Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 59 Report to the Logistics Department (Additional update for the first guardian)

Wild boar meat, the domesticated kind, is not expensive, but the starting price of the pound is around 20 per pound. A whole animal is cheap, but it is still around 18 pounds.

A migrant worker spends several thousand to buy a domestic wild boar, but says that he cannot pay online. How many people can trust this person is no problem.

The only thing Luo Cheng can think of to buy more stably now is fish. The silver carp in the market costs a few yuan a pound. If he doesn't catch any suitable prey in the mountains, he can just get some fish every month to make a living.

Before class started, Luo Chengcheng had already thought of a way. From now on, it would be more convenient to travel between urban areas and towns, and it would be more convenient to carry things in both places.

At night, there was movement outside the house, coming from the kitchen. It felt like someone was cooking. And in this house, besides Luo Cheng, there is only a girl named Xiaofei. Thinking about what happened this morning, it seemed that the other party really didn't go to work, otherwise it would be impossible to leave at this point.

But this had nothing to do with Luo Cheng. He was just watching videos anyway. When he felt sleepy, he threw his phone on the bedside table and fell asleep soon.


It's getting brighter and the temperature is not too low in the early morning, just like this in summer.

Budai was taken to the future time and space by Luo Cheng yesterday. The peanuts, steamed buns and cold vegetables he bought were all put into Budai and brought back. The cold dish is placed in an enamel cup with a little cooked beef. There's no need to pay attention to the steamed buns, just put them in a cloth bag, and you won't get sick if you don't eat them cleanly.

I left the steamed buns and cold dishes in the room. Luo Cheng had directly booked a three-day stay at the guest house, so there was no problem in putting the things in the room. If you don't check out, no one cleaning will come in.

A change of clothes was also left at the guest house, and only peanuts were left in Luo Cheng's bag.

I simply washed up. The hostel provided a washbasin and hot water. However, the hot water was not used and I was too lazy to use the washbasin. I just washed my face in the pool in the corridor outside.

This morning, there are so many people on the urban roads, young people going to work, and aunts and uncles going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Luo Cheng remembered the road and walked slowly to the door of the machinery factory almost there.

However, all workers here have work clothes. Even those who do not wear work clothes occasionally have special circumstances and have work permits to enter the factory.

"What are you doing? This is a factory. No idlers are allowed in."

"I'm here to report. I registered at the factory yesterday. This is proof."

Luo Cheng, wearing such obvious clothing, was naturally blocked at the door immediately, and the person who stopped him was not the person on duty at noon yesterday.

"Oh, that's good. I'm from the logistics department, and I'm still a regular worker."

After seeing Luo Cheng's proof, the expression of the security guard who stopped him changed quickly. Although it doesn't say what Luo Cheng does in the logistics department, in any factory, don't offend anyone but the logistics department. Moreover, the personnel department issued a certificate to Luo Cheng as a regular worker, which meant that he had an iron job as soon as he arrived, which was incomparable to apprentices and temporary workers.

The security guard was polite, and Luo Cheng followed suit, seeing that there was another person on duty in the security room. Luo Cheng grabbed a small handful of peanuts for each of them. It was still early, so Luo Cheng chatted for a while at the doorman.

The conversation didn't last long, and Luo Cheng also learned some information. The security guard who stopped him just now was named Wang De. Generally, most of the people who can join the Security Section are veterans or people transferred from the local public security system. Nowadays, many people who work in the police or the armed forces prefer to work in factories and companies if they have the opportunity. The benefits of working in companies are much better than those in local units.

Wang De became a security guard because of his connections. His connection was not with the machine factory, but with his uncle, the deputy director of the regional police station.

As for why he told Luo Cheng this at the first meeting, it was because Luo Cheng said that he would be assigned to the purchasing department in the logistics department. When Wang De heard that it was the purchasing department, his eyes lit up. He told him his background and hoped that if Luo Cheng had the opportunity, he would help him with purchasing.

"Brother, if you can take care of our security department in the future, I guarantee that you can walk sideways in our factory."

"I haven't officially joined the job yet. If there is a chance, don't worry, we will take care of each other."

Luo Cheng responded, are the people in the security department so direct, or is it just the person in front of him who is so direct. The other person is much calmer, but if what Wang De said is true, his uncle is the deputy director. It doesn't matter whether he can walk sideways in the machinery factory, but he must be very good in his town.

Longjin Town only has security officers, who are part of the militia of the Ministry of Armed Forces and are not considered civilian police. For a regional deputy director in an urban area to go to the villages and towns below, that is really not a small official.

Without staying at the guard's office for too long, as it proved that he had checked it anyway, Luo Cheng went to the factory and went to the human resources department of the office building. Peanuts open the way, no problem if there are too many, just a handful per person.

When Section Chief Li saw Luo Cheng coming, he didn't bother the others below. He took Luo Cheng directly to the logistics department to report. The director of the logistics department is named Sun Shangjin. In a factory, don't underestimate the logistics department. Those who manage logistics can usually be ranked among the top five in the factory.

If there is a vacancy for the deputy director, the person in charge of the logistics department will basically be the first in line to fill it. Even if the factory director is transferred and leaves for some reason, the director of the logistics department is eligible to compete with the deputy factory director for the position of factory director.

Director Sun looked at the people brought by Section Chief Li and felt curious. The logistics department is responsible for many things, ranging from material procurement to the sanitation of factory toilets. It's normal for one or two new employees to come in, but if Section Chief Li can bring them here in person, they usually won't be ordinary people.

Moreover, the person he brought was not dressed like a city dweller. After asking Section Chief Li about his situation, he was really from the countryside. This also made Director Sun curious. How could a person from the town get into the machinery factory, and he could directly become a full-time worker, not an apprentice or temporary worker.

"Chief Li, what is this person's condition and who is he related to?"

Director Sun glanced at Section Chief Li, and the two walked aside before asking in a low voice.

"Engineer Dai Tiande brought it here yesterday and took it directly to Factory Director Zhou's office. But it's not because of Dai Dai who left. He came in with a letter of introduction. Factory Manager Zhou asked me to go over and arrange it for him. What's the specifics? I didn’t ask about the situation in detail. But yesterday I took him to the local personnel bureau~ @…… # …….”

Section Chief Li talked about Luo Cheng's certificate application at the Personnel Bureau yesterday. The phone number left on the letter of introduction must not be simple, otherwise it would be related to the transfer of rural household registration to urban household registration. It would not be done so quickly.

And yesterday in the factory director's office, it was revealed that the job position was actually chosen by Luo Cheng at will. Unlike some veterans who hold job introduction letters from the army, they are subject to the arrangements of the factory and cannot do whatever they want.

"Okay, when we get to my logistics department, we will find out sooner or later what the origin is. But why did this kid choose a job as a material purchaser? It looks great, but if he can't purchase things, it will be thankless."

"He chose it himself, but the factory director promised that if he feels uncomfortable after one month, he can be given a chance to change jobs."

"It seems that the person who introduced him here is tough enough, and Director Zhou is so tolerant. But if this guy chooses to be a buyer, if he really has connections behind him and can get supplies, that would be really good. Liu Yong's ability is It’s getting worse and worse.”

Director Sun said, the person in charge of purchasing is not afraid that you have connections, but that you have no connections. It doesn't matter, but you still choose to purchase materials. That's really stupid. Even if you go to the countryside to purchase, farmers are just more honest, not stupid. If you don't have a bill to give people, just give them money, and those with a little more flexibility will be like the black market, and what they can collect is very limited. If he doesn't last long, he will take the initiative to change positions for buyers with no resources even if he doesn't apply for transfer.

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