Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 75 Too Young to Realize

There is a large canteen in the factory. You can go get food and eat it back, or you can eat in the canteen.

But generally those who eat in the canteen are front-line workers. They work in the workshop and don’t have stools to sit on, so they sit and eat in the canteen. People who work in the office building basically prepare meals and go back to the office to eat, because everyone has stools to sit on in the office.

But here comes the problem. Luo Cheng doesn't have meal tickets from the canteen. He has to exchange food stamps for his meal tickets. When eating in the factory cafeteria, you eat in your own quota, and you can only exchange for as many food stamps as you have.

"Ronald, do you want to go home for dinner or go to the cafeteria? You just came today and have exchanged your meal ticket."

"I'll go back to eat later."

The people who spoke to Luo Cheng this time were not people from his purchasing team, but people from the purchasing department. If someone asked someone kindly, they would have to respond.

Luo Cheng doesn't have many food stamps left, mainly because he doesn't reward many kilograms of food stamps. It seems that there are many food stamps, which are a few taels, half a catty, and the maximum face value is only one catty. He calculated at first that it was only fifteen kilograms. With these food stamps, Luo Cheng gave his sister two kilograms, and his parents took half of it.

If I eat a steamed bun by myself, I will use up more than 8 taels in one go, and I won’t be able to eat the rest more than a few times. When I registered at the sub-district office two days ago, I was told that I would receive a grain book today, but I didn’t ask how I would give it. Should I go to the sub-district office to get it myself, or would someone send it to his home? He planned to go to the street office to ask.

"On your first day at work, you should try the craftsmanship of the canteen master of our machinery factory. If you don't have a meal ticket, as someone from the same department, I'll treat you at noon. Come on, you're welcome. Take your lunch box to the canteen."

"Then~~I'll treat you when I change my meal ticket next time."

Luo Cheng was not a very polite person, and his colleagues were very nice, so he invited them to dinner even though they were not familiar with them.

After grabbing two aluminum lunch boxes and spoons, Luo Cheng followed his enthusiastic colleagues to see the canteen of the machinery factory.

Little did he know that as soon as Luo Cheng left, a few people in the purchasing department who hadn't left to eat were muttering behind their backs that Lao Zhang was really quick in his actions.

Everyone eats a ration. To be honest, a meal doesn't cost much, and a vegetarian dish in the canteen only costs a few cents. Just like Chinese cabbage, the canteen can sell it for two cents at most, because the Chinese cabbage in the market only costs one cent per pound, and the seasoning required for cooking in the canteen also costs one cent.

Even if a pound of cabbage is fried, it will cost no more than two cents at most, but it is impossible for a vegetable picker to give you a pound of vegetables. A pound of processed cabbage can actually be sold for about five cents.

This is true for many vegetables. Regardless of how much they cost, as long as there are more workers in the factory, there is a lot of profit. Treating someone to a meal costs only 10 cents for the main meal and 15 cents for two vegetarian dishes. So the money spent on treating guests to dinner is nothing, the main thing is to ask for meal tickets. Meal stamps are exchanged for food stamps.

The person who took the initiative to greet Luo Cheng was Zhang Fan, who was in the material procurement team. The machinery factory needed various types of steel materials and accessories, and his team was in charge. Their team does not have many people, mainly because the machinery factory itself has a procurement quota for steel materials.

Those who have the connections to get extra steel these days can no longer just be a buyer at a machinery factory. For people like Zhang Fan, it's okay if they can request the goods in advance.

"Xiao Luo, if you apply to go to the township, talk to Brother Zhang. I won't find out how you can get anything good."

"Brother Zhang, it's hard to say. I went back to town to organize people to go hunting in the mountains. But this season, bird eggs and fish are easy to get."

"Bird eggs and fish, good stuff. You see, we are in the same department. Can you help me get some privately? I have an old man and a young man at home, and he is short of nutrients. Don't worry about the money. You have the final say. .”

Luo Cheng looked at three steamed buns, one portion of cabbage and one portion of potatoes in the lunch box. Now that I understand what my colleague Zhang Fan means, I really thought that colleagues all get along with each other in such a warm manner.

If you make friends honestly and treat Luo Cheng well, he may miss it even if the other party doesn't mention it. But in this case, he didn't eat his meal in vain. He nodded and promised Zhang Fan to bring him something when he came back.

It seems that the unreasonable food in this unit cannot be eaten indiscriminately in the future. In fact, people like Wang De from the security department are more direct in their requests, and Luo Cheng also likes this kind of temperament.

Luo Cheng also didn't expect that what Zhang Fan invited was steamed buns. The cafeteria had white-flour steamed buns and rice. But when ordering the staple food, Zhang Fan directly asked him how many steamed buns he wanted. He was embarrassed to ask for steamed buns.

In fact, it's hard to say that Zhang Fan couldn't bear to treat him to steamed buns and rice. The ration for one person is about thirty kilograms, and these thirty kilograms of grain are divided into coarse and fine grains. You can buy at most 30% of the fine grain rice and 70% of the coarse grain.

And if you don't buy food, you will take out the ration from the book, and the food stamps will be divided into thick and thin food stamps. It's just that coarse grains are not called coarse grain stamps, but noodles stamps. The noodles here do not refer to flour, but to stick noodles.

Wowotou is more fragrant than wild vegetable dumplings, but it is made from stick noodles, so the taste is not that good. But I have to say that the fried cabbage and potatoes in the cafeteria taste good. Although they are not as oily and watery as the dishes sold in future time and space, they are quite refreshing.

Luo Cheng's mouth was not so naughty that he couldn't eat the steamed buns, but if it was before, he could wolf down these three steamed buns, and five or six more would be no problem. Now it’s enough to have three meanings at once, and it has to be eaten with vegetables. In the past, it tasted delicious without any vegetables.

After dinner, you can take a walk and go to work at 1:30. Many front-line workers would find a corner to lie down and take a break. At noon, the radio station in the factory would play some songs from this era or report on some events, which was quite relaxing.

As for the Purchasing Department, there is no difference between working time and rest time, just chatting. Welfare workers, eight members of the factory, would really be enviable if they didn't have assigned tasks.

Read the newspaper, chat about interesting things about going out, and brag. If that doesn't work, let's talk about a flower in the factory, broadcaster Wang Xiaoli. There are also nurses in the infirmary who take off their pants to give people an injection and pull up half of their buttocks. When they are sick one day and go for an injection, they take off their pants directly to the top of their thighs and expose their balls to see if the nurse is shy.

"Hey, Luo Cheng, your work permit says you were born in 1940. I thought you looked young, but I didn't expect you are only 18 years old. Are you really getting married?"

"Brother Zhou, people in towns and rural areas get married early, but I am relatively late in the countryside. Many people get married at the age of sixteen and have children."

"Then you can't get a marriage license at your age."

"That kind of thing is not popular in rural areas. It just needs someone to witness it."

"That's right. The street office has arranged a house for you in the West Entrance Alley?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"What a great place. You should let your wife continue to live in the town. Let me tell you, it's% @% @^! near you. Do you understand~~"

"Ah~~, Brother Zhou, it's enough for you to have a wife, but you still need money~. Isn't that what women do?"

"You are too young to explain to you, and you are not enlightened. But if you live in the countryside, if you are enlightened in this area, I heard that there are many widows in the countryside, haha."

"There are many widows, but there are also many men who have lost their wives."

When it comes to the number of widows in rural areas, Luo Cheng has a say. Rural people always like to resist when they have a high fever or cold. It is normal for people to often resist other diseases and lose their resistance. Especially men, more people die from illness than women. And women are prone to have babies and have difficult labor and so on.

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