Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 58: Wild becomes domesticated (additional update)

The quarrel outside the house gave Luo Cheng a big headache. No matter how native he is, he still doesn't understand some words, such as where the club is. But he understood the content clearly. The person named Lili outside the house slept with others for money. And the price doesn't seem to be low. Lili looks good, but Luo Cheng's thinking is relatively conservative.

How can a woman do this? She's not dirty. No matter how beautiful she is, Luo Cheng would still despise her, but if it was free~~, bah, this era has tainted my thoughts.

But if it were the one named Xiao Fei, he might be able to pay for it.

Continuing to listen, I heard that the girl named Lili was packing her things and preparing to leave. The place where she worked provided free and gorgeous accommodation.

But Luo Cheng checked the time on his phone and realized that he had to go to the construction site to work. It’s a little embarrassing to go out at this time, but you have to make money even if you’re embarrassed.

The door slowly opened and I found the person named Xiaofei sitting in the living room without saying a word. The door of the next room is also open, and Lili is packing things in the room.

Obviously, there will be one less roommate in the future, and this person named Xiaofei will not go to work at the previous place. Then she won't have a job, and won't have to go out every day and night.

Maybe it was a coincidence that before Luo Cheng came forward, Lili walked out of the room with her suitcase. Luo Cheng was curious and took a serious look at this one named Lili. After all, it was worth so much money at a time. He wanted to take a closer look to see if he could get more money.

"Everything you look at, you've heard everything, migrant worker. I've long found you annoying, and even want to avoid you even when taking a shower. That landlord is serious about letting a migrant worker live in you."

Well, Luo Cheng didn't say anything and was already at gunpoint. However, he finally understood why both women were good-looking, but he never had a good impression of Lili, and he really felt a little unkind to Xiaofei.

To sum it up, Lili always looked at him with a look of disdain. That kind of condescending attitude made Luo Cheng, an uneducated person, unable to describe the uncomfortable feeling.

But now Luo Cheng was puzzled. He knew that Lili was on the road to selling. Why do you still look down on him? It's just money. If he gives her money, he can go to her workplace and have sex with her, even though he doesn't know where the place is. Luo Chengzhen didn't understand where this girl's sense of superiority came from.

In fact, it is normal for Luo Cheng not to understand, because in the eyes of some people, even if he plans to find someone to marry in the future. Migrant workers like Luo Cheng who work on construction sites cannot reach them. Luo Cheng didn't meet the standard of what they called an honest person. At least in Lili's eyes, he didn't even meet the standard of an honest person.

After Lili left, Luo Cheng looked at Xiaofei, thinking that he might leave here soon. But he was just a passer-by, so he could only leave awkwardly to work on the construction site. When he went out, he gently closed the door to give the other party a closed and clean space.

The incident with his roommate did not affect Luo Cheng's mood in any way, even though the girl named Lili made him unhappy when she left. But so what, Luo Cheng's current life is promising for him and he is full of energy.

A day at the construction site is not boring at all for Luo Cheng, especially since he still gets paid in the morning. He still spent noon at the construction site.

But throughout the whole day, I thought a lot about what to bring back to my own time. In addition to going to the street office to look at houses tomorrow, according to Section Chief Li, he will officially start work tomorrow. In the morning, he has to go to the Human Resources Department first, and then someone from the Human Resources Department will take him to the Logistics Department to report.

There are many departments in the logistics department, and procurement is only a category of logistics. After going to the logistics department, go to the department where he actually works, and then you will know who is responsible for Luo Cheng's work.

There are a lot of people I have to meet tomorrow. After thinking about it, I think the one I can take with me is Peanut. You can't even take melon seeds, because there are still some farmers who grow peanuts in the countryside. This kind of melon seeds, also known as sunflowers, are almost non-existent in Changshi. You have to buy non-staple food stamps.

It was not easy to take other things over. In Luo Cheng's time, he was just a person from the town below, no different from a rural person. As a newbie reporting on work, it seems most reasonable to give everyone some peanuts grown in rural areas to try, but nothing else seems to work.

So on his way back from get off work in the afternoon, Luo Cheng bought five kilograms of raw peanuts in shells. And this time when he went shopping on the old street, he saw another strange business. There were cicadas for sale, that is, cicadas. Even if they sell this, they still sell it for one dollar each.

Luo Cheng made a rough estimate. If there were a hundred or so cicadas per pound, it would cost more than one hundred yuan per pound. And when it comes to money, Luo Cheng is used to converting it into grains and rice. Damn it, one pound of cicadas can be exchanged for forty or fifty pounds of rice. It seems like another big deal to mobilize the children in your town to catch this.

However, most of the things Luo Cheng sees now are brought here from his own time to be sold, and those that can be brought back to his own time to sell can only be dealt with in the black market.

If you become a buyer, is there anything reasonable that you can purchase in your own time? Pork, no, the machinery factory is eager for you to get pork, but the source is still a problem. If you are so happy to get hundreds of kilograms of pork, how many reasonable lies will you have to tell?

However, the wild animals in the mountains are different. If you can get some game in the future time and space, or the source is difficult to verify, it will be a good choice. For example, Luo Cheng can take some of the fish in the river and take them back. The other thing is to see if I can buy some back in the future if I can't catch much prey in the mountains.

He bought peanuts and brought them home, along with some cooked food and steamed buns. He had a box lunch for dinner, and he planned to bring the cooked food and steamed buns to his own time for meals. Save the waste of food stamps to buy things in his time.

As soon as the air conditioner was turned on, Luo Cheng lay down on the bed and started checking the status of wild animals in this era on his mobile phone. Thinking about the advanced technology in this era, many ferocious beasts can be easily caught.

But the more I read the content, the more frightened I became. If I catch a wild bird, I will be imprisoned for ten years. The wild boar that harms the banker is also protected. Pangolins, that is, pangolins, are actually protected animals. He has eaten this before and it tastes delicious. Anyway, after looking at them for a long time, as long as they are wild, almost most of them cannot be eaten or caught.

If you didn’t check the wildlife situation at this time, get a pangolin and go right in. In other words, turtles, eels, rabbits, and other wild animals are not protected, and even pheasants are protected animals.

However, many species are actually raised artificially, so there is no problem, and they can be purchased in large quantities. For example, wild boars are domesticated and raised, and their wildness is gone, but they still look like wild boars, but the price is much more expensive than ordinary pork.

Of course, there are also domesticated pheasants, which retain their wild appearance, but are actually domesticated. It's a pity that even if there is a price, Luo Cheng can't buy it. He can't authenticate with his real name, so he can't buy anything online.

"It would be nice if someone could help me buy it and pay for it myself. Master Wang and the others can't do it, and no one else is suitable. The main reason is my image as a migrant worker. Whatever I want to buy will make others feel unreliable."

The period prop bicycle and wild boar meat are all what Luo Cheng wants. But as a migrant worker, if he spends 600 to 700 yuan to buy a 28-year-old or 26-year-old bicycle, people will think of him as a lunatic.

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