Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 247 Another little quarrel

"Second wife."

"Wait a minute, I want my second wife, what the hell. Hey, the phone call came. Hey, Mom, I'm playing mahjong at the mahjong court, what~~, but what does the matter with my second uncle's family have to do with me."

When Liu Xiaofei was lucky, her mother called and told her about her worries about her second uncle. However, as a relative who eats melons, she is troubled, but she still finds it interesting to have big melons to eat.

Mistress, that is, the name of the second tube in mahjong. In some places, mahjong has various names, one is called chick, three is called briefs.

Answering the phone with one hand and playing mahjong with the other, Liu Xiaofei did not immediately leave the scene and stop playing mahjong because something happened at her second uncle's house. As for her second uncle's affairs, she really didn't want to help, but her mother told her to go there tomorrow, so she couldn't avoid it. It’s also good to go and see the excitement.

At around five o'clock, Liu Xiaofei came out of the mahjong parlor, followed by Zhou Ruoyu. Zhou Ruoyu was not even eighteen yet, so she was taken to the mahjong parlor by Liu Xiaofei to play mahjong. What a good sister.

"Ruoyu, how are you lucky today?"

"Xiao Fei, I lost more than a hundred."

"I won a lot today, almost a thousand. If you lose, I will reimburse you and give you two hundred. Come on, let's go eat."

"Well, I'll defeat you, a rich woman."

"It's impossible to defeat me."

"By the way, let me tell you something. I feel like there is something wrong with the manager of the local chicken restaurant opened by my brother-in-law."

"The store manager has a problem? What problem~?"

"Isn't the store over there scheduled to open on May 1st? It's not many days away. At first, my brother-in-law said he would take me to report there then. Later, my brother-in-law transferred the recruitment matter to the logistics department he mentioned. Here. So no one knows that I am your cousin, and then I was added to a work group by the store manager at the Chicken Restaurant. Guess what I discovered? "

"What have you discovered? You can't have a palace fight in a local chicken restaurant."

"The store manager over there is named Zhou Meng, who has the same last name as me. It doesn't matter, but there is a guy named Zhou Chen in the group, and he is actually responsible for the purchasing in the store there, mainly because he is only 21 years old. People are recruited by the store manager, and they all have the surname Zhou. Why should I be a purchaser at the age of 21? If he can be a purchaser, why not be a purchaser?"

"Also, Luo Cheng said that the store was opened in partnership with the store manager there, and they also contributed 30%. But even if they contributed the money, they can't arrange people casually. Ruoyu, Do you have a way to find out about Zhou Chen and see what his relationship is with the store manager there? I will go back and tell Luo Cheng about this in the evening."

"No problem. When I first joined the group, that guy added me and asked me if my profile picture was mine. That guy is just a pervert. I'll go chat with him in the evening."

"OK, let's go have hot pot."

"Then why don't you call your brother-in-law to come over and join us?"

"You don't have to call him to spoil the fun. He likes to eat at the buffet when he eats hot pot."

"Then let's go eat at the buffet."

"The buffet is full of shit and doesn't have any good ingredients. I just walked away and went back to take a shower after eating. I stayed at the mahjong court for a long time and I smell like cigarette smoke."

"By the way, Xiao Fei, my parents' shop hasn't been sold, but it only costs a few thousand yuan. They plan to go back to their hometown in two days. They have been selling eels and loaches for several months and have made some money. It’s not a loss. But the rented house is about to expire, and the local chicken restaurant is not open. Can I stay with you for a few days? I don’t want to live so far away alone now. "

"How many days will you stay with us? No problem, you can come over tomorrow."

Liu Xiaofei agreed to her cousin's request without much thought. It was just for a few days, and there was no one to stay in the empty room next door. As for the inconvenience, we can’t stay there for more than a few days, and~~.

Jiangcheng, old street.

Luo Cheng was riding an electric bike. He had put a lot of things on the bike and was ready to go home.

Two pieces of tofu and one crucian carp. Spare ribs, kelp. There are also toffees, peanuts, and chicken cakes. Moreover, Luo Cheng also prepared a large portion of soybean stewed pig's feet in the restaurant, which was something that supplemented business and produced milk. On the old street, Luo Cheng came to buy fruits. There were many varieties of fruits, but Luo Cheng only picked the fruits that were relatively common in his time.

I bought four apples and more than a pound of oranges. If there were more, Zhao Qian might have asked.

On the way home, Luo Cheng was afraid that Liu Xiaofei would see what he was carrying, so he called in advance to ask if she had returned home. Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaofei went to eat hot pot with her cousin.

Luo Chengzhen couldn't figure out what was so delicious about hot pot. Of course, it didn't mean it wasn't delicious, but many people ate hot pot without eating. In Luo Cheng's opinion, hot pot isn't all about vegetables. It's not fun to eat hot pot without a few bowls of rice.

Hearing that Liu Xiaofei was not at home, Luo Cheng boldly took the things home and put them under a sink cabinet in the bathroom. Then I went back to my room and lay down on the bed with peace of mind to search for information on my mobile phone. All I found was information on the better foods that women should eat during confinement. The crucian carp and tofu that Luo Cheng bought were actually found in the information.

Stewed crucian carp and tofu soup is delicious and filling. The same goes for kelp-stewed pork ribs and soybean-stewed pig's feet. Luo Cheng didn't think it was a hassle, so he bought them ready-made at the restaurant.

It wasn't until around 7:30 that Liu Xiaofei got home. She was very energetic while playing cards and eating hot pot, but she looked exhausted as soon as she got home. When I got back to the room, I threw myself on the bed without taking off my shoes.

"Luo Cheng, I'm so tired. Give me a massage."

"It's the smell of smoke in the mahjong court again. If you play mahjong, you can't go to the independent chess and card room. It's just that the room fee is more expensive."

"The chess and card room is not as interesting as the mahjong parlor. It has no sense of atmosphere at all."

"It's annoying to see it, so go take a shower yourself."

"Hey, Luo Cheng, what do you mean? You were hugging and nibbling on me in the morning. Now you think I'm annoying. I just played mahjong in the mahjong field. What's wrong?"

"I don't want to quarrel with you because of your mahjong playing. Just play mahjong, and you still smell like it."

"It's okay not to quarrel, then you apologize."

"I apologize, what logic."

Luo Cheng turned sideways and continued playing with his mobile phone, no longer talking to Liu Xiaofei who had just returned. He didn't have much objection to Liu Xiaofei's playing mahjong, but he still had some opinions in his heart. Normally they wouldn't explode, but over time and accumulation, they would still explode.

Luo Chenggang became a father, and he was originally happy in his heart. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have his emotions affected by such a thing. But when emotions come, sometimes Luo Cheng feels baffled.

Liu Xiaofei felt a little aggrieved when she saw Luo Cheng leaning away and ignoring her. She was very happy today. She won money at the mahjong field and went to eat hot pot with her cousin. Unexpectedly, she was ruined by Luo Cheng as soon as she came back. Feeling.

But among two people who quarrel, one of them must give in first, and Liu Xiaofei understands Luo Cheng's temperament as a straight man. Even if some people's girlfriends do something wrong, if they are coaxed and given a step down, the woman will actually give in. But Liu Xiaofei knew that right and wrong were very important to Luo Cheng, who was a straight man.

"Luo Cheng, what are you looking at? Give me a look too."

"Don't lie on top of me, your hair is full of cigarette smoke."

"Then I'm going to take a shower and tell you something later."

"go quickly."

"Turn around and let me kiss you, and I'll go."


It's easy to eat soft things, not hard things, not to mention Luo Cheng really doesn't want to be angry today. But Liu Xiaofei has a little advantage, she will take the initiative to find a way to get off the stairs, and she can act coquettishly to ease the atmosphere. Of course, the premise is that she feels that it is indeed a bit unreasonable. If her parents knew about this, they wouldn't take her side.

Luo Cheng spoiled her and told her to play mahjong whenever she wanted. If she smelled bad, she should take a shower immediately when she came back. The opposite is also true. If a man goes to a bar every day, the woman can't control the man. She can only ask the man not to come back smelling of alcohol. It is very rare for a man to find such a tolerant woman.

As for Liu Xiaofei, playing mahjong is not a good hobby, so Luo Cheng is pretty good regardless of it. Just a few words, I asked you to go take a shower and go quickly.

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