Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 210 I’m actually a little afraid of people like Yu Qiang

Chapter 210 I know who reported it

"Luo Cheng, Chief Luo~~."

"Luo Cheng, wake up, someone is calling you."

Luo Cheng was pushed by his wife and woke up immediately. In fact, he also heard the sound, but he was sleepy and thought it was an illusion.

Luo Cheng wasn't too worried about what was reported the day before yesterday. He mainly relied on speculation and couldn't take revenge casually. However, Wang De from his factory said that if he went to his uncle to inquire, he would definitely find the person who reported the report.

In the future, Luo Cheng has already contacted the warehouses in the logistics center. There are administrators in the logistics center. If you contact them, there will be empty warehouses. There is no need to look for the ones that are empty.

Therefore, in the future era, Luo Chengcheng has made plans, and in his own era, he should return to the town the day after tomorrow.

Luo Cheng turned on the lights in the house. Most of the light controls in this era were pulled by ropes. Over time, the ropes became moldy and easy to break, so the ropes had to be replaced.

When someone shouted that her daughter-in-law Zhao Qian had a big belly, Luo Cheng naturally stood up immediately. After turning on the light, I looked at my watch and saw that it was just past one in the morning. He must have seen the lights at Luo Cheng's house turn on, and the people outside stopped shouting, waiting for the people at Luo Cheng's house to open the door.

When Luo Cheng opened the door, he found Yaya's mother holding Yaya with an anxious look on her face.

"Sister-in-law, Yaya, what's going on? Don't worry."

"She has a high fever, and her father happened to go back to his hometown. The family has no money, Luo Cheng, can you lend me two yuan first to take Yaya to the hospital."

"Just wait a moment and I'll take you to the hospital on my bicycle. Don't worry about money. I'm here with you."

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, we're all in the same courtyard. I like Yaya very much. She keeps calling me uncle."

Luo Cheng responded while putting on his coat. Zhao Qian was still awake. Luo Cheng told her about the situation. Zhao Qian quickly took some food stamps from the bedside and gave them to Luo Cheng, maybe they could be used.

After putting on his clothes and having money in his pocket, Luo Cheng went out with a flashlight and took Yaya and her mother to the hospital. Even in urban areas at night, there are only street lights in some central places, and there are only street lights at very far intervals.

When people are sent to the hospital, Luo pays the registration fee, which is 5 cents. There is no so-called overcharge for nighttime emergency registration. Entering the hospital, there are doctors on duty even late at night.

There was no so-called messy examination. An old doctor examined Yaya. He felt her pulse, looked at her tongue and asked about the general situation. Mainly because I was worried that the fever might be caused by other reasons. It was probably not a serious problem. I asked Yaya’s mother whether she should give her a shot in the butt, prescribe some medicine, or stay in the hospital for one night.

It costs a few cents to stay in the hospital for a day, a few cents to get an injection, and 20 cents to prescribe medicine. All together, it actually costs less than one dollar. But Yaya's mother heard that her daughter had no serious problems, so the hospital was reluctant to admit her daughter that day. Finally, adding the registration fee, the total cost was less than 70 cents.

You can go back after about an hour in the hospital. On the way back, Yaya's mother kept thanking Luo Cheng, saying that an elder in her husband's hometown passed away, so she went back to her hometown. And her family is really a little nervous now. The food ration is not enough, so she has to go to the black market every month to buy some food.

But now the grain and coarse grains on the black market are sold for almost 20 cents. Not to mention fine grains, the amount has more than doubled. Yaya has two children at home, including an older brother. But her father is the only one working at home, and Yaya's mother does not have a formal job.

In Yaya's family, her father is not the eldest son and does not need to bear the main responsibility for providing for the elderly. But just because I have a job, I should be more filial every month. Anyway, I can't save much money all year round, and not only the price of food on the black market has increased, but my own ration has also been reduced.

This hometown needs to provide some relief. People with little savings could previously work alone to support a family. Now we really can't make ends meet, which has led to a situation like Yaya's family, where the child is sick and the family has no money. The salary paid last month, except for purchasing the ration, has been used up all at once, and I may have to borrow it at the end of the month.

But the child suddenly fell ill, and the Yaya family also had several familiar neighbors in the yard. But just because we are familiar with each other, we know the general situation of each company. Yaya's family lives in the backyard, and she has chatted with Zhao Qian, the daughter-in-law of Luo Cheng's family, several times. They always say hello when they meet, and they are considered friends.

The conditions of Luo Cheng's family are now recognized as good in the yard, so Yaya's mother thought about it for a while when Yaya fell ill, and then came to Luo Cheng's family to try.

"Chief Luo~."

"Hey, sister-in-law, we are all from the same courtyard. Don't always be the section chief or not. Call me Luo Chengxing."

"Here~, Luo Cheng, my sister-in-law wants to tell you something. As for you being reported the day before yesterday, do you know who reported you?"

"I don't know. As you know, because of the house matter, there were a lot of people in the yard who didn't like us last year."

"Luo Cheng, the person who reported you might be Yu Qiang from our backyard, the night before yesterday~~ @^ @?"

Yaya's mother told Luo Cheng about Luo Cheng's report. She and Yu Qiang lived on the side of the house next to each other. When she passed by Yu Qiang's house the day before yesterday, she overheard Yu Qiang complaining at home. Maybe it was out of expectation, saying that nothing happened in Luo Cheng's family.

In any case, Yaya's mother guessed that it was Luo Cheng who was most likely reported by Yu Qiang, and that Yu Qiang's family really had conflicts with Luo Cheng's family.

Yu Qiang is the man in the backyard who has a violent tendency to beat his wife and children. Every time he hits his wife and children, the uncle in the courtyard comes to mediate and criticize him. Although it was effective, it was not eradicated. At the beginning of the year, Yu Qiang was also under pressure because of the reduction in quota, and then he felt that nothing he did was going smoothly. Domestic violence broke out again over a minor incident, and the wife and children were beaten together.

The children of Yu Qiang's family are very close to Zhao Qian, not only the children of Yu Qiang's family, but also the children of many other families. Luo Cheng's house has monkeys to play with, and sometimes there are rabbits and the like, which are very attractive to children. Zhao Qian sometimes has some food at home and gives some to the children. For example, if you give one piece of lard residue to a child, it will make the child remember Zhao Qian well.

The child of Yu Qiang's family was beaten last time. He didn't know what happened and ran to Luo Cheng's family, struggling to ask for help from Zhao Qian. Luo Cheng always looked down on people who beat their wives and children, and the other party even chased Luo Cheng's house to take the children back and beat them. Luo Cheng had a bad temper. He would not be like the uncle in the courtyard who would always teach and criticize some big principles.

Luo Cheng directly beat the other person violently. When Yu Qiang was beaten, he also blamed Luo Cheng. What did Luo Cheng have to do with him for beating his wife and children? Luo Cheng didn't reason with the other party at the time, and directly replied, 'I want to beat up people like you.' That day, Yu Qiang was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Luo Cheng was the one who restrained his strength and beat him.

If it weren't for the fact that the other person was the head of the family, the beating would be too serious and he wouldn't be able to go to work to support the family. Luo Cheng could beat him so hard that he couldn't get out of bed. After that beating, everyone in the yard actually knew that Luo Cheng was a ruthless person. If it's not your own business, you can go directly to it. Moreover, Luo Cheng also became the section chief at that time, but at that time, people in the yard did not know that he was already the section chief.

Yu Qiang was beaten, so he was naturally not convinced, so he went to the street office the next day. Then Luo Cheng's identity was exposed in the yard, and the street office's solution was to deal with it. It was wrong for Yu Qiang to hit his wife and children, and it was wrong for Luo Cheng to hit Yu Qiang. Criticize each other and let it go.

The street office's He Xini Measures was obviously favoring Luo Cheng, but after learning that Luo Cheng was the section chief, Yu Qiang did not dare to say anything. Although they are not in the same unit, Yu Qiang actually knows that Luo Cheng has connections in his factory. Yu Qiang is actually a worker in the textile factory. He occasionally saw Luo Cheng in the factory, but he didn't know what deal was reached. The textile factory also sold a batch of defective cloth to Luo Cheng's machinery factory.

So after that incident, Yu Qiang was really honest and didn't hit his wife and children again for a long time.

Luo Cheng guessed a lot of people. For him, when he first came to Zayuan, he had a falling out with everyone because of the house. But in fact, he let others go, so why should other people unite to let him out of his own house? I thought it might be Aunt Liu's house across the street, and I also wondered whether Wu Kaishan might be reporting because he felt his authority was being challenged.

The Yu Qiang family in the backyard felt that the man was actually very timid to others, so they really didn't think much about him. Damn it, it seems that he was beaten lightly last time. After he has a family, he no longer has the same indifferent mentality as before. In the past, whoever I had to deal with would not consider the impact on your family after beating you.

"Swallow, swallow~~."

Luo Cheng sent Yaya and her mother back to the courtyard, but did not let Yaya's mother go back immediately. Instead, he asked her to wait a moment. The child was sick, and it was best to eat something nutritious to get better quickly.

Luo Yan and Zhang Hongxiu slept in the kitchen. If they wanted to get something, they had to open the door.

When Luo Yan heard the voice of her second brother Luo Cheng, she immediately got up and opened the door.

"Go get two eggs and a bird. The child in the yard is sick and needs to be patched up quickly."

"I understand, brother, go to bed. You have to go to work later. I'll get it for this eldest sister."

"Well, I really need to catch up on my sleep."

"Luo Cheng, thank you so much."

"I'm giving this to the children. You have to give the food to the children. You know, Yaya. Come and play with my monkey after you get better."

"I know, thank you uncle."

After hearing Yaya's reply, Luo Cheng smiled and touched her forehead, which was still a little hot. But people obviously feel much better than before going to the hospital, just like some information I saw in the future era.

You said that people in the past had weak constitutions and lived longer. But for my previous illness, I took two pills for a cold and had a good sleep. If you have a fever, there is no need to give an injection, it is basically just a shot in the buttocks. The fever also went away quickly.

In the future, there will be many types of colds. Some medicines for a cold will cost hundreds of dollars, and it may take several days to get better. The same goes for fevers, which are slow to cure and expensive.

Luo Cheng went back to his room to sleep. He was really sleepy, but it didn't matter. He could catch up on his sleep at his desk after arriving at the factory.

Luo Yan followed Luo Cheng's instructions and brought two eggs and a prepared bird to Yaya's mother. The birds that Luo Cheng brought last time were all processed, then pickled and dried to preserve them.

"Yaya, your illness will be cured after you go home and take a nap. Mom will boil eggs for you tomorrow morning. I'll give you both."

"Mom, give one to your brother. I won't tell Uncle Luo."

Taking the things given by Luo Yan, Yaya's mother carried Yaya and walked home. On the way, she saw her daughter was awake and talked to her. To be honest, she was really embarrassed to take things from Luo Cheng's family because she would have woken them up in the middle of the night and early in the morning. At first, she just wanted to borrow one or two yuan. Later, although Luo Cheng did not lend her any money, his actions moved her even more.

Luo Cheng paid for all the money in the hospital, and he didn't tell her the specific amount. And it goes without saying that these two eggs and a bird are so precious in this year. For the sake of her daughter, Yaya's mother could only accept the things Luo Cheng gave her.

Without good nutrition, people tend to get sick easily, but these days it’s good if everyone has food to eat, so there’s nothing special about it. It’s also nutritious, so it’s pretty good even if you’re not hungry.

After hearing her daughter's words, Yaya's mother felt a little guilty. In fact, the same goes for her family, which values ​​boys over girls. Although there is not much food at home, when there is food, she still takes care of her son more.

It was dawning soon, and Luo Cheng went to work as usual.

Yaya had a good sleep and her fever was basically gone. In the morning, Yaya's mother boiled eggs, one each for her son and daughter.

"Yaya, next time I'm sick and I have eggs to eat, I'll give you one too."

"Well, the eggs are delicious."

Listening to the conversation between her son and daughter, Yaya's mother didn't know what to say. She could eat eggs wherever she was sick. That is to say, she met the Luo Cheng family, a good neighbor. Although this was the front and back yard, Yaya's mother made up her mind that if she could help the Luo Cheng family in the future, as long as she said yes, she would definitely help.

Luo Cheng's daughter-in-law has a big belly. Although there are people around to take care of her, she has no experience as a woman who has given birth to two children. If Luo Cheng's wife gave birth, she would definitely take care of her.

Luo Cheng arrived at the factory and after seeing Wang De, he said hello to him and asked him to stop asking about who reported him. Wang De also smiled awkwardly. He went to find his uncle, but his uncle refused to tell him who reported Luo Cheng. But the trip to his uncle wasn't in vain.

Wang De told Luo Cheng that although it was not found out who reported Luo Cheng, it was not without any information. The person who reported it lived in Luo Cheng's yard, and he was also a man.

With this said, Luo Cheng felt that Yu Qiang was 100% responsible for reporting him. There's no point in beating him up again, and you can't really kill him. But this report was based on his own strength. If it had been someone else, even if it was bought on the black market, Luo Cheng's unit might have come to pick him up and criticize him in the factory.

When buying things on the black market, if you buy a lot, this is basically how you do it. This means that Luo Cheng's family doesn't have more good things. For example, some leaders receive a lot of gifts from others. That would be a bigger problem.

Therefore, whether the report is big or small, go directly to the police station instead of the street office. This leaves no room for Luo Cheng at all. If it is a street office, it is usually not a criminal matter and will be dealt with leniently. If you report it to the police station, you won't be so polite.

Even if he pitied Yu Qiang's wife and children, Luo Cheng would have to punish him.

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