Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1114: Alliance Points

The Galaxy Behemoth Alliance was joined by Lin Zhen when he was in the New Territories.

At the beginning of the Metaverse, he was also a member of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance.

But Lin Zhen had another identity when he was in the Metaverse, that is, a student from Falling Star Lake Holy Land. This identity does not conflict with the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance. He even became the patriarch of the Fire Qilin.

Later he became a sacred place and stayed behind. In addition, he no longer had any opponents on the ground of the Metaverse, so he didn't care much about the alliance, and gradually lost contact with the alliance.

But this identity is still there, Lin Zhen is still a member of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance.

No one from Yuanjie and Witch Star contacted him, that was because he didn't need it, but now when he arrived in the sea of ​​stars, he immediately received the alliance's message.

"Dear Mr. Lin Zhen, the powerful mutant fire unicorn, welcome to the sea of ​​stars, I am the leader of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, Hai Yun, please follow my instructions and return to the race."

Strictly speaking, Lin Zhen is not a natural behemoth of galaxy.

He was a human race in the previous life, and of course he is still a human race after being reborn in this life. The identity of the galaxy behemoth was caused by his unintentional integration into the bloodline and the soul passing through the black hole.

However, the human line is actually just the earth line, which is insignificant when placed in the entire universe.

The other human races he saw were not the same as those on earth, at least in terms of determining the cell activity of genes, chromosomes, and so on.

To be precise, those are humanoid lives with human forms, but they are another form of life.

Therefore, Lin Zhen's ethnic group is still a galaxy monster.

Lin Zhen didn't refuse Hai Yun's invitation. In fact, in the information given by Lone Star Diao Old Man, he also asked all the pre-selected disciples to try their best to find a power to rely on to join, and not to wander alone in the sea of ​​stars.

First, Hai Yun’s friend was added. On the spaceship Liuli where Lin Zhen was located, an image of Hai Yun appeared.

This is a woman with long blue hair. She looks very beautiful, and she turns out to be an upper god.

But this is the upper **** of Shenjing, it is estimated that he is responsible for receiving.

"Hehe, I was lucky today, I actually received a handsome guy, handsome guy, where do you come from!"

Hai Yun even teased Lin Zhen when he opened her mouth. Lin Zhen smiled, "He came from the Great Tang Dynasty."

Hai Yun on the opposite side seemed to search for something immediately, and then said to Lin Zhen: "I found a total of 1,743 civilizations in the universe that fit the title of Eastern Earth Datang, and 930 of them are located in the 100 million years. The previous ones don’t match your age, and there are five hundred and twenty-nine ones located 10 million years ago. They should also be incompatible with you. Only twenty-two can be close to your age. I don’t know what you said. Is Tu Tang located in the Yuanjie or the New Territories?"

Lin Zhen was a little bit dumbfounded: "New Territories, but this is not the point, the point is that I am here."

"That's right, as long as you come to the sea of ​​stars, no matter where you come from, you are regarded as coming to your hometown. In the long years to come, you will survive and fight with your compatriots in the group. I am your receptionist. You can give me feedback on anything you have, and I will answer you one by one."

"I want to know about our ethnic group."

Hai Yun immediately lifted his spirits and said to Lin Zhen: "Our galaxy behemoths Alliance race is a powerful force that can be counted in the entire Star Sea, and is led by our supreme master."

Lin Zhen has now joined the Star Star Sea Star River Giant Beast Alliance under Hai Yun's guidance, and immediately checked the information about Domination.

The lord of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance in the Stars is called Bingyan, which is a giant silkworm in the mutated starry sky.

The giant star silkworm is a giant creature similar to silkworm chrysalis. It can be used as a cocoon and can transform butterflies, but it is not as weak as ordinary silkworms. This giant creature can even wrap the planet with silk and store it to absorb nutrients.

Bing Yan has served as the master of the Galaxy Giant Beast Alliance for billions of years, and has kept his promises among the entire group.

Hai Yun is still introducing.

"Our race has five great kings in the sea of ​​stars, millions of gods, and the overall combat effectiveness is not inferior to any race, but our race is difficult to gather together to fight because of the different habits of each star river beast, so it is in the overall mobility. Compared with some large ethnic groups, there is a gap."

Lin Zhen nodded. This is the old problem of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. Each Galaxy Beast is a unique individual. They prefer to wander in the starry sky and don't like being restrained.

Originally, every Galaxy Beast had a strength that exceeded that of a warrior at the same level, but it has been difficult to dominate, that's why.

"You will depend on the ethnic group in the future. You will not take some detours in the sea of ​​stars. Everyone who comes here wants to strengthen themselves. At this point, the ethnic group will provide you with solid support. Please see your ethnic group information below. Among them, there is an exchange sign."

Lin Zhen clicked on Hai Yun's prompt, and his eyes lit up.

This is a sign similar to a mall, with countless kinds of treasures on it!

Just dominate the armed forces, there are hundreds of them!

There is even the dominating liquid, some exercises, the most advanced spacecraft, all kinds of rare and exotic fruits, and exotic flowers and plants.

There are also many technological treasures, advanced ones that make Lin Zhen confused about their functions.

But under each treasure, there are redemption points.

There are hundreds of thousands less, even hundreds of millions more!

Lin Zhen saw a dominating weapon that was actually a domain type, named Jianhe. It was made up of thousands of long swords. The deployment of Jianhe directly improved the user's strength and was right. The opponent has been weakened!

The redemption points for this one reached 500 million!

He also saw a purple pendant called Soul Calming Jade. After wearing it, he was able to completely ignore the mental impact of the Cuimang level, and even had a strong resistance to the mental impact of the crystal condensate level.

However, there are 230 million redemption points for this one.

He also saw the crystallization of wood elements, which can not only improve the quality of the life of plants and trees, but also help people master the wood elements and help people understand the true meaning.

A crystallization of ten million!

Too many things, there are so many, dazzling people.

Lin Zhen took a look at his points, and it was zero.

"Haha, little handsome guy, stay stunned. This is the treasure house of our ethnic group. There are hundreds of thousands of rare treasures displayed in it. As long as you have enough ethnic group points, you can redeem them."

"Then how do I get my points?"

"Points are obtained by donation. From now on, you will travel to the stars. There are many treasures here. As long as they are valuable, the ethnic reviewers will evaluate you points based on their value. After the donation, you will be Get the corresponding points and exchange points for treasure."

There are also rules for point redemption. The items that are redeemed for points must be valuable, such as sacred stones, and points cannot be earned.

The **** crystals can get points, but the lower **** crystals have very low value, and one only has 20 points.

The median **** crystal is higher, 300 points, the value of the upper god, 10,000 points!

Lin Zhen glanced at the domain-type weapon with up to 500 million points, secretly stunned, it will take the year of the monkey to get it.

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