Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 42 So beautiful, you smell so good

Being a cadre in a township is actually very difficult. You basically have a big family to support. Even if someone's salary is higher and there is some ration subsidy, it is still impossible to eat rice every day. Come to attend the wedding banquet of Accountant Zhao's daughter, which can be regarded as improving the food.

It was agreed upon that each person would be given a gift of 50 cents, which was too much. It was a start. If this happens among colleagues in the future, the standard of more would have to be followed. If it’s too little, it doesn’t look good. Fifty cents can buy several kilograms of grain.

I just didn’t expect that peanuts and bird eggs would be served here. And they originally came to dinner because of Accountant Zhao's marriage to his daughter, so they all came over from get off work half an hour early, so they didn't have much time to sit and chat.

These are all polite words for some occasions. If Accountant Zhao calls Luo Cheng and his daughter to come and meet you, it will be considered as a witness. Then of course it was time to open the banquet.

Pheasants are not as fat as domesticated chickens. If you divide two chickens into three portions, the quantity is not much. Add Chinese cabbage and stew them together, and the quantity will increase. There is a large plate on the table, with Sichuan peppercorns on it, and it has a very fragrant smell.

The second dish was served quickly, but only two tables had this dish, and one table didn't have it. Pig ears, cut off from the head of a big pig, are specially used to drink wine. If there are three tables, there is one table outside for women and children. If you want pig ears.

The third dish is the pork head, which weighs about two and a half kilograms per table, and the rest is just bones.

As soon as this dish was served, the leaders in the town knew that the gift money might be gone. But they didn't expect that Accountant Zhao would marry a girl, and the man would be so tough. This dish is so good that it’s even better than entertaining the county leaders.

Followed by scrambled eggs, which are pretty good these days. If you can usually scramble an egg at home, it is considered a very good condition. The last one is ordinary green vegetables, but the banquet noodles have to have both meat and vegetables. Anyway, today's banquet noodles are considered tough for weddings in the city.

But everyone didn't expect that after serving the vegetables, in order to better accompany the wine, a stack of fried peanuts was also served to the table. Damn it, I originally planned to finish the meal served by Accountant Zhao’s married daughter and continue working in the office in the afternoon. But with this attitude, he still acts like a fool, and things happen every day in the town.

If it were not for the recent establishment of communes, the township units would not actually be very busy. So everyone tacitly drank wine and ate meat, and occasionally a peanut, which was really delicious.

But I didn’t really drink enough to stop going to work. The party was supposed to start before twelve o’clock, and ten pounds of wine. Most men drink these days. People who go hunting in the mountains drink alcohol in winter to ward off the cold, so there is no need to drink too much.

So I drank a little more, and when it was a hot day, I still had a big appetite when I drank. Don't think that leading cadres have as much fat and water in their stomachs as they do when they eat. Moreover, people in this era will not waste any food. Even the top leaders in the town will pick up the rice with chopsticks and eat it if it falls on the table.

Even though Luo Cheng prepared a lot, he didn't save even a single peanut until the end of the meal. These days, you can only ask if you are satisfied with the food. Don't ask if you are full. To say that you are full, another pot of rice will not be enough. Three pots of rice were served today, and there were more than 20 people eating at three tables. It was a matter of eating freely. How many kilograms of rice per person was like a joke. Luo Cheng can eat up a lot of the rice in the rice jar.

If the couple has leftovers of dozens of kilograms of rice and mixes it with other things, they can last for two or three months.

So when the banquet was over, Accountant Zhao just enthusiastically asked the town's leading cadres if they had eaten well. To eat well means to be satisfied.

After the meal is finished, the tables and chairs should be returned, and the dishes and chopsticks should be put away. Accountant Zhao and Luo Cheng's parents each took half of the shaved bones from the big pig's head before going back.

The house was finally clean, and only Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian were left. Zhao Qian also knew the current situation and didn't want to sit on the bed in the inner room. She wanted to sit in the living room. The main reason was that everything that needed to be cleaned was done. She wanted to find something to distract herself from her slightly nervous mood, but there seemed to be nothing left to do.

But as soon as Zhao Qian got up, she was blocked by Luo Cheng, who refused to let her go to the living room at all.

"Luo Cheng, can we talk about the conversation?"

"Sure, but let's talk in bed."

Luo Cheng had been thinking about women a lot these days. Finally, he waited for this day and walked directly to Zhao Qian, picked her up and carried her directly to the bed.

"Qian, you smell good."

Zhao Qian was directly held by Luo Cheng on the bed, and his nose was still sniffing her body.

"Luo Cheng, let's talk. Don't touch me. Is that okay at night? It's broad daylight now."

"Qian, you're sweating. Are you hot? Take off your shirt if you're hot. Look at me, I'm hot. I'll take off my shirt now."

It was summer, it was still afternoon, the two of them were hugging each other on the bed, how could they not be hot and sweaty. Luo Cheng was shameless and took off his shirt, revealing his strong body.

Zhao Qian felt that her face was hot with embarrassment. How could she take off her shirt in broad daylight.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng wasn't really in such a hurry that he insisted on it during the day. He just touched Zhao Qian's body dishonestly. And in this state, the two really started chatting.

The content of this chat was naturally about his future life plans. Zhao Qian said that he would definitely live in the city when he worked in the city in the future, and asked Luo Cheng what arrangements he planned for her.

"Qian, we just got married. I will sleep with you for a few days before I go to the city. Don't worry, your legs are so white, I will take you wherever I go."

Zhao Qian's answer was very vulgar, but it was the truth. As soon as they got married, Zhao Qian felt that the two of them would definitely sleep for a few days. It was the latter part that Zhao Qian didn't understand. She understood the meaning. He should take her to the city when the time comes, but why did he add a sentence about her legs being white? Could it be that if his legs weren't white, then he wouldn't have taken her with him.

"The butt is also easy to touch."

~~Okay, Zhao Qian understands, she just made a shameless comment. He put his hands into her clothes and touched her randomly. Her last stubbornness was not to take off her clothes and let Luo Cheng touch her.

In the end, the two of them were really hot and sweaty. They hugged each other for an hour or two in broad daylight in summer. But Luo Chengzuo said, "Qian, you are so beautiful." ’ Right sentence: ‘Qian, you smell so good. ’ But it got to the bottom of Zhao Qian’s heart. At least it meant that Luo Cheng liked her and should be kind to her.

Maybe it was because of the vulgar interaction just now that when the two of them arrived in the living room, it was natural for them to sit next to each other.

It is said that men take care of the outside and women take care of the house, but in fact, women in this era have to work outside and take care of the housework and take care of the children at home. What men call outside means that they have to make a living outside and face the things and responsibilities outside.

On the first day that Zhao Qian got married, she had to take care of the internal affairs of the family. She had to know how much rice the rice vat contained, how much money Luo Cheng had, and the various things at home.

When she asked Luo Cheng how much money he had, he didn't mean to ask Luo Cheng to take care of the money for her. It meant that if he knew how much money he had, it would be easier to plan for food and drinks. However, the commune will be established in a few days, so there is no need to worry about food.

In terms of money, Luo Cheng actually still has more than 60 yuan. Last time he sold fat meat on the black market, if he hadn't bought a jar of honey, he would have earned 30 yuan. Excluding the money for buying bowls, chopsticks, tables and stools, it was only fifty yuan originally, but now it is more.

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