Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 291 The monster turns out to be a dragon

Luo Chengdu stayed in the company all afternoon. To be honest, there was nothing he could do. It is indeed better than running around by myself. At most, the staff's ability is strong or weak, and they have no decision-making power on some things. However, Luo Cheng is not a particularly capable person. His characteristic is that he will do whatever he thinks of immediately. Too many worries.

Of course, Luo Cheng's own strong execution ability is not innate. If many people have money or no worries, their execution ability will be very strong.

If Luo Cheng were now asked to spend all his wealth to invest in the Internet industry that he was unfamiliar with, he might also be concerned. Even if he can easily accumulate wealth again.

A company actually only needs two types of bosses. One is a very capable boss who directly leads everyone to subversion. The following members only need to obey. The other type is people who simply have no ability but can delegate power.

I'm afraid of the kind of boss who is self-righteous and has limited abilities. He feels that his performance in everything is mediocre and that the high salary is not worth it. And when some of the things I really decided on encountered setbacks or failed outright, and I had to blame myself for spending so much money to hire so many employees, few of them really thought about the company.

As for the company Luo Cheng is currently running, it's not that he is delegating power, but that he doesn't care at all. Many of his behaviors were influenced by his generation. For example, workers should be aware, contribute to the factory, and treat the factory as a big family. Then you have to be conscious and proactive when going to work.

Just like in a machinery factory, the factory belongs to the state, but no matter whether it is the director or the director, even if he is usually a little careful, he should eat and drink well. But they have a strong sense of responsibility for the factory. If something happens in the factory, they will really focus on the factory.

So in Luo Cheng's opinion, since he came to work with him, there was no need for him to say anything, everyone should do their job well. Moreover, he himself is not professional, so naturally he is an outsider but an expert.

This led to a situation where he basically didn't care about everyone's work matters. Just read the report, and he basically supports many of the things mentioned below, even if the staff did not consider the commission carefully, which later led to some things not being done. Luo Cheng was also in a state of encouragement.

Just like Luo Cheng working in a machinery factory, he applied to purchase from other places, even though Director Sun and the factory director were not very optimistic about it. But none of them dampened Luo Cheng's enthusiasm. In his era, personal enthusiasm for work was very important. As long as it is positive and proactive, unless it is completely impossible, many leaders will support it as long as it does not involve too much investment.

And Luo Cheng is now a bit subtle. As long as it is for the sake of the company, even if the employees are motivated to do something that is uncertain, Luo Cheng will basically nod in agreement.

So Luo Cheng stayed at the company all afternoon and had no time to spare. It was not easy to get the boss to stay, except for what Luo Cheng asked about at the beginning. Several 'supervisors' took turns reporting on various tasks. For example, Wang Shanshan suggested that the company should set up a market research department.

Luo Cheng opened stores too frequently and involved several industries, so Wang Shanshan suggested that he simply set up a marketing department. If Luo Cheng wanted to open any store, he could just ask the department staff to inspect the market and choose a location to open the store based on demand.

This was directly recognized by Luo Cheng, thinking that when he opened a store before, he only looked for stores because he had the supply of goods. However, many times the stores he found were not necessarily very good. It's just that his products have advantages, just like selling wild eels and turtles. The business may be average at first, but as word of mouth gets established and the price is the same as that of farmed products, the business slowly picks up.

Liu Xiaofei's parents were different. They were in business, although the industry was different. But we will analyze the surrounding environment and population structure. Even though there are few stores open now, business has been good because of the good location and the ability to attract customers. In terms of a single store, the one run by Liu Xiaofei's parents at the street intersection has better business than any other store in Luo Cheng.

In the future, Luo Cheng will open a chain of local chicken restaurants and a large canteen. It would be good to have a marketing department. In Luo Cheng's time, there was no such department, because the factory was only responsible for production. In the era of planned economy, there was no need to consider business matters at all.

In addition to establishing a marketing department, Wang Fang of the Finance Department also proposed that the department should be expanded, which means that we are now a formal company. There can't be only a few people in the finance department, mainly because Luo Cheng's industry is also a bit messy, and he has to do a lot of reporting.

A formal finance department is responsible for accounting, which includes employee wages, operating costs, reimbursement, procurement, tax management and other tasks.

Anyway, if the Finance Department wants to be formalized, Wang Fang suggests recruiting not a few people, but a group of people.

Finally, Chen Yan from the Human Resources Department also came to raise the need for expansion. Recruiting is only one of the responsibilities of the Human Resources Department. In addition to recruiting people, it actually also performs various tasks such as performance statistics, employee training, and personnel deployment. Even arranging accommodation is handled by the Human Resources Department.

Here in Luo Cheng, I feel that what the several 'supervisors' said is right, but calculated this way, even if we recruit all 'cheap' college students, we will have to spend about 100,000 yuan more in salary a month.

But recruiting this group of people can handle Luo Cheng's expansion to a large scale. As long as he can deal with the replacement of local chickens in his own era, he can directly open several local chicken restaurants. There is no need to open it one by one.

Zhou Meng was looking for a store location before. As long as Luo Cheng has his own marketing department, he can send people to find the store. People find stores directly based on the content of your business, the people you target, and their consumption levels. This can at least eliminate a lot of risks.

The other thing is to build a large canteen. The canteen that is being built now is mainly for the canteen's own employees. Many factors need not be fully considered.

But if you want to deliberately open a large canteen and focus on one emotion, you really have to consider the location. Some office buildings and commercial districts don’t need to be considered at all. They are places where young people work, and the cost of such places is also high.

You should look for places near old state-owned enterprises and residential areas with many retired employees. In fact, Luo Chengnong didn't consider this aspect at the beginning of his first canteen, he just started it because he thought it was interesting.

Now, the old customers accumulated in the large canteen of the machinery factory are retirees, who have a good pension, and have medical insurance that costs nothing. Now that they are older and have no place to go, they like to make troubles.

That is to say, the canteen of the machinery factory has begun to gain some influence. Many elderly people from a little further away also come here to play, and eating is a convenience.

I walked over for ten minutes just to play chess with someone and then have a meal and stay there until about the same time. There are also people who come here to discuss calligraphy together. Anyway, there are all kinds of things. Just like those aunties who dance square dance, what they need is a place to move and an atmosphere. As for the money spent on meals, people don't care at all, not to mention the food in the cafeteria is cheap and healthy.

But one characteristic of the customer base is that they are basically retirees. Some people say that people of such an age are not all retirees. That’s wrong. Elderly people in rural areas do not have pensions. If their children are not filial, many people will live a miserable life.

Anyway, if you want to open a large canteen, you should open it near old employee buildings or places where there are many retired people. The venue should be made larger, and recreational activities for the elderly should be combined with meals, so that the elderly come here not just to eat, but to relieve loneliness.

Zhu Li told Luo Cheng that there are actually children in the cafeteria who specially pick up and drop off some elderly people. The elderly just don't want to stay at home. Even if they come here to read old newspapers and drink tea from an enamel cup, they still find it more interesting than staying at home.

In the cafeteria, the elderly don't use thermos cups when drinking tea. They all use enamel cups. Holding thermos cups is considered unsociable. For this reason, Julie also specially ordered some enamel cups to sell here. The profit is not high, mainly because the old people themselves proposed it. Why do you only sell aluminum lunch boxes here and no enamel cups?

So although some money is small, people force you to earn it.

Luo Cheng stayed in the company until almost five o'clock before he came out and found a random place to have a meal on the way home. After returning home, Liu Xiaofei hasn't come back yet. Over there in the studio is Sister Fei, who is very grand. When the time comes, she invites the assistant and the photographer to dinner. Fortunately, the invitees are all women, so there is no need to worry about other things happening.

But it's hard to say, because Liu Xiaofei is so rotten. When she and Luo Cheng watched movies before, she even watched lesbian movies.

It wasn't until after seven o'clock that Liu Xiaofei came back and invited others to have hot pot again. It was a buffet hot pot. But this time, I didn’t just generously treat people to hot pot. I also felt that to shoot the scenes in the novel, I needed to find a venue and sometimes find people to act out the plot. It takes a lot of time to shoot a joke.

I feel that during this preparation period, Liu Xiaofei can actually be a mukbang. Now there are three types of mukbangs. One is the big eater, who eats a lot. Many people have an appetite after watching it, and it can be considered a relatively low threshold. The second is that you need a little bit of money ability to evaluate high-end ingredients. The third way is to eat something that others dare not eat to attract attention.

Now Liu Xiaofei is too slow to release works, so she can post some eating videos to accumulate some fans.

Today, I went to a hot pot restaurant to eat. It was normal to eat hot pot, but in order to be interesting, I made a video to reveal the secret of fake eating.

The content is that Liu Xiaofei, with her assistant and photographer, shouted at the door of a self-service hotpot restaurant that she wanted to teach the owner a lesson. Then Liu Xiaofei truly transformed into a big eater and taught her boss a lesson. The boss asked her not to come next time.

But in fact, besides eating for real at the beginning and pretending to eat a little later, I didn’t shoot the swallowing scene anyway, and then I felt that pretending to eat was a bit of a waste of food. I vomited after taking one bite. Even if I said hello to the boss, I still felt like it was a waste of food. Not a good feeling. So the three people took turns to eat later. Anyway, it was camera editing and switching, so the technical problems were not difficult.

Then find a few more diners on site to help get into the camera and act out the scene of being shocked by the big eater. In the end, the boss told them to drive them away. In fact, the three of them didn't eat much, and the boss earned a lot of blood. They were welcome to come back next time.

So Liu Xiaofei actually filmed two jokes today, one was about her giving lessons to her boss about eating and making others lose money, and the other was about herself revealing the fake food she was eating. The secret jokes include begging the diners to look shocked, begging the boss to drive Liu Xiaofei away, and begging the boss to look like he can't afford it.

However, the video cannot be viewed now. It needs to be edited before it can be uploaded.

"I smell like hot pot. Go take a shower quickly."

"Oh, Luo Cheng, you have washed yourself. If not, come with me."

"You wash it first, and I'll look at my phone later."

"Honey, we have one-stop service. Are you sure you want to check your phone again?"

"Monster, I can tell at a glance that you are not a human, but a dragon. Don't run away. Show your true form to me. You are a dragon."

To be honest, the two of them have been together for such a long time and have bathed together many times. Anyway, there is never a time when they can't control themselves. If the two of them take a bath together and wash their own things, there is no need for this at all. But if they wash each other, Luo Cheng cannot avoid teasing the two little white rabbits.

And Liu Xiaofei, a nymphomaniac, would never give Luo Cheng a normal bath. She didn't just use her hands to clean him.

Luo Chengcheng promised Liu Xiaofei something in the morning. He knew that there would definitely be a 300-round battle tonight. If he couldn't escape, then he would enjoy it.

When it was almost twelve o'clock at night, Luo Cheng still went out to the sand and gravel cement warehouse to get more sand and gravel at a time. For him, this thing really cost what it cost in his time. nothing.

Moreover, the sand and gravel shop has been open for such a long time, and everyone nearby knows that there is a place selling cement and sand here. Some retail investors who decorate themselves come to buy. Many retail investors who come here to buy sand and gravel ask if there is a car to deliver it.

So now there are not only two workers loading and sorting sand and gravel, but also a delivery driver. There wasn't much business before. When it came to delivering goods, the most I could do was call for a taxi. Now that the business is picking up, I can earn a lot more by hiring a driver. Moreover, the cooperating decoration companies have reached an agreement to offset each other's debts for decoration.

In order to save initial expenses, the decoration company there now knows that Luo Cheng's cement store has a car and a driver, so they don't call their own people there anymore. Even if the delivery costs dozens of dollars, they call Luo Cheng to deliver it here. This also indirectly proves the financial pressure on the decoration and construction industry.

But Luo Cheng didn't care. He rented a factory building to open a cannery, and he also used cooperative decoration companies for water, electricity and decoration in some places. He didn't pay a penny anyway. He will expand the day after tomorrow, and it's not certain who will owe whom more by then.


Changcheng, by the river in the suburbs.

Luo Cheng woke up. There were a lot of winter melons and apples on the river bank. The most important ones were mobile phones and some peanuts.

I found an apple that looked pretty good, washed it directly by the river, and then took a bite. This cheap apple tasted really average, but was actually a little sweeter than some green apples from his era.

Luo Cheng was used to carrying things back and forth, and Luo Cheng was now bolder. At least he will be bolder in Changcheng. As an administrative-level section chief of a local factory, even if he encounters an inspection team on the road and takes out his work ID, they will not search him or anything.

So Luo Cheng brought his spare mobile phone over, then found a big tree to lean against with peanuts and apples, and started watching the downloaded movies. They were all serious movies. If he stayed up late to watch them, of course it would be Master Xing. comedy, and some kung fu movies.

In the future era, many people will have a movie shortage and feel that with so few movies released a year, there will be nothing to watch. But for Luo Cheng, he has never seen all the movies. If he is not alone by the river and it is late at night, he actually feels that watching ghost movies at night is more exciting.

While leaning against the big tree and looking at his phone, Luo Cheng also looked around from time to time. Although there were no residents here, it was by the river after all, and it was late at night. But you still have to be careful what to do if someone passes by.

This phone can be used with headphones to listen to sounds, but it was pitch dark at night and could not cover up the light emitted by the phone, so it was better to be more cautious.

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