Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 86 Ronaldinho, you have a lot of energy after drinking.

Luo Cheng took a wooden basin and asked them to pluck out the cicada's wings and throw them into the basin. According to what he said at the beginning, twenty steamed buns can be exchanged for half a steamed bun, and two steamed buns can be exchanged for eighty steamed buns. Luo Cheng didn't count them in detail, but he felt that it was about the same.

I gave two steamed buns to Da Mao and asked him to share them. I don’t know how Da Mao shared them with them. Anyway, Er Mao and San Mei also ate some.

Luo Cheng asked Da Mao to get some rice straw, and he simply lit the rice straw and threw the cicadas in. More than eighty cicadas actually weigh less than a pound. If you remove the uneatable head and outer shell, the meat of one cicada weighs as much as a peanut, which is pretty good.

After the rice straw is burned, only a small black cicada remains, and the head falls off with just a touch. The outer shell is also charred, and the body can be broken open with a little force. The meat inside is white, a bit like chicken, with every trace of meat. It tastes delicious, but it’s too laborious.

Such things cost one yuan each. Even if it was money from the future era, Luo Cheng would not buy it. But you can sell it at a low price, or if you don’t know how to get it, go ask the restaurants if they want eels, loaches, turtles, and cicadas. Now that my wife is at home, it is really difficult to take things to the future time and space.

This cicada was just for fun. Luo Cheng asked Damao and the others to eat too, and Zhao Qian also tasted a few. These days, most people are willing to eat anything they can.

And at about ten o'clock, Accountant Zhao came. Why do you know it's past ten o'clock? Because there is a wall clock in the commune, and Accountant Zhao came early after checking the time.

When I came to Luo Cheng, I told them that four people would come at noon. The secretary, the deputy mayor, the head of the finance department, and the deputy captain who was elected a few days ago. Hunting is not a matter of food production. This organization organizes some people to go into the mountains to hunt. Whether they catch prey or not, they have to calculate their work points for those who go into the mountains.

Now everyone eats in the canteen. Luo Cheng said that he would invite the leaders to drink and eat meat. That would really be drinking and eating meat, and there would be no food to eat. Accountant Zhao came over in advance, firstly to ask Luo Cheng to prepare, and secondly, everyone went to the canteen to get food. The food in the canteen is free now, and you won't be able to eat an extra portion in the evening or the next day just because you didn't eat at lunch today.

This means that Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian should also queue up to get a meal. Going to the cafeteria to eat would not conflict with Luo Cheng's treat of wine and meat.

This dish was already on the plate yesterday. Except for the peanuts, which are still wrapped in oil paper, there is no other preparation required. Since the town leaders came to Luo Cheng for a drink at noon, the matter was basically settled, and the specific regulations could be finalized at the dinner table.

On the way to the canteen, Accountant Zhao also said that Luo Cheng's matter was basically fine, even as he was the accountant of the commune. Maybe when I went to Changshi for settlement, I arranged for him to go there.

As for asking the machinery factory to give Luo Cheng a few hundred yuan and let him go to the towns below to buy things, that is impossible. It is possible for people from local purchasing stations to go to towns and villages to bring some purchasing funds, because the prices for the things they purchase are basically fixed, and there is no deliberate lowering of prices. You can basically bring back as much goods as you spend.

And Luo Cheng is the purchasing department of the factory. If he collects some eggs or something from an individual, he won't be able to make much money. When buying a lot of things, if it is for the public, such as through the commune, Luo Cheng can go back to the machinery factory and ask someone from the finance department to come here to pay, or he can take someone from the commune to the factory to settle the bill.

But there is absolutely no way to give Luo Cheng a huge sum of hundreds of dollars and ask him to go to the villages and towns to make purchases.

If Luo Cheng said that he had special channels to obtain supplies and asked the Finance Department to give him money directly, that would also be a recipe for death. The machinery factory will 100% not want materials from unknown sources. If Luo Cheng violates the rules and regulations, basically none of the people involved in this matter will be able to escape.

So I went back to the machinery factory with some small things, and Luo Cheng's job as a buyer was completed. If he gets some "hard to explain" things and takes care of his colleagues in private, Luo Cheng's life in the machinery factory will definitely be easier.

In the cafeteria, Luo Cheng and the others also waited for a while before getting their meals. What they ate today was better than yesterday. It was still batter and sweet potato porridge, but each of them was given a big steamed bun. The rice in the fields was harvested a few days ago. It will be mid-July soon, and the ground must be plowed. After plowing, water must be stored for sowing and transplanting. These things need to be completed before the end of July, so the current capacity of the canteen is based on the labor intensity. Today, we added an extra steamed bun. Just this one wowotou, the elderly and children who have no labor force can only eat half of it.

After all the rice is planted, the cafeteria will have to lower its standards again. Anyway, if you eat freely, it will definitely not be enough. And the commune leaders said that as long as there is a bumper harvest in autumn, everyone will only eat better and better in the future.

It's just that many rural grain growers feel that something is wrong this year. In the past, it should have rained frequently during this month. The soil in the field should be soft and easy to plow. Although it didn't rain for many days last time, the amount of rain was small and it stopped after a while. Now we have to plant rice and organize people to go to canals and rivers to get water.

After returning home, Luo Cheng gave Zhao Qian some pieces of roast duck and pig head meat, and asked her to eat in the inner room. Men need to discuss things at the table, and it is not good for a woman to sit at the table. Even if Luo Cheng doesn't let Zhao Qian go to the inner room to eat, I'm afraid her father, Accountant Zhao, will call her in if he sees it.

Accountant Zhao and others basically came to Luo Cheng's side. Except for the deputy captain who was elected after the establishment of the commune, everyone else came to Luo Cheng's house for dinner for the second time. When they saw Luo Cheng, they were not as angry as last time, and Accountant Zhao also called Zhao Qian out to say hello to everyone, and then asked her to go back to the inner room for dinner.

"Old Zhao's son-in-law is indeed a capable person. He makes such good food to go with wine. Today, Lao Zhang went to the county seat and did not have such a good fortune."

"Secretary Wang, Mayor Zhang is going to the county seat. There are people in the county who are entertaining him, so he deserves this one."

"The county entertains~~, the entertainment is nothing. What kind of entertainment can the people below us get when we go to the county? Let alone drinking, it is good if we can have a piece of meat to eat. At most, the meal is better than us, we drink batter, he I can eat rice.”

There was no need for Luo Cheng to entertain them, everyone who came was seated according to their directions, and the person sitting there must be Secretary Wang, who was in charge in the town. I originally called the mayor, but recently it was the month when new grain was to be planted, and the county officials above happened to call me to a meeting.

And the secretary is right, only people from above will be entertained if they come below. The people down here go to the upper level for meetings and errands, so you are arranged to have a meal in the unit canteen. It is impossible to run a small stove alone.

Just~~, the six people on the table looked at the dishes on the table. According to the old way of having a banquet, you must drink wine and eat vegetables first, and then eat to fill your stomach when you are almost done drinking. But now everyone has a bowl of battery sweet potato porridge in front of them, and they don’t know what to eat first.

"Little Luo, this wine should be the same as last time. I drank it last time and your wine has a strong stamina. Let's rest our stomachs today and eat first before drinking."

Again, Secretary Wang speaks first, so everyone should co-write. If he is the secretary, and he wants to drink first and then eat, everyone will listen to him.

But Secretary Wang's words made Luo Cheng think of something. He had followed his father into the mountains for hunting before, and he naturally drank with him in winter. It seems that the wine he brought from the future time and space is indeed better than what he drank in his own time. This wine is strong enough, but after drinking it, when I'm tipsy, it seems like it's missing something.

"Is it because the wine he bought was too cheap? The last time he bought wine, he passed by a certain store, and he was told to drink bulk wine instead of buying barreled wine. He should buy the kind with a big tank. How many kilograms does it cost? That kind of thing. Forget it, let’s drink it today and check this wine when we go back to see what’s special about it.”

Luo Cheng ate the batter and muttered in his heart for a while, thinking that since the supermarket was selling wine, there shouldn't be any problems. Anyway, I brought ten kilograms with me, and I already drank three or four kilograms yesterday. Now there are six people, and each person only drinks more than one kilogram on average. Everyone has a pretty good drinking capacity these days, and a pound or more should be just enough for everyone to drink.

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