Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1113: Star sea

Originally, the Lone Star Fishing Old Man was expecting Lin Zhen to choose, but he didn't expect to say such a sentence.

Suddenly, the eyebrows of Lone Star Old Man couldn't help but beat himself a few times, and his face was full of anger.

"How did the fluid of dominance appear, and is there any inevitable connection with men or women?"

Lin Zhen hesitated, "I thought there were only women...that might be my misunderstanding..."

The Lone Star Fishing Old Man seemed to be unable to bear Lin Zhen's words: "Who said that, men can have it too!"

After saying this, Lone Star Fishing took a deep breath. When he reached his status and strength, he hadn't had the urge to hit someone for many years: "I'm arguing with you about something. I don't know what to say. , The liquid of dominance is the divine liquid after dominating the condensed energy, do you want it!"

Lin Zhen smiled at this time: "Old man, you see that I am compensated at the lowest level, so is there any compensation for the youngest?"

The lone star fisherman was taken aback: "What did you say?"

"You asked me just now, it's not easy to cultivate to this level at a young age. You really should get something more. This is the protection of genius."

"But I have already given you..." Lone Star Diaoman seemed to want to argue with Lin Zhen, but seeing Lin Zhen's smile, he suddenly sighed.

"Well, you shameless guy, you can catch the loopholes in my words. Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. It hasn't reduced my identity, and let you spread out thinking how stingy I am. People, you can choose two."

After receiving the words of Lone Star Fishing Old Man, Lin Zhen immediately gave a deep salute.

"Thank you senior, Lin Zhen will definitely live up to expectations."

Raising his hand, Lin Zhen put away the Star Soul Spear and Domination Liquid.

As for the armor, Lin Zhen didn't look at it too much. People can't be too greedy. He is very lucky to have these gains.

The lone star fisherman put away his armor and said to Lin Zhen: "I won't say much about the degree of danger in the sea of ​​stars, but you have to remember that the most important thing is to survive. Only when you live can you have a future."

Lin Zhen nodded and agreed. He thought for a while and said, "The master Yuxi you harvested... is good for life."

Lin Zhen nodded again, and the Lone Star Fishing Old Man was considered satisfied.

"Lin Zhen, I look forward to your future performance, don't let me down, go."

Lin Zhen once again saluted the Lone Star Fishing Old Man, then turned and flew away from the asteroid.

Seeing Lin Zhen's back disappear into the universe, the Lone Star Fishing Old Man once again threw his fishing rod into the starry sky.

"The male dominates... what a bastard!"

The asteroid accelerates and disappears into the depths of the universe.


There are legends about the sea of ​​stars in the dimensional universe.

Legend has it that after the Big Bang, the entire void was filled with dark energy.

The so-called dark energy, many people may not know what it is, but in fact, dark energy is everywhere.

Given the size of the universe, most areas are still composed of dark energy, which is something that fills all areas of all space and exists in every corner, but it is difficult to detect.

The expansion of the universe relies on dark energy, which can be said to be the driving force of the universe.

Where the dark energy is abundant, the space is more stable and the elemental power is stronger.

Even with the vastness of the universe, the proportion of dark energy is still close to 70%!

And this 70% is just a ratio in ordinary space. In some parts of the universe, dark energy is more abundant, such as the three forbidden areas.

Xing Suhai is like this.

Legend has it that the dark energy of the stars and sea has reached 90%. Because of the existence of powerful dark energy, there are abundance of heaven and earth wonders and many strange phenomena.

There is a paradise of gods, a forbidden area for mortals. If you want to enter the sea of ​​stars, you must have divine power as support. Those who do not enter the realm of gods will be attacked by dark energy and will definitely die!

The vastness of the sea of ​​stars is beyond imagination, with planets, turbulence zones, meteorite belts, damaged continents, space storms, omnipresent and omnipresent.

Not only are there fierce beasts making chaos, there are also uncivilized cosmic barbarians rampant, these naturally powerful species bring countless risks to people.

Where there are risks, there are also benefits. Now, a large part of the dominating arms that the dominators have come from the sea of ​​stars.

Of course, there are also the Dark Light Realm and the Beastmaster Realm, which are also rich in strange things.

Even legendary opportunities to achieve dominance will happen here. The original source of those dominating **** crystals originated from the three forbidden areas.

Of course, ordinary gods who come here don't dare to expect to dominate the crystals. Their ideal harvest is to be able to find precious stars and obtain treasures.

There are treasure stars in the sea of ​​stars, the heavens and the earth are generated, and they are powerful. At the end of the martial arts cultivation, the general strength gap will not be very large, and the treasure is an important part of the strength gap.

A pinnacle high-ranking god, without the dominating arm, is likely to lose to the mid-term high-ranking **** holding the dominating arm.

Although there are many gods on certain planets, as far as the gods wandering in the three forbidden areas, they are flowers in the greenhouse and cannot stand the wind and rain.

But these dangers are not the greatest danger in the Star Sea.

The greatest danger in the sea of ​​stars comes from people!

Lin Zhen has just become a god, and he hasn't gotten too close to the world of Actually, the fights and killings between gods are far more dangerous than mortals!

Regardless of the New Territories Metaverse or a specific galaxy, the competition for the top power of those major forces is unfolding in the forbidden area.

The gains in the forbidden area and the growth of the strong ethnic group will determine the position of this force in the entire universe.

For example, if a certain force has a major gain in the Astral Sea, or how many strong people have been cultivated, then their power will expand on a specific planet and reap greater benefits.

As the power of a specific planet increases, then they will also greatly increase their strength in the Metaverse, because the resource power of the upper level will be injected into the power of the lower level.

The strength of the Metaverse has grown, and so has the New Territories.

This kind of battle between the major forces is being carried out in the forbidden area all the time. This kind of battle cannot even interfere with the master!

Natural selection, the weak and the strong eat, this is the principle of nature!

Basically every **** who enters the forbidden area will inevitably be involved in this kind of power struggle as long as it enters. It is impossible for a lone ranger to grow smoothly in the forbidden area!


Liuli slowly flew in the void, and Lin Zhen had already reached the edge of the sea of ​​stars.

Looking at the maps and information sent to everyone by Lone Star Fishing, Lin Zhen sighed inwardly.

Compared with the sea of ​​stars, the events he experienced before are almost like children playing house.

According to the information and Kris's search, even the Eight Sledgehammers that run rampant on Witch Star are just a small group in the sea of ​​stars.

And Lin Zhen just came to the sea of ​​stars and even received the message.

That was sent by the Star Giant Beast Alliance!

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