearly 1.3 million!

Although it is still worse than Elder Deer, the difference is! Come again!

Lin Zhen fought back with thunder and thunder!

Elder Deer sneered: "There is still a hole card, but it's still hard to escape, open!"

He had thousands of plans for Lin Zhen’s reaction in his heart. This move was already in his plan, so he naturally had a countermeasure. Split with force.

This move was as fast as lightning, which made Elder Deer even more sure about killing Lin Zhen by three points.

Lin Zhen's spear was blocked again, but he didn't panic.

This was Lin Zhen's last move after comprehending the true meaning of spearmanship, and he also called back the carbine.

Squat down and put the spear away!

Elder Deer never dreamed that Lin Zhen had such an exquisite marksmanship. He had no time to do any dodge. He could only slash a long knife. The ending now is to see who will die first!

Puff puff~~! !

At the same time win!

Lin Zhen's spear pierced directly through Elder Deer's throat, and Elder Deer's long knife slashed on Lin Zhen's head!

The spear's power was concentrated, and it directly pierced Elder Deer's throat, and Elder Deer's knife also chopped Lin Zhen's head in half.

If it is ordinary people fighting, this is a dead end.

However, both of them are powerful gods, and it is impossible to die in this simple way. Although Elder Deer was extremely injured, he has not died yet, trying hard to draw out the spear.

While drawing his gun, Elder Deer was still laughing wildly.

"Quack...Lin...True, your exquisite? Isn't it...dead by the old man's knife!"

With a spear stuck in his throat, he was dying, and his voice was like a duck.

But at this moment, Wang Chong made a sound that was a hundred times worse than him.

"Elder! Be careful, Lin Zhen...he!"

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