Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 43 The water in the kitchen overflowed outside the door

Luo Cheng's life as an uncle began that day. The white snake in the sack in the corner of the kitchen escaped the fate of being roasted today. Luo Cheng seldom cooks and finds it more convenient to bake things. But the snake can only live for one more day at most, and tomorrow it will have to be stewed, drink snake soup and eat snake meat.

Zhao Qian didn't dare to catch the snake, but she dared to eat it. Luo Cheng only had to kill it, skin it, and then hand it to her and wait for the soup.

The rice cooked in the evening, fried eggs, and peanuts are very good.

"Why do you always look at me?"

"Why do you look so good-looking?"

While eating, Luo Cheng looked at Zhao Qian while eating. For some reason, Zhao Qian might not be as fair and tender as the women he saw on his future phone, and her clothes weren't as fashionable or anything like that, but she just looked so delicate and pretty.

Women these days have almost never been in love, so how can they be praised by men like this? And now there is no such thing as pursuit between Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian. Even if Luo Cheng doesn't praise her, she will have to live with Luo Cheng for the rest of her life. So if you don’t really think it looks good, there is no such thing as flattery.

The main point of this is that there is no need to please at all, so the compliments that are truly from the heart make Zhao Qian feel like eating honey.

This is also a special kind of love in this era. Love after marriage has no hypocrisy or plot. After marriage, if two people like each other, it may not be romantic, but it must be particularly pure.

After dinner, Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian moved stools and sat at the door. It was almost evening. The area where Luo Cheng lived was a bit deserted, but at this time, the wind could blow.

Lao Zhang's family also came to Luo Cheng to express their congratulations. Da Mao, Er Mao and San Mei all called Aunt Zhao Qian. Lao Zhang and his wife also asked Zhao Qian to call them if anything happened. From now on, they would all be neighbors and look after each other.

Zhao Qian did not expect that Luo Cheng had such a good relationship with his neighbors. It was obvious that the old Zhang family next door was sincere to Luo Cheng, and it was not a polite neighbor relationship. One look at it makes people feel that if something happens, they will really help.

The evening is coming soon. I have sweated during the day and I need to take a shower or cool down at night. In the past, Luo Cheng would just put on shorts and jump in the river not far ahead, just for a quick wash. Even if it's not very clean, it's not too dirty either. But today~~.

There was no big wooden basin at home, and Luo Cheng used turtles to occupy the old Zhang's house next door, but that didn't mean that women couldn't take a bath without a big wooden basin. Just go to the kitchen and wash it with a wooden bucket, which will easily make the floor wet. Nowadays, the floor of the house is basically a relatively hard mud floor. When water comes in, it won't immediately turn into mud, but it will be slippery.

But in summer, it dries within a few hours if it gets wet, and doesn’t need to be used overnight.

Luo Cheng wanted to help Zhao Qian take a bath. To be more precise, he wanted to see the naked woman. Zhao Qian didn't know how many times she blushed with embarrassment today, but when Luo Cheng became a gangster, she was so busy that she might not be able to wash it off. If it were later, Luo Cheng, who didn't mind the sweat on his body, might just grab her and go to bed.

Then~~the kitchen door was closed, water overflowed from the door from time to time, and Luo Cheng used the excuse of giving Zhao Qian a bath to touch her body all over.

Night is coming soon, and every night millions of girls are destined to become real women, and someone is just one of them.

Wonderful, wonderful Luo Chengdu wanted to go to the city to report in a few days and directly bring his wife with him.


It was still dark the next day, and Luo Cheng opened his eyes. He was not wearing pants, so he couldn't scratch his crotch, and there was no need to scratch it. Just hug the people around you and just hug them. It shouldn't be too hard to toss anymore.

Luo Cheng actually stayed in the future time and space for another day, but it was just a normal day of work. Now it is really inconvenient to bring things over, and it is also difficult to bring things there. I received a salary of more than 300 yuan and spent 20 yuan on box lunches. In addition, he is still not used to using the toilet. In the two days in the future, Luo Cheng still uses the toilet in the squat pit at the construction site.

Soon Zhao Qian was woken up by Luo Cheng's dishonest hand. This is the case for newlyweds. In a few years, a woman will still be able to sleep soundly even if she grabs the bowl from which her newborn baby eats.

After one night, people are very adaptable. At least Zhao Qian is no longer so shy, and the two of them can lie on the bed and chat quietly.

It was still early, so the two of them were chatting on the bed about their recent arrangements. The commune will be established in two days, and Luo Cheng is going to the city in a few days to attend to work arrangements. But the day the commune was established was the day every household took away their pots. Then go to the collective canteen to eat. The old people and children who have no labor to eat will definitely eat for free. But she, Zhao Qian, can't. If she doesn't obey the arrangements, there will definitely be restrictions.

Then before Luo Cheng completed the work, Zhao Qian's eating became a problem.

According to custom, on the third day of marriage, the woman will take her husband back to her parents' home, which is called homecoming. Etiquette should also be carried out with etiquette, but the custom has been preserved. In terms of etiquette, because everyone's life is not good, it has become casual.

Anyway, I'm going to accountant Zhao's house tomorrow, so I'll leave this issue to him.

There is still half a tank of rice left in the rice vat in the kitchen. If Luo Cheng doesn't go to work, he can do enough for the past few days. Since I won’t be able to cook for a few days, I will have to exchange the rice for money to buy daily necessities.

But it's different now. This rice can be saved and brought there when Luo Cheng settles down in the city. City people have to spend money to buy food, and there is no such thing as collectivization in the city. What is implemented is only the rural collective system in order to better arrange labor and increase food production.

Not long after chatting on the bed, Zhao Qian was about to get up and planned to make some porridge to eat and wash clothes. Luo Cheng could now live the life of an uncle at home, with someone taking care of her. However, when Zhao Qian got up, he had to help her try how to wrap it with cloth. That is, how to use Zhao Qian's bra wrap. When browsing the video on his mobile phone, many women were big. Luo Cheng thought Zhao Qian's was small. It turned out that his wife was actually not small, but the seal was not released. There will definitely be no hungry children in the future.

The matter of wrapping breasts cannot be handled well by inexperienced people, and Luo Cheng cannot handle it well except by taking advantage of it.

Someone was waiting for him, and when it was almost done, Luo Cheng was called up to have breakfast. After breakfast, Zhao Qian took her clothes and went to the river to wash them. Luo Cheng was leisurely at home, continuing to play with his rifle, thinking that instead of going to the city to work, he might organize a hunting trip in the mountains so that he could make big deals.

After playing with the gun for a while, after Zhao Qian came back, the only thing Luo Cheng had to do today was to kill and skin the snake in the sack. I still have a little leftover quail eggs from yesterday. Clean the shells and boil them directly in the snake soup. They will feel more delicious.

And just before noon, Zhao Qian was cooking in the kitchen. The clerk came from the town to formally inform everyone that the commune was to be established.

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