Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 85 Steamed Buns for Cicadas

He checked on his mobile phone whether he could rise in the air by stepping on his left foot and his right foot. The uneducated Luo Cheng took a long time to figure out the theory of relativity of a simple force.

From a mechanical perspective, when the left foot steps on the right foot, it will definitely gain upward force. But when the right foot is stepped on, the right side gets a sinking force, which cancels each other out. The result is that the right foot will be stepped on and swollen.

But at the same time, we also came to the conclusion that after you take off, if there is a force-bearing object in the air, you can continue to use the force to take off and rise. And someone gave a video as evidence - jumping up the stairs.

Damn it, the more you know, the less passionate you are about watching martial arts movies. Luo Cheng started watching anti-Japanese dramas again.

The day passed quickly. Liu Xiaofei cooked more rice in the evening, which made Luo Cheng feel that it was really good to cook at home.

At night, the rain outside the house seemed to have stopped. Luo Cheng set the alarm clock on his mobile phone before falling asleep peacefully.


Feeling the movement on his arm, Luo Cheng woke up. Zhao Qian was lying in his arms, also awake.

Zhao Qian has been working as a day clerk for several days, and she has to get up early every day to report to the brigade. She thought she would quit this job and have a good sleep, but the next day, she arrived at about the same time as usual. I woke up before it was even brighter.

"Wake up, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

"What is there for breakfast in the cafeteria now?"

"Usually it's vegetable porridge, but now the porridge is very thin, just like rice soup."

"It's only been a few days. When I first started, there was still batter in the morning."

"It would be nice to have something to drink in the morning. Before the canteen was established, there were a few that served three meals a day."

Luo Cheng reached under Zhao Qian's waist, grabbed her butt and hugged her whole body. He liked the feeling of being pressed by his wife. Of course, it's a matter of being honest. After eating a bowl of vegetable porridge, I'm afraid it's almost gone after you pee.

But for many people, it's better than nothing. If you don't drink this, you still have to do the same job.

"Let me hold you for a while. I won't eat the breakfast in the cafeteria. There are a few steamed buns left from yesterday. I'm hungry. I'll get some hot water later and make some steamed buns to eat."

"Then just lie down for a while. You have to go to the cafeteria early to get hot water. If it's too late, it will be gone."

Luo Cheng nodded, but he only lay down for a while before Zhao Qian struggled to get up.

"You are being dishonest. I'm going to get hot water. If you don't want to move, just lie down at home."

"How dishonest, normal men are like this."

Zhao Qian got up and put on her clothes. Men's things can become bigger and smaller. She knew what would happen if she lay down again.

Luo Cheng continued to lie down for a while, and when his wife went out with the hot water bottle, he also got up. The clothes washed yesterday have been dried and can be worn. Luo Cheng is not wearing the factory work clothes, but is wearing a shirt bought by the supply and marketing cooperative. I feel like this white dress is more comfortable to wear in hot weather.

Sitting at the door, the temperature is not low in the morning now, but there is wind here morning and evening where Luo Cheng lives, and the blowing is still very comfortable. None of the neighbor Lao Zhang's family was here. Lao Zhang and his wife must have gone to work in the fields, and the three children might have gone to the canteen.

Sure enough, not long after, before Zhao Qian came back, Da Mao came back with Ermao and Sanmei. Seeing Luo Cheng sitting at the door, they all ran over to say hello to him.

It is early in the morning now, and the cicadas on the trees have begun to sing.

"Da Mao, go call two people and help me catch some cicadas. Just tell me to trade them with steamed buns, and exchange twenty cicadas for half a steamed bun. Don't call more people, and I'll trade them for two steamed buns."

Twenty cicadas are exchanged for half a steamed bun. Although it is not easy for people nowadays to catch cicadas. There are no net bags. If you want to climb mountains, you have to catch them by hand, which requires fast hands. But now there are so many cicadas on trees, and you can find a few on any tree.

For children, it is cost-effective to catch them for half a day to earn half a steamed bun. What Luo Cheng gave them were white-flour steamed buns, not half a steamed bun. In fact, even if they were given half a steamed bun, there would still be people willing to catch them.

Knowing this thing, children actually know how to bake it over a fire and eat it, but that's just one way of doing it. Luo Cheng has also roasted cicadas. The cicadas will be cooked after roasting for a while. The simple way is to find some straw, wrap the cicadas in it, and light a fire. Once the straw is burned, the cicadas can be eaten. But there is only a little bit of meat in the chest and abdomen. The taste is fragrant, but there is really little meat.

But thinking that a cicada could be sold for one yuan in the future time and space made Luo Cheng suddenly want to eat it again. I don’t know how people who forgot to check future time and space eat cicadas like this. Anyway, people in Luo Cheng’s generation basically only eat roasted food, and he has never seen other food.

In fact, in this era, besides using hands, there is another way to catch cicadas, which can catch a lot. Find a larger tree branch that looks like a slingshot, and then wrap a lot of spider webs around it. It's a waste of time to collect the spider webs, but once you get them out, it's a really magical tool for catching cicadas and dragonflies. Basically, you just need to touch them to get them. . The wings of dragonflies and cicadas are very thin and difficult to break off.

Not long after, Zhao Qian came back, carrying a hot water bottle.

"Luo Cheng, I had breakfast in the cafeteria, which was vegetable porridge. There was still a little bit left in time when I went there. The hot water has been brought back. You want to make steamed buns to eat."

"I'm not hungry. Let Da Mao call for people to catch cicadas. I'll bake some cicadas later."

When Zhao Qian heard that Luo Cheng was going to bake cicadas instead of steamed buns, her first reaction was that her man was like a child. Nowadays, a few adults go to catch cicadas to eat. They usually catch a few cicadas just to amuse the children. In the past, when the fire was still available for cooking at home, they would pile them up by the stove and then pull them out after a while for the children to eat and play with. of.

"Auntie, my domineering uncle said he would exchange steamed buns for cicadas, so my brother also went to catch them."

Er Mao suddenly said to Zhao Qian on the side, Luo Cheng did not expect to be stabbed in the back by someone wearing crotchless pants. These days, if you trade steamed buns for cicadas, people may think you are stupid.

Zhao Qian shook her head slightly, this was her man, not her son. In the future, when I give birth to a son, if he trades steamed buns for cicadas, he will definitely take off his pants and get beaten.

"Uh~~~, auntie, uncle domineering, he's playing with me."

"Ermao, why did he play with you? Luo Cheng, why did you make him cry?"

"Here, Uncle Domineering used to play with me here."

This~~, Zhao Qian looked at the place where Er Mao was shot, and didn't know what to say. Her man was really not upright.

However, Luo Cheng made a measured move. It was just that the thing didn't bear any force and it only seemed to hurt. In fact, he didn't use much force. Er Mao stopped crying after crying for a while, and Luo Cheng promised to give some baked cicadas to him and San Mei.

The sun was rising quite high, and Da Mao came with two boys about his age. They were all bare-chested, and their clothes were all used to show off their cicadas. Before the clothes were opened, I heard the cicada's constant screams.

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