Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 262 Reaching a Handover Agreement

Jiangcheng's canneries, or all canneries in this era, had many varieties for export.

Vegetables include canned pickles, green beans, pickled green beans and tomato sauce. As for fruits, there are more than a dozen kinds, but each fruit can be made into several flavors, such as sugar water, jam, sugar sauce, etc. In this way, there are forty or fifty varieties.

But what really has more varieties and flavors is canned meat, which has many flavors and varieties. Everything that can be canned will be researched and developed as much as possible. This is for export. As long as foreign people like it, they can make whatever flavor they like.

For example, we initially made canned braised pork, but the Soviet Union was not used to it, so we changed it to steamed pork. There are also original pork, rich pork, beef and mutton, and lunch meat, plus fish and chicken.

Anyway, any domestic cannery factory now has more than a hundred varieties.

Luo Cheng followed the clerk of the cannery here to visit the private room, but he was not allowed to enter the food processing workshop. But the place where the materials were processed was enough for Luo Cheng to go in and look at it for a while. There is a lot of pork and mutton, and it is really hard to get enough of it. The export factory is different. Luo Cheng didn't believe that this cannery would not be 'wasteful' at all, and all the materials would be used to make cans.

I have been visiting for a long time, especially the packaging boxes in the factory. There are not many types of boxes. Many of them are the same type of can boxes, but the varieties are different and the product pattern paper is different.

Driven by a few Zhonghua cigarettes, Luo Cheng was still a deputy section-level cadre, so he was still given face. Since Luo Cheng liked it, he came all the way from Ganzhou, hundreds of kilometers away, to give Luo Cheng some packaging stickers.

"Wang Wang, why don't we discuss something else? Our Ganzhou side has many mountains and a lot of tea is grown. This tea is also a good product for export. Do you think we can do it?"

"Tea leaves? Chief Luo, what you said is true or false. No, you are not from a machinery factory."

"I can get it with some connections, but the quantity is not large. But I don't want many cans, don't you think so?"

"I still can't make the decision on this matter. To be honest, Chief Luo, I am just a clerk in the factory. I have to go and talk to our factory leaders about this matter."

"That's just right. I also brought a small bag of tea today. Mr. Wang, please take it to the leader to see the quality of my Ganzhou tea. Tasting, by the way, the iron box of your can is quite good. It can You can’t give me a few to pack tea leaves.”

Luo Cheng naturally knew that the clerk Wang who came to receive him was at most an ordinary employee of the logistics department, just like him in the machinery factory. Sometimes he would receive people who came to visit the machinery and equipment, and the machinery factory would just send someone to deal with it. thing.

If he wanted to buy cans from the cannery, there was no problem for Manager Wang to refuse directly. However, since Luo Cheng was getting something in exchange, it was tea. Even if he wanted to refuse, Manager Wang might have to ask for permission.

In particular, Luo Cheng took out a small bag of tea leaves directly from the cloth bag he brought. To be honest, the scarcity of tea leaves today is no worse than canned tea leaves. After all, canning can be done with meat, vegetables, and fruits. As for tea, it depends on the variety, and you can only pick it a few times a year.

As for how many cans Luo Cheng wants, Wang can still make the decision. Just because the cigarettes he buys are from China, this is not something that a person at the level of a section chief can get. It's just a few tin packaging boxes, and now they've also given me a small bag of tea, so it's hard to refuse.

But think about it, this incompetent person will not go to other provinces to fight against the autumn wind.

After a rough walk around the cannery, the two returned to the reception room. Then Manager Wang asked Luo Cheng to wait for a while while he went to ask the leader for instructions.

The exchange of tea leaves for cans really made some cadres at the cannery excited. However, their cans are in really short supply, and they have export tasks. In addition, they have to deal with various relationships in their own factory. Even with this exchange, it is impossible to produce a lot of cans.

However, the person who received Luo Cheng again was a section chief at the same level as him. Clerk Wang had no power to make the decision.

Canned fruit is considered a luxury item these days. A canned fruit costs sixty or seventy cents, and a ticket is required. Not to mention canned meat, but canned meat is only consumed by ordinary people abroad, while tea, in this era, is considered a thing consumed by wealthy people abroad.

Therefore, the price of tea is very expensive now. The tea sold by supply and marketing cooperatives, the kind of broken tea, costs one or two more per dollar, and you can only buy a little during the holidays.

The tea leaves Luo Cheng took out were not broken tea leaves, but good Biluochun. However, in the future, Biluochun only costs a few yuan per tael, and the tea is not heavy. If you buy it for 100 yuan, you can have a big bag.

In the end, a private deal was reached. Luo Cheng would exchange dozens of kilograms of "unroasted tea leaves" for a thousand cans of "unflavored cans" from the cannery. If there is no clear transaction, it will not be recorded in the account.

Of course, if you make too much of something these days, you will be questioned. Even if someone asks about the cans Luo Cheng brought, their cannery will give him proof that they are cans from their factory. But it will also be said that the products are of substandard quality and will be dealt with privately.

This is the same as the defective cloth in a textile factory. As long as it is within a reasonable range, the superiors will not check it. If it is too rigid, then no factory will need to pay benefits to workers, and the units with good profits will be the same as those with poor ones, and no one will envy those who work as salesmen in supply and marketing cooperatives.

After reaching a verbal agreement, Luo Cheng's trip to the cannery was not in vain. The only troublesome thing now is that he has to find a warehouse, even if it's just a private house. He needed a place to store his things. It would be fine if he could get the cans at a guest house, but Luo Cheng wanted to take them to the future era as samples. The one thousand cans he wanted were the more than 100 flavors of cans in the factory. How many of each can he wanted? Can.

A thousand cans of cans is actually not many. A box of dozens of cans is just a few dozen boxes. It's enough to put them in a corner of the guest house room. But it would be too bizarre for it to disappear out of thin air. So it’s better to find a place where you can put your stuff.

In this era, if you want to rent a house, you have to go to the street office, but if you want to rent a house, there are many conditions. This is just like the courtyard where Luo Cheng lives. Those who don't meet the conditions have to be squeezed together if they can't live in them.

But Luo Cheng still wanted to give it a try. Renting an apartment on his own would definitely not work, and he didn't know if it would work in the name of a machinery factory. To put it simply, it means setting up an office for a single unit. But there seems to be little hope in doing so. The main reason is that the factory he works for is not a large enterprise factory. Other units have offices. Basically, large local factories set up temporary offices in small places below.

However, Luo Cheng still wanted to take a different approach, bring gifts, and rent a house. There are many street offices in a city. Luo Cheng rented an office space in the form of a unit. In case the person in charge of the street office is willing to be considerate of people coming here from out of town. It's not easy.

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