Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 263: Being Caught Taking Photos

The next morning, Luo Cheng came out of the guest house again.

This time, in addition to carrying a cloth bag, there was one more thing. A camera, a camera of his era.

I have to say that the express delivery speed in the future era is really fast. The order placed on the first day actually arrived the next day.

In addition to the camera, there is also a box of film. One box contains forty-eight rolls of film, half black and white and half color. One roll of film can take thirty-six photos.

Luo Cheng spent a day playing with cameras in the future era, wasting a little film, and finally understood the general functions and uses of cameras. So that night he took his camera and some rolls of film with him to his own time.

With this camera hanging on his body, Luo Cheng felt more cool than riding a bicycle, because most of the eyes of people who saw him would stay on him for a while as long as they saw the camera.

Luo Cheng planned to go west today, mainly because he went to the street office near the guest house yesterday afternoon. They said they wanted to set up an office, but they didn't agree, saying that the level of the machinery factory was not high enough, and the area around the station was actually in the center of the city.

The street office was a business-oriented one, so I suggested that Luo Cheng go to a more remote street office to inquire. Many offices of small units are located in relatively remote locations, and you may still have the opportunity to rent a house.

Luo Cheng felt that he was destined to the West. According to the future, he would be able to live until the day he goes to the West. Luo Cheng planned to walk slowly to the street office over there, and take a photo if he saw a distinctive place.

He was holding pancakes in his hand, and they were brought from the canteen of the future era. The meat pancakes were very fragrant. Maybe it was because I deliberately walked towards a crowded place, when I passed by a supply and marketing cooperative. Luo Cheng stopped. He had seen a lot of this supply and marketing cooperative, but it was also a place worth remembering in the future.

Totally worth taking a photo and hanging on a cafeteria wall in the future. So Luo Cheng ate the pancake in his hand in a few mouthfuls, found a handkerchief from the cloth bag, wiped his hands clean, and prepared to take some photos with the camera.

"This is for taking photos."

"What this guy has is a camera."

"Hello, comrade~~."

Luo Cheng just wanted to take a few photos, but in his day and age it was too easy to cause alarm. And what Luo Cheng didn't know was that taking photos in his era was not only easy to attract others' attention. Another point is that it is easy to be questioned. Unidentified people taking random photos in this era can easily be taken away.

If someone like Luo Cheng dared to walk around openly with a camera, people would not suspect anything. Some people with good family lives do have photography enthusiasts, but they don’t come to take photos of supply and marketing cooperatives.

A very simple question, what is good about the supply and marketing cooperative? Did Luo Cheng tell people that the supply and marketing cooperative has a sense of age? This is just like in the future era, who would be interested in taking pictures in supermarkets.

So before the photo was taken, it first attracted the attention of passers-by, and then the staff of the supply and marketing cooperative came to ask Luo Cheng's identity politely.

And it would be okay if Luo Cheng was a local. If he has a job, it would be easy to verify it. But Luo Cheng spoke Mandarin when he spoke, and his work permit was from another province, and he was from a machinery factory.

So ten minutes later, a police station.


"Luo Cheng."





Even though he had a work permit, Luo Cheng was still questioned one by one. However, the police were quite polite to Luo Cheng. Even if he was from another province, as long as he had a workplace, he could just call and inquire.

The only troublesome thing is that these days, calls from the police station cannot be made outside the province. They have to be forwarded outside the city, which is even more difficult outside the province. There is another popular profession in this era, that of telephone operator, who specializes in answering calls and helping to transfer calls from other places.

So even if Luo Cheng had a letter of introduction, he would have to wait at the police station just because he played with the camera and aroused others' suspicion. You can leave after your identity is verified.

Another point is that it is particularly difficult to connect to calls from other provinces and the lines are easily busy. Unless it's a call from some special department, it's easier to get through. But now this situation occurs, the line is busy and cannot be connected.

"Comrade Luo Cheng, the phone can't be reached right now. Do you have any friends in Jiangcheng? You came here alone. If you have a friend to vouch for it, I can let you leave."

In addition to looking at Luo Cheng's ID, the police station also confirmed some of his information. Because Luo Cheng kept the train ticket, it meant that he had only been here for two days, and he could check Luo Cheng's whereabouts even if he stayed at the guest house over the station. There is a high probability that Luo Cheng is indeed here on a business trip.

But for the sake of safety, his workplace has not implemented it after all, but if someone he knows in Jiangcheng can vouch for it. You can also release them immediately.

Asking Luo Cheng if he knew anyone here, this made him hesitate. He didn't know why he wanted to go to Zheng Ke, who he met on the train. It's just a chance encounter that someone left him a contact address, maybe it was just to be polite. And if someone comes to the police station to protect him, what if they don't want to.

After thinking for a while, Luo Cheng still hoped that he would continue to contact his work unit. If he still couldn't get in touch, he would let us know.

I stayed like this until almost ten o'clock, but the phone still couldn't be connected. The feedback came back that there might have been a communication failure in Ganzhou. Because not only the calls provided by Luo Cheng could not be transferred, but there seemed to be some areas over there that could not be connected during this time period.

"Well, I met a friend in a youth magazine~~."

"Okay, let me write it down."

There is no way, the phone cannot be reached. Although Luo Cheng's identity is also recognized here, the main suspicion lies in that aspect. Regarding the suspicion in that aspect, the current policy is to rather kill by mistake than let go.

If the phone can't get through for a day, they will really lock him up for a day. So Luo Cheng finally tried to see if the kind-hearted girl who helped him on the train could help him again.

Jiangcheng Youth Magazine.

"Zheng Ke, your dormitory has also been moved here. I'll take care of it for you. The roast duck restaurant opposite our magazine is really good. I invite you to try it."

"Brother Li, there's really no need to bother, it's too expensive. Besides, I have to go to the supply and marketing cooperative at noon."

"Go to the supply and marketing cooperative. What do you want to buy? I'll accompany you. I can help you get the things."

Zheng Ke was a little embarrassed. She already knew Li Chen's intention. The president even came to talk to her alone this morning and hinted at her.

Li Chen's family conditions are very good, and his father is actually a university teacher. My mother also works in a local unit, and including Grandpa Li Chen’s generation, although they have passed away, they can still be regarded as a scholarly family. Moreover, Li Chen is also talented, and his income and appearance are not bad.

The most important thing is that when the president first talked to Zheng Ke, he didn't mention Li Chen. Mainly to ask about her situation, and only when it was confirmed that she had no partner, did she talk about Li Chen. In this way, if Zheng Ke wants to reject Li Chen, at least he can't use the excuse that he has a partner.

But Zheng Ke also curiously asked why Li Chen, with such good conditions, was still not married at twenty-eight. This question made the president feel a little embarrassed. Li Chen was actually widowed and died in childbirth, killing two people.

But even so, it's not that they can't find a wife, they just have high vision. Even if they are widowed, not everyone can match her.

Before Zheng Ke even came here to report, the people at the magazine already knew roughly her information. She is a college student from Wanzhou. Her evaluation at the school is very good, and her literary talent is very good. She is considered a talented woman. At that time, Li Chen jokingly said that if he was good-looking, his wealth would not go to outsiders.

Li Chen was widowed, not unmarried. It was the same for men and women. It was really difficult for people who had experienced something like that to endure it. If he didn't have high vision, he would find another one. With such conditions, even a yellow flower girl can find him.

When Zheng Ke came to report on the first day, Li Chen's eyes widened and he secretly found the president to ask him for help that day. So on the first day, Li Chen was arranged to bring the newcomer Zheng Ke.

Zheng Ke really couldn't accept Li Chen, who was already twenty-eight according to his age. She was just twenty. She was only six years old when she went to elementary school, and elementary school lasted for five years. Therefore, most people who graduate from college in this era are around twenty years old.

Of course, there are also many special reasons for delaying schooling, which may happen to thirty-year-old college students.

Zheng Ke really didn't want to be so blunt, but he had to say that it was indeed easy for a thick-skinned man to chase girls. This is true in all eras. Sometimes you are embarrassed to refuse at first, and then you are chased, and then you are slowly moved to break the defense and so on.

Just when Zheng Ke didn't know how to reject Li Chen anymore, the receptionist from the magazine came to call her, and the people from the police station asked her to go to the reception room.

"The people from the police station are looking for you, Zheng Ke. Do you want me to accompany you there? If something happens, I still have some connections in Jiangcheng."

"No, thank you, Brother Li. I don't know what's going on, so I'll go check it out first."

Zheng Ke once again rejected Li Chen's kindness, but he was also wondering why the police station came to find her. Following the magazine's receptionist, she walked out of the magazine's editorial room.

Then, not long after, Zheng Ke returned to the editing room, but he just took some things and left with the police from the police station. Looking at this situation, it was obvious that Zheng Ke had not done anything wrong, otherwise even if she was a girl, she would not be treated so politely.

Luo Cheng was waiting in the police station somewhat depressedly. Little did he know that if he wanted to take pictures of something commemorative, his ID would be checked. If he checked his ID, he would be put into the police just because he was from out of town.

The future era is right. After pretending to be struck by lightning, Luo Cheng admitted that he took photos to record some things of this era. But it also means showing off, pretending to get into the situation, can you not be depressed?

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