Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 248 The ghost scale was reported

A quarrel is called a quarrel. If there is no quarrel, it can only be regarded as a quarrel between lovers.

What gave Luo Cheng a headache were two things Liu Xiaofei said. One was that her second uncle was causing trouble again.

Luo Cheng has seen a lot of crackdowns on fake scales on the Internet. They are all anchors who are cracking down on fake scales to attract traffic. But it also objectively reflects the fact that too many people are cheating on the scale, especially in southern cities. A market can create many businesses.

Liu Xiaofei's second uncle and her cousin were all picked up at once, but they didn't encounter anyone who specializes in cracking down on counterfeit scales. But the previous customers reported it, and the previous customers actually discovered that there was something wrong with their scales. It's just that at that time, customers took the initiative to consider them and felt that it might be costly to tamper with the scale, so they had no choice but to do so.

Because they used to sell wild eels at the same price as farmed eels. And some people who know how to eat can really eat wild and raised food, and they can feel the heat and qi and blood after eating those large eels and soft-shell turtles directly, which cannot be faked at all.

Therefore, when Liu Xiaofei's second uncle and cousin sold wild eels, they actually accepted that the price was higher than that of ordinary eels, and it didn't matter if it was a little more expensive.

Just like when Luo Cheng started setting up a stall, some people who know the goods will take the initiative to add their contact information. As for the father and son Liu Xiaofei's second uncle, many customers have their contact information at the same time. Because if the father and son are temporarily short of goods of any specifications, they will get the goods from each other first.

The person who reported them was someone who knew the father and son. In order to ensure that both father and son had cheated, they both went to buy shrimps, secretly filmed the video, and then reported it.

Before this, you sold wild eels at the same price as ordinary ones, so people didn't care if you were a bit fake. But the price of farmed shrimp, because it is not the time for shrimp to be on the market, is more than 40 pounds per catty. It is still fake, and the price is not even a little bit less. They were really angry and reported it to the Market Supervision Bureau.

Nowadays, the compensation for one fake is nothing, and the compensation to customers is only a few hundred yuan. But the Supervision Bureau has other penalties, and their penalties can be considered humane penalties. The amount of the penalty depends on whether you are humane for cheating. If you have a nine-liang scale or a nine-five scale, a fine of several thousand per store will be fine.

But Uncle Liu Xiaofei and the others were a bit harsh this time, so the punishment was to suspend the business for rectification, and the family was fined 50,000 yuan. It's almost the maximum punishment. If it makes sense, you can appeal. But if the appeal period has passed and no fine is imposed, you can be detained and punished. If you don't pay the fine after detention, you will be detained.

Even if you don't open this store, you can't escape the fine, so Liu Xiaofei's second uncle asked Liu Xiaofei's father for help again. As for Liu Xiaofei, she is a girl. She will get married in the future, and she will only visit her parents' relatives once during the New Year. When it comes to borrowing money between relatives, I rarely see people borrowing money from nieces.

If it's a nephew or something, if you have money, you can really ask directly. If you are a niece, you can borrow a little if you think about your relatives. If you don't think about it, people will run away with men with other surnames. It is good to take care of your parents, and you will also take care of your uncle.

But the problem is that people don't call Liu Xiaofei directly, but call her through Liu Xiaofei's parents. Liu Xiaofei can completely ignore her second uncle, but her father really can't completely ignore him.

For Liu Xiaofei, she was really anxious, so she gave Luo Cheng's wedding gift to her parents in advance so that her parents could worry about it. Anyway, Liu Xiaofei is not willing to borrow money anymore, and she has not even asked for the payment. She even mortgaged a car here. If they don't repay the loan, the mortgaged car will probably fall into their hands in the end.

In fact, Luo Cheng was just a little annoyed about Liu Xiaofei's second uncle's affairs. What really bothered her was that her cousin was coming to stay for a few days. She always felt that her cousin was not as innocent as she appeared, but Liu Xiaofei didn't mindlessly say that if her cousin lived next door, it would be more exciting, and it would feel like 'stealing'.

Liu Xiaofei went to bed at around ten o'clock in the evening. After playing mahjong all afternoon, she was actually quite tired. It was normal to go to bed early. Luo Cheng stayed up until almost twelve o'clock, went to the bathroom outside, and took things back to his own time.


"Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng~~."

"Damn it, it's Ergouzi's voice."

In Luo Cheng's time, he did not stay up until twelve o'clock at night, so he did not wake up after twelve o'clock. These things brought from the future era are still placed in the house.

After packing his things, Luo Cheng opened the door. It was not yet dawn outside.

"Er Gouzi, where have you been? Why did you come back at this hour?"

"Um~~, I~~ I've been staying at Sister Qin's house until now."

"Sister Qin, which Sister Qin?"

"That's the woman named Qin you asked me to find, Qin Ru."

"You~~, why are you staying at her house until now? You shouldn't be~~."

"Luo Cheng, don't ask, Sister Qin agreed to help anyway."

Do not ask? How is that possible? When Luo Cheng saw Ergouzi, one was Sister Qin and the other was Sister Qin, this boy was completely out of shape. Luo Cheng asked him to do something, but don't get stuck in it.

Under Luo Cheng's questioning, Er Gouzi no longer dared to hide it because Luo Cheng threatened Er Gouzi's cousin-in-law.

Ergouzi followed Luo Cheng's instructions and ran to find Qin Ru in the afternoon yesterday, saying that he was introduced by others. After the door was closed, the two went to the inner room. Er Gouzi was originally worried when facing such a woman. When they got to the inner room, Qin Ru was afraid of affecting the children and wanted to make a quick decision, so she took the initiative to take off her clothes first. Er Gouzi looked at that charming body and his mind went blank. .

People sometimes have selective amnesia, and Ergouzi selectively forgets what he came to do. And what it would be like to be with other women, this has nothing to do with emotions, people will have some messy desires, but some people can control it, and some people can't. Ergouzi just can't control it.

After this was done, Ergouzi's memory immediately recovered, and he remembered what he was here to do. After this close contact, Er Gouzi became less nervous when talking.

Er Gouzi told Qin Ru about Yu Qiang's love for domestic violence against women and children, and said that he wanted to punish that guy once and asked Qin Ru to help. After the incident was completed, he would give him money. Ask Qin Ru how much he can help.

And Qin Ru repeatedly asked Er Gouzi what the relationship was with Na Yu Qiang. Er Gouzi said it didn't matter, but he just didn't like the guy bullying women and children. She had to teach that guy a lesson, and Qin Ru took it seriously, thinking that Er Gouzi was a sweetheart who stood up for women and children, so she didn't ask Er Gouzi for any money, but she had two children to raise. , if Ergouzi is kind-hearted, just give him some food.

The women who sell their bodies may not necessarily have an innocent character. Although they are rare, they do not necessarily exist. In fact, in the future era, many women working in certain industries will be deceived by some men's sweet talk.

It's just food. Ergouzi doesn't have it, but he knows Luo Cheng can get it. Moreover, the price bottom line Luo Cheng told him was not low, so Ergouzi agreed to Qin Ru immediately.

When Qin Ru saw that Ergouzi had promised to give them food, she began to talk about the hard times. The family had no food and how miserable her fate was. It's so difficult to raise two children. I hope Ergouzi can bring her some food during the day.

Er Gouzi is also a compassionate person. In fact, not only Er Gouzi, but Chen Leizi is also a kind-hearted person. Luo Cheng also has a kind heart, so the three of them can play together. When Er Gouzi's sympathy arose, he did not consider the consequences and persuaded Qin Ru to be a good person. If he had the ability in the future, he would take care of Qin Ru secretly.

Damn it, Ergouzi didn't give anything to Qin Ru. He slept with her once during the day and again at night, and almost spent the whole night there. If Ergouzi goes there without bringing food during the day today, he will just disappear. Then Widow Qin is giving Er Gouzi two sleeps for free.

The fact that something like this could happen made Luo Chengdu ready to take action, but he suppressed his evil thoughts as soon as they appeared. This is the difference between having control and not having strong control. Everyone has desires, but they must learn to restrain them.

"Er Gouzi, does she know your identity?"

"I mentioned my name, but I didn't say where I live or where I'm from."

"Then what are you going to do? Isn't it possible that you really want to find a sweetheart in the city? What are you going to do with your cousin's wife?"

"I don't know either, Luo Cheng, you have to help me. Sister Qin is really pitiful. Can you help me and take care of her in the future?"

Damn it, you find a sweetheart and you ask Luo Cheng to take care of her if you can't afford it yourself. You must know that if Luo Cheng had not taken care of his cousin and his wife, they would have been able to live a life where at least they had no worries about food and clothing. According to the terms of the future era, let your brothers spend money to support you, your mother-in-law Bao Xiaosan.

Luo Cheng looked at Er Gouzi, thinking seriously, and after a while, he pulled him aside.

"Er Gouzi, is that Sister Qin you are talking about really fair?"

"Really, not much worse than your wife."


Well, Ergouzi's cousin-in-law is actually average-looking, and rural people can have a few fair and tender ones. If Luo Cheng married an ordinary-looking daughter-in-law, and if he saw someone like Zhao Qian or Liu Xiaofei again, he might not have the willpower to face temptation.

Men, I understand, but this is not a reason for Ergouzi to look for a new partner. As for those who are brothers, we can only persuade them and not be too lenient. This is just like a woman's best friend. If a best friend hooks up with several men at the same time, the best she can do is to persuade them. If they are too lenient, it will be too much.

After persuading Er Gouzi, the rest of the matter will be simple. Find an opportunity to get Yu Qiang to drink, and create a scene of unhealthy behavior after getting drunk. Then he went to the security department of the textile factory to report it. He had all the stolen goods. This time, the security department of the factory at least had some room for maneuver. If he reported it directly to the police station, it would be difficult for Luo Cheng to operate later.

The next step is to let Er Gouzi find some gangsters and make friends with them. This is much easier for Er Gouzi than talking to Qin Ru at the beginning. Er Gouzi can no longer come forward directly, because Er Gouzi has been to Luo Cheng several times, and Yu Qiang may have seen him all.

Ergouzi's subsequent actions will also have to recede into the background, but no matter what, if something happens, it will be stopped at Qin Ru's side. Once the textile factory fails to handle the matter internally and transfers it to the police station, Qin Ru will not let go. He insisted that Yu Qiang drank too much and behaved randomly towards her.

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