Luo Xiaoyu is just over sixteen years old, and will be seventeen next year. In rural areas, she would start looking for a partner around this age. People in rural areas don't need any certificates when they get married now, as long as they have a witness.

Women in the city usually start looking for a partner when they are around 18 years old. It’s okay if they are younger. Many women get married first and then apply for a marriage certificate. Except for some special reasons, generally when a woman reaches her twenties, her family will become anxious.

Luo Cheng didn't really want Xiaoyu to consider getting married now. He felt that it would be at least two years later. After living with me in the city for these days, I feel energetic and look good again. My face doesn't look too thin anymore, but the overall feeling is that I still need to take care of myself.

These days, if you find someone on a blind date in the city, they will get married within a short time of getting along. It's not much slower than in towns and villages, and they don't know how to use contraceptives together. Xiaoyu's skinny body is prone to dystocia.

However, Luo Cheng did not directly reject Aunt Wang's words. Luo Cheng could check if he was looking for a partner, but he didn't want to interfere too much with Xiao Yu's thoughts whether he was looking for someone or not. Xiaoyu is now sixteen or seventeen. He grew up in a rural area and actually knows everything there is to know. If this girl wants a man, and she really wants to, Luo Cheng can find her someone she can get along with for more than a year before getting married.

As for this girl Shishi, she dares to think about men at her age. I can’t see how she can’t be locked in a room and not allowed to go out or fed.

In this era, men and women get married early, and Luo Cheng doesn't want to control anyone because of his own ideas. So he asked Aunt Wang to sit in the living room and wait while he went to the kitchen to ask Xiaoyu if she wanted to find a partner.

When asked about this, Luo Xiaoyu was shy for a long time before saying that he would let Luo Cheng make the decision. If Luo Cheng was to make the decision, he would tell her directly that it would be a year later and help her find one in the city a year later.

Seeing that Xiao Yu had no objection, Luo Cheng declined Aunt Wang's kindness in the living room without asking about her family's conditions. No matter how good the conditions are, there are only a few who can surpass him. Those who can eat rice at home every day are all wealthy families.

Aunt Wang left disappointed when she heard Luo Cheng said that she would have to wait a year longer to find a partner for Xiao Yu. In fact, some people like Luo Xiaoyu mainly because she has a good big brother. Otherwise, even if she has a temporary job in the city, her household registration is still in the countryside.

You must know that the current household registration system means that children follow their mothers. If Luo Xiaoyu cannot change her household registration, even if she marries a city dweller and has a child, there will be no quota for the child.

In the later generation of educated youth, many male educated youth returned to the city. Why didn't they bring their wives and children with them? It was a bit ruthless. On the one hand, it may not be possible to take it away. The biggest factor may be the burden caused by household registration.

If Luo Cheng hadn't been Luo Xiaoyu's eldest brother, no one, not even the neighbors, would be enthusiastic enough to be a matchmaker for Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu's side is okay, but if she introduces her to the man, the man's side may scold the matchmaker. Rural people also said, who do you look down on?

But Luo Cheng is the director of a car manufacturing plant. Anyone who understands the rules knows that as long as his younger brother and sister survive in the city for a few years and meet the conditions for becoming a full-time employee, they will not only be able to become full-time employees, but also have their household registration in the city after becoming regular employees. . Being able to marry now is equivalent to marrying a working girl in the city later. And this is just one of them. Luo Cheng can bring his younger brothers and sisters to the city, which shows that he is a caring person. From now on, his sister will get married. If his brother-in-law is not having a good life, won't he help him out? .

So despite the fact that Luo Xiaoyu and the others are from rural areas, they are still just temporary workers. But in the eyes of the neighbors, it is a hot commodity.

After sending Aunt Wang away, Luo Cheng actually didn't think about those roundabout ways. He just felt that girls should be more reserved. If it were Luo Cheng, if he were sixteen years old and someone asked him if he wanted a wife, he would definitely say yes, and she would want a beautiful one. As for feelings, they will be a luxury in later generations.

The meal in the evening is meat and vegetables brought back from the factory at noon. Everyone eats the vegetables very thinly, and a plate of cabbage can last a whole day. So I cooked some rice, heated up the food and then it was ready to eat.

After dinner, Luo Cheng was a little happy thinking that he could pick up the letter from Dai Qianqian tomorrow. However, after Aunt Wang talked about matchmaking today, Luo Cheng also asked himself while lying on the bed. In the end, he only likes Dai Qianxi because of her beautiful appearance, or he likes her emotionally.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Cheng panicked because he assumed that if the other party was disfigured, he would still want her. After confirming that there is no moral accusation, he may really choose to give up because the other party's body is not beautiful. The reason why I use the word maybe is not to definitely give up. It was because he thought of the several scenes where the two of them walked together without saying a word. Although they didn't speak at that time, they felt very at ease inside.

Perhaps with more companionship in the future, we can start with appearance and be loyal to emotions. But now, Luo Cheng is still more greedy and greedy for Dai Qianqian's body.

If Dai Qianxi were by his side and knew what he was thinking, she would only tell him that you are thinking too much. Once we are together, there is no question of whether you want her or not, but a question of whether she has lost her husband or not. If you are really disfigured, you have no choice. You can either endure it or lose it.

After lying on the bed for a while, Shishi brought water into the room for him to wash up. They all knew that Luo Cheng would be writing and drawing on his desk until very late these days. Although neither Xiaoyu nor Shishi could understand what Luo Cheng wrote, they both felt that their elder brother was awesome. The eldest brother Luo Cheng is a very talented person. Helping him to get a basin of water for washing his face and feet is nothing at all.

After washing up, Luo Cheng really wanted to make drawings. What Luo Cheng didn't expect was that the engine's current parts processing speed could catch up with his own drawing speed. It could take up to two or three days to produce the parts according to the drawings he gave. Luo Cheng had been worried about process issues before, fearing that even if some parts were given modeling drawings, they would not be able to produce things that could meet the requirements.

If this is the case, as long as the drawings are completely produced, it can be assembled directly in a few days. But then assembly will be a problem. Even if Team Leader Jiang is reliable, what about the others? Having a confidentiality agreement is useful, but once all the parts are produced, it would be a bit unethical to assemble them secretly without anyone seeing them. After all, Team Leader Jiang and the others participated in the whole process, which meant that they were on guard against the other party in the end.

By the way, didn't Dai Xixi send a letter? When replying to the letter, he told her about this and asked her to ask her grandfather Dai Tiande for help to see how to do it. Because even if there is no problem with Team Leader Jiang and the others, how will the subsequent assembly be done? Currently, this low-level engine relies on assembly steps to achieve the anti-theft function.

There are currently no particularly high-precision accessories produced in China. Unlike in later generations, the engines produced in Japan cannot be copied in terms of craftsmanship. To prevent counterfeiting, the only way to prevent counterfeiting is to do some tricks in disassembly and placement. Just like some foreign products exported to China, not only do they manipulate the disassembly steps, but some parts are even equipped with self-destruct traps.

That is, a small electronic structure supplies power. If you accidentally tighten the wrong screw, a certain component will be short-circuited and burned. Or just add some confusing and useless parts.

Anyway, even if you dismantle it, in the absence of precision instrument testing, many high-tech products have to scrap countless products before completing the first step of disassembly. Then there are many traps if you want to assemble it back. Anyway, if you don’t understand the technology, it will be difficult to improve in the future just by imitating the surface.

Luo Cheng plans to produce this engine and use electronic ignition to start the vehicle. The engine has good performance and is easy to ignite, and he also understands the key design concepts of later generations. Of course, just understand some common key anti-theft concepts. Forget about electronic keys, the issue of designing electronic signal chips, even for simple electronic keys, Luo Cheng will not touch at the moment. It is a completely different technology.

The brazier was moved into the room and placed next to the desk, so there was no need to hold my coat in front of me to read the drawings. While waiting for the biological time to doze off, Luo Cheng looked at the time on his watch. It turned out that he should have stayed up past eleven o'clock before. Even if there are errors, people's biological clocks are actually very accurate, and they don't come and go much. Whenever you feel sleepy, you will usually feel sleepy at that time every day.

It's past eleven o'clock, which is nothing compared to playing with mobile phones at school every day past twelve o'clock. But if he could have made such progress by studying every day before, Luo Cheng felt that he was in a key university.

The next day, when Luo Cheng woke up, it would be nice to have a watch. His previous procrastination was back. I can sleep a little longer if I am stuck in time. It is cold today, and the quilt is comfortable.

In the past, when Shishi came to wake Luo Cheng up, it was always to say that the meal was ready, it was dawn, or that many people had already gone to work. But today, after being retorted by Luo Cheng with "it's still early". Shishi flexibly changed her calling method and called out in a questioning manner, 'Brother, how many minutes has it been?' ’

When Luo Cheng felt that it was almost time, he immediately got up, dressed, washed and had breakfast. After Luo Cheng drove them to the factory, he arrived ten minutes early. Not late, but basically among the last group of people. Everyone else basically arrived twenty or thirty minutes early.

Since Luo Cheng was so shameless, it didn't matter if he was five minutes late. But Xiaoyu and his sister-in-law don't plan to ride on Luo Cheng's car again. Other workers are already making preparations before the start of work, and even the sweeper has started cleaning.

Xiaoyu and the others' work was not supervised, but the nature was different. They should have come to the factory earlier, picked up the eggs laid by the chickens and ducks, put them away, cleaned them up, and fed them. After feeding, they actually just sat and talked and played. Even those pigs, Shishi named them out of boredom.

They should arrive early for their raising work, because while they are resting, others are also working. Just like the helpers in the kitchen who wash and select vegetables, they come to the factory early in the morning. And they will be more relaxed in the afternoon and can rest.

When Luo Cheng comes to the factory, he now habitually goes to the team's R\u0026D room first and hands the drawings to Team Leader Jiang and the others. Then I went back to my office because the drawings were detailed enough. Unless you don't even understand the principles, you can understand it through research. As an engineer, how could he not understand pneumatic, hydraulic or other principles? So there were basically no questions.

But today, Team Leader Jiang and the others did not let Luo Cheng leave directly because Gao Ru was here and they were all family members, so it was no problem for a girl to study with them. But they did not accept female students, so Luo Cheng came to be the nominal teacher.

In this era, respect for teachers is important. When engineers lead students, they basically start out as college students. Taking care of students at this time is not as simple as handing over students to a teacher. Just like a worker taking an apprentice, the name of master and apprentice is important.

If Gao Ru also enters the automobile design and manufacturing industry in the future, others may ask her how she got into this, and they will basically say that she studied under someone.

Luo Cheng is a seventh-level engineer. Even if he recruits college students, he can go to well-known universities to recruit good students with excellent grades, while Gao Ru is just a student who was persuaded to drop out. To put it simply, it depends on whether Luo Cheng is willing to accept such a student. If Luo Cheng accepts it, Team Leader Jiang and the others can help lead the way, but Luo Cheng may still have to teach some things in the future.

We are responsible for accepting students these days, and some students even have room and board at the teacher’s house. Many prestigious people generally do not accept students easily. Because if the students are not good, it will also affect the reputation of the teacher.

For example, everyone who knows Luo Cheng's identity now knows that even if he doesn't have any abilities, it's just because he is Principal Dai's disciple. Everyone can't help but look high at Luo Cheng. Even if he is a student, there are many things that ordinary people can't do. If he does it, others may give you the face to do it.

On the other hand, a student of a famous person may not have good character or ability. People may suspect that this teacher must be a person with little ability and is just trying to gain fame. Once something like this happens, many people may declare that they will no longer recognize the student and sever ties with him. But even so, for some people it is a stain on life.

When Team Leader Jiang saw Luo Cheng was young, he pulled him aside and told him this. It is not impossible that Luo Cheng will become famous after this engine is built. Team leader Jiang now understands how Gao Ru entered the factory. It is indeed a pity to encounter such a thing. But now that she is assigned here, it is a question of who to learn from and how to make friends.

Luo Cheng always thought that it was a very simple matter for a master to lead an apprentice and a teacher to lead a student. There are so many repairmen in the factory as masters, but no one is particularly cautious in accepting apprentices. And now the new temporary workers are being trained as apprentices.

But now that I think about it, the technical workers in the factory are only around Level 4, and they only have a working skill. Even if you are an eighth-level worker, your reputation is only a little bigger, and no matter how much you pay attention to it, the degree of it is limited. But what Luo Cheng and Team Leader Jiang have to hand over is knowledge and scientific research. If you study well, you will be considered a talent if you go abroad.

This~~~, I originally thought that I would be able to be a teacher if I had a student in my name, and I could occasionally be a teacher. But after listening to Team Leader Jiang's advice, Luo Cheng also felt that he couldn't mess around. The so-called knowing how to advance and retreat is the only way to understand gains and losses.

A teacher preaches, imparts knowledge, and resolves doubts. There are responsibilities and obligations, and some things are not to be joked about.

Therefore, in Gao Ru's expectant eyes, Luo Cheng chose to run away first. If it doesn't work, let Gao Ru change to another department. What should he learn? This level of education is enough for this era. And I'm good at science, so I'll go and stay in the finance department, which is short of people.

As soon as Luo Cheng went upstairs, someone came to see him as soon as he entered the office. First, it was from the human resources department, saying that two electricians had come to report, and they had arranged to inspect the circuit conditions in the factory first. Then the accountant from the finance department showed Luo Cheng his salary and recent financial statement expenditures.

They all have to be signed by Luo Cheng. With this financial situation, even if there is a director in the finance department, as the factory director, he needs to confirm his signature. But it's the human resources department. If there isn't a section chief or something, every person who comes from the factory will have to sign Luo Cheng.

As for the section chief of the Human Resources Department, Luo Cheng could not just appoint whomever he wanted. The section chief was a cadre, so the appointment of a cadre required the other party to be qualified and qualified. Educational qualifications, how many years you have worked, family background, etc.

If there are college students in the factory, or technical secondary school students majoring in human resources. It is indeed possible to appoint an acting section chief directly. In this way, for the recruitment of workers below, the section chief will sign and the number of people and employment status in the factory will be reviewed by Luo Cheng every month. It is very difficult for ordinary workers to become cadres without special contributions, abilities, qualifications, etc.

Why are factories and units willing to train college students? Because in addition to being assigned to college students, another point is that they are all reserve cadres. There will be no resistance when college students are assigned to cadre positions.

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