Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 5 Eat Meat for Sister

When Luo Cheng came, the elder sister naturally followed him into the house. When my nephew heard that there was something to eat, he followed him directly.

As for the brother-in-law from my sister's house, he is in the room. Since his lower body was paralyzed, his temper and personality have become weird. He doesn't like to talk to others, and he eats whatever food is available at home, as if everyone owes him something.

Luo Cheng had always disliked his brother-in-law. He couldn't bear to say harsh words to him several times, so he secretly took him up the mountain and fed him to the wild beasts in the mountain. But this guy wasn't afraid of Luo Cheng's intimidation before, but after Luo Cheng had to kill a criminal directly on the mountain a few months ago, he is a little more honest now that he sees Luo Cheng. It seems that even if he is paralyzed, he still doesn't want to die. He is afraid of death. Otherwise, how could he be afraid of Luo Cheng.

Knowing that his sister's brother-in-law was in the room, Luo Cheng didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

"Sister, I went up the mountain a few days ago, and mom said you didn't have enough milk, so she brought you some white-flour steamed buns for you to eat. Liangzi, uncle, give me one."

Three-year-old Liangzi didn't know how to say thank you, so she took the steamed bun and stuffed it into her mouth. My sister Luo Lan didn't even bother to stop her, but the steamed buns were originally brought by her younger brother and given by him, so it was hard to say anything.

This is the first time Luo Lan has seen such white steamed buns. It seems that thin noodles cannot make such white steamed buns. And this steamed bun can't be eaten directly as rice. Now that the family is short of food, we have to get some wild vegetables and some sweet potatoes, and then put the steamed bun in and cook them together.

"Sister, you should eat too. I brought it specially for you. You know my temper."

"Okay, I'll eat too."

Hearing Luo Cheng say such words, Luo Lan knew that it would be impossible not to eat the steamed buns. If his temper got angry and it didn't go his way, he could just throw away these white-flour steamed buns. Anyway, Luo Cheng had a very stubborn temper and was often beaten when he was a child.

Seeing that his eldest sister was also eating steamed buns, Luo Cheng found two bowls in the broken cabinet at her house and poured the rice he brought in the bowls into them.

"Sister, I'll give you something good. This can't be eaten by anyone else. I brought it specifically to replenish your health."

Luo Cheng took out the chopsticks from the cupboard again, and then opened his covered enamel cup. There were two meat and two vegetarian boxes, a fatter piece of meat, and some stir-fried beans. The few pieces of meat were considered meat. . Then there are fried bean sprouts and tofu.

Anyway, the portions of the several dishes are not large. When mixed together, it looks like a bowl, and the soup has a lot of oil and water.

"Mom, meat~~."

Even if the food is cold, in the era of lack of oil and water, people can smell something slightly meaty.

Some people say that hunters have no shortage of meat to eat, but that’s bullshit, unless they are people with really great hunting skills. If an ordinary hunter catches prey and eats it directly instead of exchanging grain for other things, then don't marry a wife and have children. It will definitely not be enough to eat. At most, if you hunt a lot, you can indeed eat more meat than the farmers.

Luo Lan was short of milk. Logically speaking, her father was an Orion, so it would be easiest to get some meat to produce milk. They did send some, but not much. Brother Luo Cheng also has two children at home, who also need to make up for it.

Luo Lan couldn't help but gulp down the piece of meat, and even three-year-old Xiao Liang screamed out.

"Where did this food come from?"

"It's all rice and steamed buns that were brought in the restaurant. It's not like you don't know that I'm not very good at cooking. Don't worry, I haven't touched the money when someone else is treating me."

Seeing Luo Cheng say this, Luo Lan took a closer look and found out that it looked like a bowl with several dishes, each one a little bit, as if a little bit of each dish had been prepared in advance.

But for this dish~~, she is now taking care of her children and washing clothes at home, without the fatigue of others going to the fields. If she is not a small child and still needs milk, she usually has to eat less than others. Even if she works hard, she can only eat thinner food.

Luo Cheng didn't stop. When his nephew wanted to eat meat, he directly used chopsticks to pinch the meat. A small piece immediately broke off, and then he stuffed it into the nephew's mouth. The nephew ate it deliciously.

"Sister, I need time to go to the mountain to see the traps early. You should eat this piece of meat quickly so that I can leave. The steamed buns come with big pieces of meat. You have nothing to say as a younger brother."

Luo Lan was a little embarrassed. There was nothing wrong with her brother being nice to her. It was rare for a person to eat such a big piece of fatty pork during the Chinese New Year. But now she is the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, and she has to think about the rest of the family. How can she eat this meat by herself? But looking at Luo Cheng's attitude, he knew that his brother also understood his temper.

There are some small pieces of meat in the bowl, which are from the stir-fried pork with beans. Luo Lan could only helplessly eat steamed buns and pieces of meat.

Don't talk about eating fatty meat early in the morning. These days, if you bring a bowl of lard, people can drink it directly. In an era when food and water were scarce, if you told people that eating meat in the morning was greasy, then you were short of food.

Seeing that my sister had finished eating a handful of meat, she didn’t force herself to eat anything else. Ask her to quickly wash the bowl and enamel cup she brought, because he is going into the mountains. That's right, just take the initiative to ask the eldest sister to wash it. In Luo Cheng's view, this is what a woman should do, even if it is her own sister. Give orders to those who need to be told. The man is the master of the house and the woman is the master of the house. This does not just mean between husband and wife.

In this era, many families are like this, from childhood to adulthood. When Luo Cheng was a child, his elder sister and younger sister had to do the housework at home, which he and his brother did not do, but they would not let women follow them when they went hunting in the mountains.

In June, there are actually a lot of wild fruits and other things on the mountains for the animals in the mountains to eat, so although there are many animals in the mountains this month, they don't run around much. Small animals are easy to catch, but traces of large animals can basically be seen at the beginning of spring or when winter is about to begin.

In other seasons, if you want to hunt larger animals, you have to go deep into the mountains. But that doesn't mean you won't get it, it just depends on luck.

Luck was very important in hunting in this era. The main reason was that hunters generally did not dare to go deep into the mountains. Many of the guns used by hunters were homemade guns or rifles. Rifles can hit farther, but are not very powerful. The earth gun is actually more powerful, but its accuracy and range are poor.

Going hunting with a gun in this era is also very risky. If you encounter wild boars or something like that, a rifle will be difficult to use, and a more powerful gun will have to be fired at a closer distance. It's dangerous if you get too close. You can't hit the vital point. Even if you hit it, if the wild boar doesn't kill you immediately, the chance of the wild boar killing you is much higher than the chance of you killing it.

Therefore, when hunting large animals, several people usually go into the mountains together to take care of them. It's more about catching the prey in the trap.

When Luo Cheng goes hunting, he basically doesn't go into the mountains unless there is no one to organize him. If traces of large animals are found, the best thing to do is to dig traps on the path. Trying your luck to get some food, thinking that you can get a big deal at any time is basically a delusion.

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