Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1179: Tianzhibimen Gene Original Liquid

There have been many examples of this. When the upper gods were at the peak and could cultivate the sixth-level life genes, they made the wrong choice, which resulted in the body exploding and the soul flying away.

If you have a small bottle, don't force it to fill a bucket of water.

If you have a small toothpick, don't force it to dig a bottomless hole.

What suits you is the most important thing.

The body divine power exceeds three million, and the spiritual power reaches the crystallizing stage, it will automatically trigger the cultivation of the immortal body, this is the **** king.

Lin Zhen's current body divine power was 2.11 million, which was not yet at the stage of the **** king.

But he can be sure that as long as he is promoted to the upper god, he will immediately be promoted to the **** king.

In history, there have been examples of upper gods who were promoted to **** kings in the middle and late stages, but they should have never been promoted when they first entered the upper gods.

But who is Lin really?

He set a record of cultivation in the universe. When he broke through to become a god, the origin of the universe descended. How could a record-setting person be too low on himself?

So among the gene stocks, he decided to choose the best.

At this time Garcia was introducing Lin Zhen.

"Master, you have to choose the sixth-level life gene. I can give you some suggestions. After all, under the tree, you have cultivated the sixth-level life gene."

"Oh! What did you choose?"

"The subordinate chose the gene of the starry octopus, which is already a relatively advanced gene. The starry octopus is huge in size, with all its tentacles extended, and can even cover dozens of planets."

"Then do you think it is appropriate for me to use this?"

"No! The master's strength is stronger than me, and the potential is much greater than me. I think the master should choose a natural body larger than a starry octopus, such as this giant whale beast."

Garcia introduced diligently: "Although the area of ​​a giant whale beast may not be as large as an octopus, its weight and density will be too much. Generally, those who dare to use the gene of the giant whale beast. In the future, he must be a strong one among the gods."

Lin Zhen glanced at the giant whale that Garcia was talking about. It was indeed very huge, and it was also the choice of many **** king masters.

But Lin Zhen was not satisfied, and he said again: "Is there anything bigger and stronger than the giant whale beast?"

"Yes, but I advise the owner not to try it lightly. For example, this kind of Tianzhi Bimeng gene, such as this Kunpeng gene, is almost refining and has the ability to dominate. Once its own potential is insufficient, this gene can burst people. Yes, I have a friend who originally had the potential of a **** king, but he regarded himself too high and forcibly took the second-class gene fluid, which resulted in death, which is a pity..."

Lin Zhen looked at the two gene fluids Garcia said.

This can be regarded as the most top gene fluid, Heavenly Bimeng, is the behemoth among the galaxy behemoths.

The pure body weight has surpassed the giant whale, and the general galaxy beast is like a toy in front of it.

Kunpeng’s genes are larger than those of the sky. They are the most powerful fish. Their body length is even comparable to that of an asteroid system. The universe is their ocean. You can swim with your tail at will. Go out a light-year distance.

However, the strength and defense of Heavenly Bimeng is much stronger than Kunpeng's genes, but it is smaller when compared to the body alone. No matter which of these two genes are refined, they will almost be able to advance to the master in the future.

The price of Tianzhibeimeng's gene is 300 million points, and the price of Kunpeng gene is also 300 million.

Garcia held his breath, waiting for Lin Zhen to choose.

Lin Zhen pointed his finger, but in the end he landed at the top of the gene bank.

"what is this?"

Garcia smiled after seeing it: "Master, don't think about it. This is the gene of the transmutation of the sky. This thing can be described as the largest and strongest galaxy beast in the universe. It is a mutant of the sky. The sheer weight of the body is even heavier than Kunpeng."

"Oh! Why didn't anyone buy it?"

"Why no one bought it. Someone bought it countless years ago, but it failed. Later, our Northern Territory Alliance also appeared many strong people, trying to integrate the Tianzhi Bimeng gene, but without exception, it failed, and it led to many geniuses. The fall. Gradually, no one tried to merge. Everyone took this as a joke, because the person who developed the Tianzhi Bimeng gene was a lunatic at all and made something that could not be merged. Come on, hahaha..."

Garcia laughed a few times, but saw the light in Lin Zhen's eyes flicker.

"Master..... Are you not?"

"Now that it has been developed, there is nothing wrong with his program, right?"

"Uh... the theory is like this."

"Then there should be a possibility of integration, right?"

"That's right, but...when someone was optimistic about being able to advance to the dominion, they fell under the genes of this heavenly bimen. Don't be impulsive, master."

Without saying a word, Lin Zhen directly transferred the three hundred million points to Garcia.

"Buy this for me!"

Garcia is absolutely loyal to Lin Zhen. Seeing that Lin Zhen has decided, of course he can't go against and can only buy as ordered.

But the purchase failed, and Tianzhi's gene requires 500 million points!

Lin Zhen did not expect that he could only transfer all the points in his hand to Garcia.

But despite this, Garcia's points are only 490 million.

And the points of others have all been scraped, it is impossible to squeeze out anything.

"Master, otherwise, after we leave the Jinghu Continent, I will go to my camp to buy it. That will save 30%, otherwise the points will be too much." Garcia felt a little distressed.

Lin Zhen directly rejected this proposal. It should be sooner rather than later, not to mention that he is not a member of the Northern Territory Alliance and cannot do so.

Lin Zhen thought for a while, and simply gritted his teeth and donated the spear in his hand again. The result was still not enough, and he donated the Purple Star Armor again, but the result was still worse.

Lin Zhen took out a part of the God Crystal God Stone in his hand, and finally managed to make up five hundred million points.

"This time I'm overwhelmed by all my wealth, and I hope that Bimeng Gene will not let me down!"

According to Lin Zhen's instructions, Garcia decisively purchased this 500 million gene stock solution.

After exchanging the gene stock solution, Garcia carefully handed the bottle to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen took it, feeling the milky white liquid in his hand, and felt a little excited.

This time, he was a bit desperate. This thing, even the general dominating potential, might not be able to integrate.

Lin Zhen relied on his potential. He believed that his potential was absolutely superior to ordinary masters!

A record-breaking person who wants to stay at the forefront and at the top must take risks that others dare not take!

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