Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1178: Demon Wing

The wings of the demon gods, high-grade flying arms, have the dual functions of speeding up and defense.

Any defense type has the effect of reducing damage.

The martial artist is promoted to the **** king, there will be an essential transformation, mainly reflected in the body.

When the body of the **** king level is reached, it will undergo a transformation, after which it can be called the immortal body.

At this time, no matter what kind of fatal blow it receives, it will recover quickly, but it also requires energy consumption.

Assuming that the energy contained in the body is 100%, a part of it will be reduced after being attacked. If the energy of the body is reduced below 50%, it will be seriously injured and the combat effectiveness will be reduced.

And if it reaches below 10%, both the **** king and the master will fall into a coma.

If the energy is zeroed out, then all that is left is the soul.

Therefore, defensive weapons are of great use to the **** king master. This demon god's wings can be regarded as a combination of flight and defense.

It has a powerful defensive armed protection body, and ordinary attacks are ineffective to the divine body. Only when the upper limit of the defensive power is exceeded can it cause damage to the divine body. Therefore, the more advanced defensive weapons, the greater the help for the warrior.

This demon **** wing is actually the weapon of the **** king, and the points of 500 million are not something ordinary people can accumulate.

The news that Lin Zhen got more than 20 years ago, and the fact that the armed forces were still there more than 20 years later, already explained the problem.

"Within the range that can be withstood, a 10% reduction in damage... is pretty good."

At this time, Garcia volunteered: "Master, I have more than 60 million points here, and my subordinates also have more than one billion points. There are 200 million points in total, and I can do my best for the master."

"Very well, I will collect 200 million points right away, and then I will transfer you 300 million, and you will help me buy this wing."

Soon these people like Garcia collected two hundred million points, and Lin Zhen transferred him three hundred million. After all, although he could see things in the mall through sharing, he had the authority of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance and did not have Eligibility to purchase Northern Territory Alliance products.

After Lin Zhen bought the Wood Element Crystal, he had nearly 800 million points in his hand. It was enough to buy the Demon God's Wings, but no one was too much of it.

The points were transferred to Garcia, and his points reached 500 million, so buy immediately!

A huge light blue wing appeared in Garcia's hands. After receiving the wing, he respectfully handed it to Lin Zhen.

Holding this demon god's wings, Lin Zhen felt a little excited.

Since the wind and thunder wings were destroyed, he felt that the flying speed was extremely slow, but it was difficult to find a well-equipped flying type, and he still didn't look at it. This top-grade wing came too timely.

The wings of the demon **** can be folded behind under normal circumstances, hidden under the skin, and there is no clue at all.

But when it needs to fly, this thing can be unfolded immediately, without even damaging the clothing.

The maximum length of the wingspan has reached 100 meters, and the flight speed has increased from twice to ten times. When the wingspan is opened to the maximum, the flight speed can be increased ten times.

Of course, the consumption of divine power is not small. If the divine power is low and the recovery speed is slow, this wing can't be used at all.

If it is a long-distance flight, the best thing is the flying palace, which is mostly used in combat.

He placed the Demon God's wings behind him, and it quickly clung to Lin Zhen's skin like water mist, and he couldn't feel it if he wasn't paying attention.


Lin Zhen's heart moved, and the huge wings fluttered from behind, flapping lightly in the air.

Lin Zhen's maximum flight speed has been able to fly at a hundred times the speed of sound since he incorporated the light chaser gene, but with this, the maximum speed has been increased to a thousand times the speed of sound.

The thousand times the speed of sound in the Star Sea is faster than the speed of light in the Metaverse!

"Hahaha! It's a good thing. With this, in the future, even at the Divine King level, I won't want to crush me in speed, and anyone who is slower than me will no longer be my opponent. "

With this thing, Lin Zhen's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

However, Lin Zhen still had 490 million points in his hands, and he didn't want to leave these points in his hands to get moldy.

Points are used for consumption, and if they are not used, they lose their meaning, and they are transformed into combat effectiveness.

Gathering his wings, Lin Zhen looked at the mall here again.

Now Lin Zhen's equipment is basically complete, with the sun and moon star ring on his head, the mysterious yellow pagoda in the **** realm, and the demon god's wings behind him.

He also had two divine swords in his hand, the Jackdaw and the Flamingo, and he also had a purple star armor on his body. It was his trophy. The medium-grade defensive weapons could also reduce damage by 10%.

There is also a long spear, which is also medium grade and can be used temporarily.

The mental defense has a grimace mask. Although it is only a low-grade, it can cause mental damage to Lin Zhen, of course, it is really rare.

What he lacks now is the flying palace type and the domain type.

But after checking it for a while, he still felt a little bit helpless.

Both of these items are super expensive, especially the flying palace, which is worth 3 billion yuan, which is completely unaffordable.

Although the low-end category can afford it, Lin Zhen is unwilling to buy it.

"By the way! Although I can't afford these two, I can buy the gene stock solution!"

After Lin Zhen cultivated into the chasing beast gene, he has not bought a new gene stock solution. The most important thing is that the sixth-level gene stock solution is too expensive!

The sixth-level gene stock solution was aimed at the pinnacle level of the upper gods, and the quasi **** kings were all in this list.

The seventh-level gene stock solution is aimed at the **** king level.

The price of these two levels of gene stock solution is too far from the previous five levels. It is not even sold in general places. If you buy it from Witch Star, I’m afraid you can only go to the auction house.

But Xing Suhai can be exchanged for ethnic points here.

Lin Zhen immediately checked the mall of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance and the mall of the Northern Territory Alliance at the same time.

Soon, Lin Zhen locked the sixth-level gene stock solution.

There are basically not too many choices for this sixth-level gene stock solution. The first five levels can increase the power speed, defense and attack power recovery, but at the sixth level, everyone must choose the divine body energy type!

As mentioned earlier, when you arrive at the **** king, you must practice the immortal body. What you need most at this time is a powerful **** body energy. The bigger and stronger the **** body, the more energy it contains.

For the same 100% energy, the value of others may be 10,000, but if you are strong enough, the greater the immortal body training, then your energy may be 100,000, or 1 million!

Just like the life value of an online game, one hundred points of blood is no match for 10,000 points.

But you have to do what you can when you buy the gene stock solution. Some are too big. If you don't have that strength, if you force refining, you will only burst into death!

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