Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 290 Recruited many young factory girls

The factory area that Luo Chengzhu lives in is actually not far from where he lives. Most of the young people from other places on the old street work in factories nearby.

It is very easy to recruit workers now, which is related to the downturn in the general environment in recent years. Workers' wages are similar to those in previous years, but many factories have closed down, especially those that used to rely on large factories to provide some orders, and if the large factories are involved in overseas export trade. When a large factory collapses, some small factories that follow the production line also collapse because they have little ability to withstand the pressure.

So what has happened in the past two years is that if the factory doesn’t provide much money, no one is willing to come to work. What has happened is that many factories have been recruiting people all year round but are not satisfied with the recruitment, and workers cannot find a factory with suitable income and are unwilling to work.

In the past, it was often said that working in a factory could earn six to seven thousand, or even tens of thousands. This is indeed true, but you have to look at the basic wages of factory workers. High incomes are earned through overtime work. If you really work eight hours a day and take eight days off a month, your salary will probably be around 3,000.

Luo Cheng's cannery was recruiting workers, and the wages were not high, so he didn't consider working in the factory day and night. But based on other people's basic salary online, I felt that it would be harder for me to process cans, so I got an extra 600 yuan in basic salary.

Even Luo Chengdu is surprised that many factories recruit workers for around 2,000 to 2,400. They all doubt whether they can recruit people, even with various subsidies and benefits. For example, perfect attendance bonus, seniority subsidy, performance, rewards, subsidies and subsidies. It seems that the total amount is only three to five thousand, which is better than just delivering some takeout.

But Luo Cheng has never been to work in a factory in this future era. The recruitment information online and in nearby factories all provide wages based on the eight-hour-a-day system without overtime. The real situation is that workers are unwilling to work in factories that do not work overtime. If they work overtime, the overtime pay is much higher than normal working hours.

So Luo Cheng received a base salary increase of 600. If overtime pay is calculated based on the base salary, it is not an increase of 600 a month. But the salary is at least a quarter more than other factories, so Chen Yan from the Human Resources Department basically uses screening to recruit workers.

In addition to posting the recruitment information online, the workers have not contacted Chen Yan yet, but a lot of intermediaries have contacted her first. Many labor agencies are connected with factories. In order to recruit workers, some factories promise to pay return fees when there is a shortage of workers.

The so-called return fee is a benefit fee given to people recruited by the agency after working for one month. When there is a shortage of workers in the factory, it is important for the agency to guide job seekers. For those who just come to work and have no purpose in joining any factory, many people will actually follow the introduction of the intermediary.

As for Chen Yan, Luo Cheng didn't tell her about any introduction fee or return fee, it was just a serious recruitment. Even these fresh graduates have never worked in a factory as an intern. Even if they wanted to intern, they would find an office building like that to work as HR.

But even so, it doesn't matter to the intermediaries if they don't pay any introduction fees or return fees. The so-called intermediary fees and return fees cannot be paid by the intermediary just by bringing people there. Some fees can only be paid after workers have worked in the factory for a month.

Labor agencies are meant to eat both ends. When there is a labor shortage, the agency earns money from the factory. When there are many people looking for jobs, agencies can earn referral fees from workers.

The basic salary of the cannery that Luo Cheng wants to open is 600 higher than that of neighboring factories. Higher basic salary equals higher working hours, and higher working hours equals higher overtime pay. Taken together, if you work the same hours in other factories and the cannery here in Luo Cheng, the cannery will pay you thousands more in wages.

In such a high-wage factory, the agency can charge worker introduction fees and then bring people to the factory to apply for jobs.

Then it's not that Chen Yan wants to select, but there are more workers applying, so she must choose the one with better conditions. For example, try to recruit younger women, not to discriminate against men, but because women are more stable and dare not cause trouble.

Although many women go to work in factories, they actually do not have the main financial pressure on the family. A woman is willing to work in a factory and earn a salary of several thousand yuan a month. To men, this is considered a very good woman.

The real cost pressure of family life lies on men. If a woman can earn three to four thousand, people will say that it is good if the woman is willing to go to work, but if a man earns several thousand, it is a sign of lack of promise in the eyes of others.

Therefore, when recruiting workers, many factories are indeed willing to give priority to female workers, unless some heavy work requires male workers. Stability and not causing trouble are two very important points for many factories.

Then~~, the situation in the factory was that it was in the early stages of the factory. It only had one production line and not many people were hired. Therefore, except for the needs of a few special positions, Chen Yan only recruited young factory girls in the factory. She did not recruit much older women, because if you work the night shift, your physical strength will definitely not be as strong as the younger ones.

When Luo Cheng arrived here at noon, Chen Yan reported to him the current situation in the factory. Except for the fact that there is no director, no sales department and no public relations department, the factory is ready in other aspects. Just go to the nearby slaughterhouse to buy pork, and you can start production. As for the factory director, everyone naturally thought that Luo Cheng would be responsible for this position.

If Luo Cheng didn't take the initiative to say it, Chen Yan wouldn't be able to ask if he wanted to find a factory director to manage it.

Once everyone is recruited, work can at least start. If work doesn't start, wages will have to be paid. When it comes to canned fruits, we don’t care about production. At least we need to find a fruit farmer who can supply fruits at a stable and low price, and then sign a supply contract.

Canned beef and mutton are not produced for the time being because they are too expensive, and canned beef and mutton were not as popular as pork in Luo Cheng's era. Because pork has a lot of fat, beef and mutton don’t have much fat. But canned chicken and duck meat can be produced, and chicken and duck will be cheaper than pork in the future.

"Chen Yan, please inform everyone in the factory that work will officially start tomorrow. If there are no production materials, they will do a day of hygiene first. Has the store manager introduced by Zhu Li come over? I told you the introducer came a few days ago."

"Mr. Luo, a person named Zhang Sihong came here and registered his information here. Like Director Zhu, he also worked as a store manager in a fast food restaurant. Do you want to take a look at the information? We can discuss salary and benefits. It’s almost done, just waiting for you to notify her to come to work.”

"There is no need to read the information. Anyone who can work as a store manager in a fast food restaurant for several years must at least have the ability. Ask her to come to work tomorrow, and we will simply build the internal canteen of the cannery first. Ask Wang Shanshan to find another one nearby. We will open a large canteen in this place and the business model will be the same as Julie’s.”

Luo Cheng told Chen Yan that after he refused Zhou Meng's cooperation to open a local chicken restaurant branch last time, he first asked Zhu Li to recruit staff according to the way she used to work in a fast food restaurant.

Many fast food chains train their own chefs and develop dishes at their headquarters. Then if someone joins or opens a direct-operated store, the trained personnel will be directly assigned there.

As a store manager, Luo Cheng does not need training. Due to the environmental impact in the past few years, many fast food restaurants have closed down, so it is easy to recruit store managers. Julie has a group of store managers where she used to work. In the group, they are all store managers of fast food restaurants in various regions.

So Luo Cheng only needs to train some chefs, chefs who cook big pots of food. Although the portions cooked by chefs in fast food restaurants are quite large each time, they are far behind the big pot dishes of Luo Cheng's time.

We already have a chef, we just need to recruit someone to take charge of the canteen. On Luo Cheng's side, the manager of a fast food restaurant is no longer called the store manager, but is now called the canteen director. Therefore, Chen Yan and others called Zhu Li the director.

If Zhang Sihong comes over, everyone will have to call her the canteen director when the new canteen is completed.

After talking to Chen Yan, Wang Shanshan also came over to report on her work. Although today's companies are giving priority to preparing for factories, the company is a company and the factory is a factory. This needs to be separated. If you really want to manage the factory, you have to recruit some additional management personnel.

Therefore, the work reported by Wang Shanshan is very simple. Except for front-line employees, the people currently recruited by the factory are all technical staff and there are no managers. There is no problem with the production of cans, but for employee management and work arrangements, if it is temporary, you can leave it to the technical staff. But in the long run, you have to hire managers.

"Then let's recruit people. Fresh graduates are so cheap. Just recruit a few more."

"Mr. Luo, factory managers don't need to have experience."

"You college students have strong learning ability. We are just a small cannery now and don't need many experienced people. You can take care of the personnel. Just tell Chen Yan who you want to recruit. Okay, Wang Fang is If you have something to report to me, let her come over."

"That's okay."

Wang Shanshan responded, what Luo Cheng said just now was a bit shocking, saying that fresh graduates are cheap, but it is indeed the case now. Even if they don't work overtime, the workers recruited in the factory have higher wages than their college counterparts.

Fortunately, when Wang Shanshan, Wang Fang and Chen Yan, the first batch of ‘seniors’, begged Luo Cheng to increase his salary, Luo Cheng did not refuse. Why do I say pleading? Because they have only been working at Luo Cheng for a short time, and the people who are recruiting after them all think that they are supervisors.

But in fact, except for the fact that they have one less internship period than the newcomers, the salary of others after becoming full-time workers is the same as theirs. So they shamelessly begged Luo Cheng for a raise, saying that they had to guide the new employees and the task was heavy, so they needed a raise.

Therefore, each of them got a raise of 1,000, which made the three of them extremely happy, mainly because of the salary increase. When the newcomer called them supervisor, even Luo Cheng did not refute. This is what gives them a sense of accomplishment and motivation to work.

After Wang Shanshan left, Wang Fang came in immediately. As the financial controller of the head office, Wang Fang now wants to scream every day when she goes to work. In addition to the low salary, her circle of friends are all people who are going to go to such-and-such a place down there tomorrow to check the accounts. In fact, you just go to the physical store and take the cash to the bank to deposit it.

Many older people still prefer to use cash when buying local chicken and eel. Before the big canteen was opened, Luo Cheng still asked his aunt to cook. At that time, the cashier in the store would bring all the extra cash back to Liu Xiaofei or Luo Cheng.

Now, it’s all the finance department’s responsibility. It's not a waste of time to do things that go around once a day. You can even arrange for a random girl from the finance department to go around.

The matter that Wang Fang came to report to Luo Cheng this time was naturally about the canned goods in the factory. After purchasing this material, their department must prepare a report. How much a factory invests every month needs to be calculated by the finance department.

Reports must be compiled to determine how much material was purchased and what price it was. In addition, the factory does not have a sales department. If the cans are produced and the sales department is gone, it will be troublesome. Then there is the calculation of the cost of a box of cans and the cost of selling a box of cans.

A factory is a business, and if the business makes a profit, it must pay taxes. This one for purchasing and one for shipping is very important to the finance department. Even though Luo Cheng said that he did not need a sales department and that he had his own channels to dispose of the products, the payment for the disposed products could not be put into his own pocket, but had to be put into the company's account.

When Wang Fang reported this, Luo Cheng's head felt a bit big. In this future era, he will at most take some cans and sell them in the canteen, which is regarded as a sentimental product. I don't expect any sales.

According to Luo Cheng's idea, he was going to get rid of basically all the cans in his own era. But if that's the case, it seems like it's just a cannery, you can't get out, and you may be subject to tax inspection.

Damn it, this doesn’t mean that you will take something and sell it in 1959, but you will have to pay taxes in this future era. When I was selling things in 1959, I still couldn't escape the tax.

Of course, you don’t have to pay taxes based on how much you produce. After reaching a balance of payments, you can just pay taxes if you earn a little bit.

Anyway, Luo Cheng has sold everything until his own time, and no one asked him to issue an invoice. And his cannery didn't plan to expand too big. After all, in Luo Chengna's era, one area could only sell a small batch at most and process it in multiple areas.

In the future, Luo Cheng will open many types of factories instead of making one factory very large.

For example, in the knot factory, no one has the advantage of Luo Cheng in terms of labor costs. You have to go to Yiwu Small Jewelry Wholesale Market to increase sales, and you can seize the market at a low price. By then, in Luocheng, some raw material production factories were just showing off and producing real raw materials. Luo Cheng might as well open a factory of his own in the future era.

Raw materials are produced in the future era and processed in our own era. If you want to sell it, you can sell it in both eras. In this way, he can help many people of his generation, and he can actually increase his income a lot.

But now for this can, you have to pay for the materials, and if you 'sell' it, you have to pay the company out of your own pocket. All we can do is find ways to reasonably avoid taxes and apply for tax subsidies for micro-enterprises.

When the conversation with Wang Fang was almost finished, Luo Cheng remembered something again and asked Wang Fang to call "Director" Chen of the Human Resources Department. These people want to be supervisors or something, but there is no administrative treatment anyway. At the factory and company level, it is only in Luo Cheng's industry. In addition, they are indeed taking the initiative to take care of many things, so it doesn't matter if they are allowed to act as supervisors.

Anyway, Luo Cheng can't take the positions in some private units seriously now. He feels that they are just like playing house. I can have the final say on everything, but I don’t have much social status in this era. I always feel like it's a bit funny to give someone a certain position.

This time he called Chen Yan to inquire. He wanted to set up a chicken factory immediately. In addition to farming, does this agricultural university also study breeding?

Recruit some people to set up a chicken factory. It's cheap for students. It's just a chicken. It's a simple matter and shouldn't pay much.

"Mr. Luo, don't you raise chickens in the suburbs?"

"Those are raised native chickens. I want to raise meat and egg chickens. You need to recruit people first, and we will engage in large-scale breeding."

Facing Chen Yan's inquiry, Luo Cheng replied. Anyway, he wants to exchange the chickens of this era with the poultry factories of his own era, so there is nothing wrong with buying a batch temporarily. But this is definitely of a long-term nature. Since you have to buy other people’s chickens for a long time, it is better to raise them yourself.

Native chickens grow slowly and consume energy. But I learned from online information that the chickens raised in other factories are ready for slaughter in a few months, and the eggs are big and there is more meat.

Once the exchange issue is resolved and the local chicken restaurant still has a store selling live local chickens, it can continue to expand.

There is no active expansion now, at least the local chicken shop has not opened any new stores. But obstetrics and gynecology nurses and even doctors joined in to help Luo Cheng sell local chickens.

Some pregnant women only take supplements during pregnancy and childbirth. If doctors and nurses recommend any supplements, they may still consider it. But what they recommended was local chicken. They just said they knew a few places that sold authentic local chicken.

Buying an ordinary live chicken costs dozens of dollars, and buying a native chicken only costs about a hundred. And many pregnant women like to listen to nurses and doctors when they are pregnant. Thinking that I will have to trouble others when giving birth in the future, basically as long as it is recommended, there will be very few people who will not buy it.

For nurses and doctors, the recommendation of local chicken may not be as profitable as medicines and health products. But it's easy to push it out, and there won't even be any guilt in conscience.

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