Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 209 I know who reported it

Chapter 209 If you don’t sell, I’ll raise the price

Luo Cheng's driving skills actually have no problem driving his own van. But the driving license test is all about details. Sometimes the more basic things are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

This time Luo Cheng went to the driving school mainly to ask about the date of the subject three test. If he was to practice driving, he had already taught everything that should be taught. It's just a matter of proficiency, and when talking about shop decoration with Zhou Meng, you can also talk about it while practicing driving.

Luo Cheng didn't expect that Zhou Meng was also a resolute person. Yesterday he said he would cooperate to build a local chicken restaurant, but that night he called the person in charge of the unit and resigned. She doesn’t have to pay for her salary, but it’s not much, and she doesn’t work many days here.

As for Zhou Meng's decoration design, she is actually not a professional in this area, but it is enough that she has more experience than Luo Cheng. Her suggestion was originally similar to the concept of other people's stores, applying other people's methods and coming up with a similar design. And Luo Cheng also explained that he based it on other people's successful cases.

The two of them were talking, and when Luo Cheng came to his senses, he found that he had agreed to let her be the supervisor of the decoration. Luo Cheng had to admire that people of this era were indeed smarter than people of his time. At least in terms of communication skills, they were generally better than people of his time.

After all, he was considered a section chief in his own era, but Zhou Meng still agreed to something in the form of 'help' without knowing it. Obviously the other party is talking about a paid form, but it still makes you feel like they are helping you.

However, Luo Cheng would not go back on his promise to go out easily. With someone to help supervise the work, he could also do what he wanted to do.

I have been practicing driving for a long time. I practiced for an hour or two in the morning and practiced again after lunch. By three o'clock, Luo Cheng was responsible for replenishing the stores. To replenish the goods, they directly called for a small truck to help deliver the goods. The second-hand van bought by the family kept breaking down, and Liu Xiaofei did not dare to drive it.

The day went by very quickly for Luo Cheng, and the same was true for Liu Xiaofei. Although she was interested in Luo Cheng's career, she just wanted to join some groups and promote local chickens when she had nothing to do. Usually, people still go to play mahjong as soon as they are called, but Liu Xiaofei is a little better than her mother. She now plays more for entertainment. Her mother plays mahjong, but the winning and losing are too small to play. It will take at least hundreds or even thousands of trips to feel exciting and satisfying.

Luo Cheng is going out to buy tomatoes tomorrow. He will have to go out for several days. During this period, he also understands the new meaning of a word. That is to hand over public grain. In his era, when people talked about handing over public grain, they would only think about the harvest of grain in the fields and to hand over public grain. No one would have thought that a few decades later, rural people would often talk about paying public food, but it would only refer to matters between men and women.

Early the next morning, Luo Cheng packed up his clothes and went out wearing a formal suit. Once you wear this suit, you will indeed look different. At least the clothes Liu Xiaofei picked for him before were all in fashionable youth style. When people go to buy other people's things, they will doubt whether Luo Cheng is really here to buy vegetables.

As for Luo Cheng's current image, when he went to talk to others in the past, he would not doubt Luo Cheng's strength from the beginning.

This time when he went to buy tomatoes, Luo Cheng took the high-speed rail, but when he went to the high-speed rail station, Liu Xiaofei was going to drive him there.

"Here~~, Xiaofei, when you turned the corner just now, you didn't turn on the turn signal and why did you use the wipers?"

"Did I turn on the wipers? I just turned on the turn signal. Look, that was it, the turn signal."

"You are doing the turn signal now, but you were really doing the wipers just now."

"It's impossible. The car on the opposite side clearly saw me turning on the turn signal, and they all gave way to me."

"It's rare that I saw it wrong. Just keep driving and be careful."

"You're teaching me a lesson without a driver's license. Stop talking. I'm driving seriously."

Luo Cheng rubbed his eyes, maybe he was in a trance just now. But seeing how serious Liu Xiaofei was driving, he didn't bother her. Luo Cheng felt that if he came to drive, he might be more stable than her, but it was also a self-feeling, not to mention that he didn't have a certificate, so if something went wrong, it would be a big problem.

But I don’t know why, but I feel that Liu Xiaofei can pass the driver’s license test, so he should be more confident.

Send Luo Cheng to the high-speed rail station. In fact, there is an underground parking lot at the high-speed rail station. But Liu Xiaofei didn't dare to drive over, fearing that if she drove in she wouldn't be able to get out. So at the intersection, Luo Cheng got off the car.

Luo Cheng had been to the high-speed rail station once before. He took the high-speed rail to accompany Liu Xiaofei back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year, so Luo Cheng could move around in this area without anyone guiding him. The high-speed rail is very convenient, and the city I am going to this time is not very far away, but I have to take a taxi when I get there.

After arriving at his destination by high-speed rail, Luo Cheng ate a fast food nearby. Although I have lived in the future era for almost a year, I have eaten a lot of delicious food. But he still wasn't picky. The fast food near the station really didn't taste as good as the one at the construction site, but Luo Cheng still ate a portion of the fast food cleanly.

As for the price, Luo Cheng just wanted to say that next time it would be better not to eat near the station. After eating, Luo Cheng took a taxi directly to a certain planting site without stopping. On the way there, I also called the person I had contacted online before. The vegetables were not picked up right away.

Now Luo Cheng will not have people pile them up at intersections and then secretly take them away late at night like he did before. There are two troubles in doing this. The first is to be able to cope with it in his own time, and Luo Cheng is still in the city in his own time. It would be difficult for Luo Cheng to get a warehouse to store things in the city. Even if ordinary people wanted to rent an extra house in the street, it would be impossible.

Unless Luo Cheng is using a factory or unit to carry out a project, he may be able to find a place. Therefore, Luo Cheng did not go back to the commune in the town, but went to a hidden mountain, not daring to cook the food in his own time.

In addition, in this future era, it is not safe to wait until twelve o'clock to take things away. In this era, even in remote areas, as long as they are not in a real ravine, there may still be street lights and surveillance. Even in this future era, there may be people out for a walk in the countryside even late at night.

Luo Cheng encountered something like this again last time. When he was traveling through space, he noticed someone being stared at again. But the second encounter may have been by chance. I happened to meet a man who was returning from drinking in the middle of the night. Luo Cheng didn't try to manipulate what others had 'seen' anymore. He stopped the transfer that time.

Now, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, as long as you find a logistics station, there are temporary warehouses available for rent. You can rent it for a few days and organize people to transport it to the logistics station. Luo Cheng can transfer to his own era at any time.

So when he came here, Luo Cheng had to first find the person selling tomatoes, negotiate a price, and then pay for them to be transported to a nearby logistics station.

"Old Wang, the persimmon harvesters will be here today. Are you saying that Boss Chen and others are deliberately lowering the price if they don't accept them this year? If he doesn't accept them, there are still people who want them."

"Who knows, there are people harvesting it now. It's better than leaving it in the rotten fields. You have to pick it and send it to others to feed the pigs. It's not much."

"Those are bargain hunters. When prices are usually good, pig farmers are willing to spend money to buy persimmons to feed the pigs? Some people say that it is Boss Chen who takes the lead in suppressing the price, making it so low that we can't sell it. You said someone is here to collect it now , will the price go up?”

"What do you mean, you still want to keep it in your hands without selling it."

"No, it doesn't mean anything. If the boss I contacted online is reliable, just give me a call and check."

"Hey, I got a call. It's the boss I contacted online. He said yesterday that he would be here today, so he should be here."

"He said how many persimmons he wanted."

"As much as you want."


In some places, tomatoes are often referred to as persimmons in conversations. In fact, persimmons are fruits that grow on trees. In some mountains and forests during Luo Cheng's time, wild persimmon trees could also be seen.

Tomatoes have a ripening period, which is also the picking period. Generally speaking, tomatoes are not picked until they are fully ripe, but only when they are slightly green. When they are completely red, they will fall to the ground if not picked for a long time.

During the conversation, there were two people who came to receive the goods this time, but there were more than two people listening to the conversation. In fact, they have also seen the information on the Internet. In many places, a pound of tomatoes costs two or three yuan. And the purchase price of their tomatoes has been reduced to 30 cents, and no one wants it.

After hearing that there were as many people coming to buy as they wanted, some people became interested. Because even if all are sold at this price, they will still lose money this year. In previous years, when the supply was tight, people would come to collect it and sell it for more than one yuan. Even if the market was not so good, it would still be around eighty cents.

Anyway, the acquisition cannot be completed in one or two days. If others have any ideas, they have time to discuss them.

Luo Cheng was squatting at the intersection at this time. The taxi driver told him that the place he wanted to go could only be passed by a small road. The dirt road was wide enough for cars to pass, but it could only pass by one car at most. After driving in, I had to find a place to turn around. Luo Cheng didn't embarrass the driver and got off at the intersection.

He quickly contacted someone here to pick him up. In about ten minutes, a middle-aged man came to pick him up on an electric tricycle.

Sure enough, Luo Cheng was wearing a formal suit. Even though he looked young, no one doubted his lack of strength. Without too much nonsense, he took Luo Cheng directly to the vegetable field to see the vegetables. The tomatoes are basically red, and if they are not picked, they may end up rotting in the fields except for feeding pigs.

Luo Chengsheng ate one and felt pretty good, but he also felt that he was going to die if he didn't take care of it. It looks very good now, but it usually takes about a week to transport it to other cities for sale, pick it, put it in baskets, and transport it. As for real vegetable sellers, they will contact the car before letting people pick.

"Boss Wang, it tastes good and the quality is okay. The price is the three cents we mentioned before."

"Well, it must be the price agreed upon before."

"Old Wang, there is no problem with the price you told the boss, but as for picking, the boss sent people to the fields to pick them. I'm already losing money if I can't sell these persimmons, and everyone in my family has gone to work odd jobs outside."


Lao Wang didn't expect that people from a village would dismantle his food. In the past, the price was good, and many vegetable vendors were eager to get the goods. It is true that people are sent to pick the goods. When the goods are easy to sell, it is better to get rid of them early and make money early. But this year, there is a large amount of tomatoes, and they are still selling well at the beginning of the month. Now they are selling for 580 cents per catty in nearby counties. The market is saturated, so we can only sell to other places.

If you sell it to other places, there will be freight and packaging fees, and a lot of it will get spoiled on the road. When this price is shipped to one place, it will also affect the price in other places. Vegetable vendors really don't care if you get it for 20 or 30 cents cheaper. It's possible that the dish that costs you 30 cents would cost more than 30 cents to be shipped to other places.

We often see reports that some relatively cheap vegetables, even fruits, cannot be sold at high prices even if they are shipped to a certain place. Just because there is a green pass on the expressway, the transportation cost is lower, but once you encounter a green pass on the expressway, you will not be given a green pass.

If the food cannot be sold at a reasonable price if shipped to other places, many people will angrily throw the food at the toll station to express their dissatisfaction. Because if you pay the toll, the cost of a cart of vegetables may not be as much as the expressway toll, so it is better not to use it.

When the vegetables are unsaleable, you can pick them yourself and sell them at a nearby vegetable market. You can sell them for 50 or 60 cents per catty, or dozens of dollars a day. For young people, it is really better to work part-time to earn back the losses. These are all unsaleable. It would be great if someone comes to ask for vegetables. Naturally, they have to help pick them.

This was also the first time Luo Cheng heard that he had to arrange his own pickers. He was not a professional vegetable seller, because he had collected vegetables several times. Indeed, he had seen many vegetable sellers arrange for people to go to the fields to collect vegetables. But before he went to other places to collect vegetables, they would pick them and put them in the place designated by him, and they would not transport them too far.

I thought I would pick up tomatoes this time and hire a small truck to go to the intersection where I got off the taxi. Just ask the vegetable farmers here to deliver the vegetables to the intersection, and Luo Cheng will look at the scales and count the quantities. What he is really busy with is just finding a logistics space and renting a warehouse to store vegetables for two or three days.

Cheap grain hurts farmers, and cheap vegetables hurt farmers as well.

"Well, the food is pretty good. I'll arrange a car to come over tomorrow. You guys will be responsible for picking and loading. I'll give you fifty cents per catty. Even if I pay you to pick and load the food, okay?"

"Boss Luo, thank you so much for doing this~~"

Unexpectedly, Lao Wang just said something from someone in the same village, and the price went up by twenty cents. And at this price, if you don't say you make money, at least you won't lose money. He also wanted to say that he came all the way to help their vegetable farmers, but when this person came, he obviously increased the price in disguise.

But if it goes up by 20 cents, at least no one will lose money. Lao Wang doesn't dare to say anything and just pays 30 cents. In that case, he has kept his promise. But other vegetable farmers in the village knew that some bosses would give them 50 cents instead of 30 cents. Then he wouldn't be able to stay in the village any longer.

The price is only 50 cents per catty, and the vegetable farmers are responsible for picking and loading the vegetables. As the representative of vegetable farmers, Lao Wang immediately went to notify other vegetable farmers after discussing everything with Luo Cheng. As long as Luo Cheng calls for the car tomorrow, they will load it immediately.

As for the money, after all, they had just met, so they would naturally pay after weighing the food. Luo Cheng had no objection to this. Luo Cheng never thought about owing any money to these vegetable farmers. He still adheres to one principle in doing business now: he does not do business with debts, and he does not owe others money.

This resulted in many units being unable to settle accounts immediately due to system constraints and failing to cooperate with Luo Cheng. Some enterprising private companies, such as those who buy Luo Cheng's rice, are not short of money. For the sake of convenience, they directly pay Luo Cheng in advance, and then let Luo Cheng deliver the rice if they want it.

After the matter was settled, Luo Cheng took the bus early and went to find the logistics center. Temporary warehouses, which last for 500 days or more, can be easily rented in the logistics center.

"It's really hard to sell tomatoes now. You can find a car and take them here. I'll give you 20 cents per catty. What? Someone came to your place to collect tomatoes and gave you 50 cents per catty. Are you kidding me? How much is the retail price in the nearby market? I lower the price. I have been cooperating with you for many years, and I have deliberately lowered your vegetable prices."

"Come on, it's me, Old Chen, who is wrong. The prices in many places in other places are indeed passable now. Well, for the sake of our cooperation for many years, let me tell you, I also charge 50 cents here. You can't give it to outsiders but not me."

"Yes, I'll pay you as soon as the goods arrive. I won't delay you even a day."


"I scolded the people next door and said I was a profiteer. Since when did I take advantage of them? I also scolded me that you are good at it. But where did this god come from? He could actually pay fifty cents to harvest tomatoes now."

Chen Da put down his cell phone and said to himself with a smile, it is true that he is a vegetable seller and he can bargain with the vegetable farmers normally. Even when the market is bad, even if I make little or no money, I will try my best to help some vegetable farmers sell vegetables. But the retail price in the nearby market is only 50 or 60 cents, and if you take it to the city to sell it, it only costs about 80 cents.

At this retail price, the vegetables are not easy to sell. After collecting Sanmao, there will always be some wear and tear, and then the vegetable sellers also have to make money, so there is no room for price difference at all.

With this year's market conditions, you can't make much money even if you collect 30 cents. It doesn't mean you will lose money if you transport it to other places. But the risk is high, and the investment is not proportional to the return. Many vegetable vendors would rather not make the money than take the risk.

For example, Chen Da knew that in the capital city, the wholesale price could be more than one yuan. Take the Green Pass and transport it there, you can earn a little. But using Green Pass does not mean there is no shipping fee. If it is shipped smoothly, the cost to the vegetable seller will be more than 70 cents. The sales are slow, and if you stay there for a few more days, the cost will increase a bit. If you get stuck on a green pass on the highway, you will lose your profit.

At 30 cents per pound, Chen Da felt it was not worth the risk, let alone 50 cents. He was actually happy for the vegetable farmer when someone from outside came to collect it, and he even got a price of 50 cents.

But just because of other people, those vegetable farmers actually called him directly to scold him. It is said that he has united with some vegetable vendors to deliberately lower the prices. If he can lower the prices of vegetable farmers, how can he lower the retail prices in the vegetable market? The nearby retail stores are only a few cents more expensive, and tomatoes are not as easy to store as cabbage, so the prices are ridiculous.

Chen Da didn't want to target people from other places who came to collect vegetables, but he originally wanted to spend a few cents to collect tomatoes from vegetable farmers. But the vegetable farmer called and scolded him. He couldn't stand the anger, so since they said he was deliberately lowering the price, he just accepted it. He is very clear about a drama. When there are multiple vegetable sellers bidding, the one with the higher price will naturally be the one selling it. But if the price is the same, the vegetable farmers will let the vegetable sellers bid.

He said he would give fifty cents, but he had no intention of taking it all. If someone really wanted to give fifty cents, he would make a fuss. Then contact the outside vegetable vendors privately. If these vegetable farmers are greedy, they will suffer a lot.

This is just like some jokes on the Internet. I will offer you one million for this thing. If you sell it, just pretend that I didn’t say anything. If you don’t sell it, I will raise the price.

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