Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 4 Agree to marry Zhao Qian

In Luo Cheng's case, Accountant Zhao didn't go around the bush when talking to Luo Cheng, because it wasn't the first time he talked to Luo Cheng about this matter.

The purpose of calling his daughter here now is to force Luo Cheng to explain why he dislikes her. He also tried to impress Luo Cheng by saying that a commune would be established next month. Then everything is collective. As long as Luo Cheng marries his daughter, there is no burden at all. He will find a job for his daughter. Luo Cheng will not be able to hunt at will in the future, but he can arrange a job as a ranger and just go around the forest every day.

"Can't hunt anymore? What will my brother and my parents do in the future?"

"It's not that you can't hunt, it's that you can't hunt alone. At that time, hunters will also organize themselves and choose a time to hunt collectively, and the prey they hunt will also be counted as a collective. They will also work in the fields like everyone else, and everyone will work together in the future. If we eat in the cafeteria, no one will be hungry even if we don’t hunt.”

"That's it~~."

Luo Cheng looked at Zhao Qian and thought again. To be honest, he was just afraid that his secret would be exposed. But even if he doesn't marry Zhao Qian, he will still find a mother-in-law in the future. If Accountant Zhao refuses to agree, if what Accountant Zhao says is true, he will not be able to hunt in the future, and may even be forced to follow him in farming.

"Then~~Okay, Accountant Zhao, you can go. I'm marrying your daughter, so let her stay."

There is no choice at all. If I don't hunt or farm in the future and still have food to eat, problems will happen sooner or later. It's better to agree and sleep with the mother-in-law at night. I haven't slept with a woman before. This little girl Zhao Qian is good-looking. It would be great to be a daughter-in-law.

"Go away, mother. I'm going to find my father and send someone to come to my door to propose marriage. You are so vulgar. Qian, let's go."

Damn it, Accountant Zhao just brought his daughter to marry him, Luo Cheng wanted to keep his daughter on the spot. How can there be such truth? The family separated early, and the parents didn't care much. They didn't even understand some etiquette.

"Wait a minute, um~ um~ do you want to eat steamed buns? White-flour buns. Smell them. It's delicious."

To be honest, Luo Cheng really doesn't understand the world. The hunters in the mountains are relatively solitary and have few neighbors. But although he doesn't know how to entertain Accountant Zhao, he instinctively wants to please the person he wants to sleep with.

Seeing that Accountant Zhao was about to take his daughter away, Luo Cheng just took two steamed buns and asked Zhao Qian if she wanted to eat. In fact, he also knew what Zhao Qian's name was, but he was too shy to say it out. As for Accountant Zhao, the reception was nothing but steamed buns.


"Take it, sooner or later we will be a family. If you don't take his things, it will be in vain."

Accountant Zhao couldn't stand Luo Cheng's naked expression of wanting to sleep with his daughter, but he had no better choice. When a daughter grows up and wants to get married, she will not sleep with anyone else. At least this kid still knows how to please his daughter, but it’s just this white-faced steamed bun~~.

Thinking of Luo Cheng's bonus for killing criminals and a lot of bills, these two white-faced steamed buns are nothing. Even if you have money, you just spend it like this and you don't know how to live.

After seeing Accountant Zhao really leaving with his daughter, Luo Cheng touched his crotch and laughed a few times inwardly. On the mountain, I saw some small animals, and before we separated, I also heard some indescribable sounds from my brother and sister-in-law. Later I also had one, and Zhao Qian’s legs were really white.

Emotion, love, these days rural people don’t understand the word love. This is even more true for people in the mountains. Almost all of them have their parents find someone to explain to them when they reach their age. Some matchmakers saw someone suitable, and some took the initiative to inquire.

As for bringing things back from the future space in the future, I can just figure it out after I marry my mother-in-law. Sometimes it is normal to go hunting in the mountains and stay overnight on the mountains. Moreover, there are temporary resting cabins specially built for hunters in the mountains.

Twist up the cloth bag and the enamel cup filled with vegetables. The rice is also put in a bowl to cover it, and then tied tightly with something. Luo Cheng set off. His eldest sister's home was a few kilometers away from the town, but with Luo Cheng's foot strength, he couldn't do anything and didn't even take a break on the way.

There is a lot of rice grown here in Jiangzhou, that is, rice, not wheat. Nowadays, some of the rice has begun to turn yellow. It has been more than two years since the family was separated. Luo Cheng also knows that it only takes about a month for the rice to mature.

Now in the ditches on both sides of the fields, you can find toads and frogs, as well as loaches, crabs, and various small fish. But adults don't know how to catch these things. They can't catch much, which is a waste of energy. Even if you catch it, if you don't add oil, it will have a strong earthy smell and not taste good.

In other words, children would catch them when they were bored. Luo Cheng didn't catch them either, but he would look to both sides when passing by the fields. Those little things are not his target, snakes and eels are, but that depends on luck.

I did see a snake on the road, but it was too small and Luo Cheng was not interested in catching it. The little bit of meat was not as much meat as catching a mouse.

In this way, without any boredom, we came to Liujiagou, where the eldest sister got married. Since this place is called this name, it basically means that many people here have the surname Liu. Many villages are named like this, either based on their surname or location structure.

And since Liujiagou has the word "gou" in it, it's basically not that good, it's in a ravine. Of course, it is still better than some people who live in the mountains. At least in the ravine, it is backed by mountains and water, and it is considered the foot of the mountain. But it can be understood that it is neither close to mountains nor water. To make mountain goods, you have to go up the mountain, and for farming, there are no flat fields.

But the people's commune will be established soon. According to Accountant Zhao, life will be easier for the eldest sister's family in the future. They are all collectives. They eat together and share food together. They also care about the quality of the land they are allocated.

And on the way here, Luo Cheng had already thought about it. When he went to the future space before going to bed at night, he would use his second-hand mobile phone worth more than 400 yuan to check what happened in the current year. Let's see if everyone can live a good life in the future. At least if we eat together, people like him will still have food to eat even if they have no future space.

In the morning of June, people in the village get up early, go to the fields early and come back early. When Luo Cheng arrived at the eldest sister's house, the eldest sister was taking her children to dry laundry outside the house.

In fact, it was her mother-in-law who originally did this. Even if the eldest sister now has two children, they are still working in the fields. In the past, when I was a child, I would work up and down with it wrapped on my back. Now the two are actually the same. The older one can already walk and run. It will be fine if you take him to the field and let him toss around as he pleases.

But there was an extra brother-in-law to take care of. The brother-in-law thought that it would be inconvenient for the eldest sister to take the children to the fields, so they took care of the children and the brother-in-law at home, doing laundry and cooking.

"A Cheng, why are you here? Xiao Liang, call me uncle."


"Hey, wait for uncle to drink some water and eat steamed buns with you."

Liu Liang, the elder sister’s eldest son, is almost three years old. Skinny and dark, children are like this these days. They were taken to the fields when they were young and exposed to the wind and sun. Children from this kind of family are really not as good as those from the Orion family. Although the children from my brother's family cannot be said to be fair, at least they are not fair. So tanned.

If Luo Cheng was not at the eldest sister's house, you were welcome. He went directly to the kitchen and poured a ladle of water into the water jar with a gourd spoon to drink. The water here is brought in wooden barrels from the stream not far away, and it has a sweet taste.

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