Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 76 Obtained the book

Sometimes you fight a cold, and the cold is gone, but you still have a cough. People cough and do heavy work in the fields without taking care of themselves. Then I coughed and coughed, and I was bedridden for a few years, and it was hard to go to the hospital. The old man next to me said that in the past, this disease could be cured by eating steamed buns with human blood. Now, even if someone beheads you, you will not be allowed to dip your head in steamed buns, saying you are feudal.

Colleague Zhou Lin said that Luo Cheng didn't understand. Luo Cheng didn't understand what he meant. He went to the countryside to do shopping. Why did he involve the widow?

However, Zhou Lin was a nice person and heard that Luo Cheng had not received his book yet and could not buy briquettes, and Luo Cheng also planned to mix briquettes with firewood. He took out a briquette ticket directly from his pocket and gave it to Luo Cheng, a fifty-pound briquette ticket. If you want to burn firewood, you don’t have to go to the suburbs to pick it up.

If you are willing to spend some money, Zhou Lin can help contact the lumber factory. He has connections. The wood chips from the lumber factory are also the kind with bark. They will deliver them to your home for a few cents per truckload. It's like earning money to load a pallet truck, and the wood chips are given away for free.

While chatting, it was time to go to work in the afternoon soon. It was obvious that there were a few fewer people in the purchasing department in the afternoon, and Team Leader Liu also planned to go out to a certain factory to see if he could 'require' something.

"Luo Cheng, aren't you going to town tomorrow? Don't forget that the Human Resources Department asked you to take photos. Fill out the attendance form and treat it like you are out running errands with me. After you leave the machine factory, go and do your work. Just mind your own business.”

Hey, Team Leader Liu is very kind, so Luo Cheng happily agreed. This attendance sheet is an internal form for the department and does not need to be stamped by the Human Resources Department. However, department team members must sign and approve before they go out to do business.

After filling out the form, Luo Cheng and Team Leader Liu left the factory together. The form was handed over to the colleague at the gate in the security department. During working hours, you can't just go out if you want. If workers want to go out, they can't go out without approval from the department.

Although buyers go out a lot, they are actually just ordinary clerks, and their salary is basically the same as that of first-level formal workers. If you have to go out to do errands during work hours, you need this attendance sheet.

After leaving the house, Luo Cheng separated from Team Leader Liu and walked for half an hour just to take a photo. There are buses in Chang City now, but there are few routes. The bus body and seats and stools are all made of wood. And the power still relies on burning charcoal. Not many people can sit at one time.

Not many people come to take photos. Basically, they come to take photos only after applying for documents. So Luo Cheng also took the photos quickly, but it was not easy to get the photos. They used film, and the photos would not be developed until the roll of film was finished. So you have to wait, but you can fill in your address, whether it is your home address or work address, and they will send it to you after it is washed.

Luo paid the transaction, and the photo studio also issued him a receipt, filling in the address of the purchasing department of the machinery factory.

After taking this photo, Luo Cheng still has something to do today, which is to go to the street office to inquire about household registration and books. Even though I had been running back and forth on the road this afternoon, fortunately, people these days have strong legs. If you don't carry anything with you, you won't feel tired after walking for several hours.

Five or five years ago, everyone still used the first edition of large denomination currency, and at that time no additional bills were required to buy things. Buying and selling things was also allowed. At that time, many people would pick up things to sell in the county. It was normal to walk for nearly an hour without stopping while picking up things.

When Luo Cheng arrived at the subdistrict office, there was a wall clock inside, and it was already past four o'clock. I asked about the certificate at the sub-district office and it was already done for Luo Cheng. If he didn't come today, someone would be arranged to send it to him later. The service of the sub-district office is really good these days.

The grain book you have received now can be used to buy grain at the grain store, but it is also calculated based on the day Luo Cheng registered the day before yesterday, and it cannot be collected for one month. The same goes for the non-staple food allowance, which also deducts the days that Luo has not received the allowance this month.

When buying groceries and other things, you have to use a non-staple food book to buy them. For example, cabbage is graded. First- and second-level cabbages are very good and are limited in supply. You have to use a non-staple food book to buy them. You can buy whatever you want, there is no limit. In addition, oil and some sesame paste are all rationed in the non-staple food book.

In addition to the grain and non-staple food books, Luo Cheng also received a "Resident Coal Purchase Certificate". This is calculated based on the registered population, which is 35 kilograms per person per month. Luo Cheng is the only one who has a household registration in the urban area. Even if Zhao Qian comes to live here, she cannot get Luo Cheng's household registration because she has a rural household registration.

Living in the city, many things naturally restrict rural people. The children's household registration now follows their mother. That is to say, after Zhao Qian gives birth to a child, Luo Cheng is still only one person in the urban household registration.

If an ordinary worker marries a woman from the countryside and has a child. The ration is not enough, the coal is not enough, and there will even be various shortages in the future.

This is why even if there are a few good-looking women in rural areas, it is difficult to marry in the city. There are too many inconvenient factors in life.

"If I go back and tell Qian that I don't want her anymore, unless~~, hehe~~. Forget it, it's better not to scare her. I am also a down-to-earth person, so don't make random jokes."

I carefully put away all kinds of documents and put away some messy thoughts. Luo Cheng thanked the staff here and went home happily. On the way, he spent six taels of food stamps and bought four vegetarian steamed buns. To buy steamed buns, you need eight taels of food stamps. In terms of price, steamed buns and steamed buns are the same price. But buns use less flour, and vegetables are much cheaper than flour. Therefore, vegetarian buns and steamed buns have the same price, which is equivalent to selling cabbage for the price of flour.

When we returned to Xikou Hutong, there were still a group of children playing. It was like this during the summer vacation. It was not like in the countryside, where the older children had to help with the work.

Today there is no boring game about whether vegetarian buns are delicious or not. There are only four buns and I can’t even eat enough. I still have to remember to bring some food from the future.

However, when passing by the alley, the person named Yaya politely called Luo Cheng uncle yesterday. So I tore a small piece of bun noodles and gave it to her. He was not as good-looking as the grandson of Dai Tiande's family. He was an eccentric but polite child who was also lovable.

Entering the yard, many people were seen wearing work clothes, and many people came up to say hello. It is an honor to be a worker and have a job these days. Luo Cheng is really envied by many people when he puts on his work clothes. Although basically every household that can live in this compound has one person who works, but most of them only have one person, and there are very few who work both ways.

Those with dual incomes basically live in the backyard. The best house in the front yard is where Luo Cheng lives now, and the one where Uncle Wu lives, which used to be a guest room. But in addition to the main house in the backyard, the side rooms on both sides are wing rooms. If it is a large family, the wing rooms are occupied by the aunt and concubines.

Even if the size is not necessarily larger than the guest room, some of the decorations and furnishings in the past are definitely better than the guest room. However, after liberation, everything that could be demolished inside the rooms was basically demolished, regardless of the front and back yards.

Luo Cheng also felt quite happy to be complimented by his neighbor. But they were all older aunts and uncles, and no one’s daughter-in-law came to talk to them.

After agreeing for a while, Luo Cheng returned to his home. He changed into the new clothes he bought at the supply and marketing cooperative today and an extra set of work clothes. He threw them on the bed and lay down on them.

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